As for that, neither is there any excuse for ever disposing of what is left of the morning cereal except to the advantage of some later made dish, or of consigning meat scraps or bits of fat or even bones to the garbage pail.
A neglected sink or garbage pail may be a fruitful source of disease, in addition to attracting water-bugs and other pests.
The garbage pail should be emptied and washed every day, and carefully scalded once or twice a week.
And whilst thegarbage broils, they pray T'escape a broken pate that day.
The municipal garbage plant (destructor) collects and reduces to fertilizer 100 tons of garbageper day.
The municipality owns the water-works, a small electric-light plant, the garbage plant and bath houses.
And then---- "Who ever saw ghosts carrying garbage cans before?
It is the chef and his two assistants who have got up to dump the garbage on the out-going tide.
They do not feed their babies on impure milk and permit their children to forage among the garbagecans because they care nothing for their young.
No householder is permitted to throw ashes or garbage upon the public thoroughfare, no landowner can rear a building above a certain height to shut out light and air.
The truck jolted away, trailing a haze of cinder dust and a sour stench of garbage behind it.
My mate, he's gone to Leavenworth for five years," said the Kid when they had been silent some time listening to the rattle of the garbage cans as the trucks jolted over the cobbles.
John Andrews, coming back from emptying the garbage pails, went in the back door of his barracks.
Fuselli stuffed his mouth as full as he could and emptied the rest of his meal reluctantly into the garbage pail.
From the door beside which the garbage cans were ranged came a thick odor of carbolic.
Near Atlantic Mine the wolves scavenged on garbage from loggers, and then near Otter Lake they spent several days also feeding on garbage.
There were no known garbage dumps within their native territory.
As for Dan, he was as familiar an object in the alley as the sparrows in the gutter or the stray cats about the garbage cans.
Look out for your skirt against the garbage barrel," warned Nance.
The debris not only filled the room, but spilled out into the fire-escape and down the rickety iron ladders and flowed about the garbage barrels in the passage below.
At present we pay out large sums for sewage systems to throw away this product, and pay further sums to persons to take away the garbage and other refuse.
But in the city, where a million homes maintain their million fly-baiting kitchens, and each kitchen maintains itsgarbage pail, the problem becomes more serious.
It is true that our kitchen garbage furnishes another popular nursery for flies, but the unclean stable is the other breeding place.
The kitchen is wholly responsible for the garbage pail; each area or alley gate offering for inspection and infection its unsavory receptacle; and beyond that, the kitchen is in large measure responsible for the stable.
A man who drove a garbage cart took his horse by the bits and jerked and wrenched brutally.
As he devoured it I sat and watched him, the water running out of my mouth; when he had finished he threw the rind on the garbage pile, and I was there.
In the centre was an old privy that had not been cleaned for a long time, and near it was a garbage pile, where all the garbage of the jail was deposited.
They let him live, amused by the thirst that drove him to lap up each morning's drenching dew, fascinated by his ravenous appetite for the garbage they flung at him.
Every man must dispose of garbageand drainage on his own property.
There is an abundance of active, keen-eyed scavengers waddling about, always on the alert to pick up and devour domestic refuse or garbage of any sort which is found in the streets.
Green goose and broiled chicken are among the delicacies of our table, and yet there is scarcely any sort of foul garbage which they will not consume as food.
Then, too, in the Yellowstone this continuous eating of garbage may ere long bring on a pestilence among the grizzlies, or possibly put a check on the number of cubs born.
But their appetite for garbage increased until they became food pensioners and garbage drunkards.
If there wasn't enough garbage they raided camps and hotels.
It could be a garbage container, or a pail or bucket.
This includes outdoor furniture, garbage cans, garden tools, signs, and other movable objects that might be blown or washed away.
Keep all garbage in a closed container, or dispose of it outside the home when it is safe to go outside.
Avoid letting garbage or trash accumulate inside the shelter, both for fire and sanitation reasons.
As far as possible, burn garbage in camp fire, and deposit empty cans and residue in garbage cans provided.
From early May until snowfall (generally about the middle of November) the National Park Service maintains camps at Giant Forest with running water, sanitary facilities, and garbage disposal.
A day or so later the cook at the nearby log hotel announced that a couple of Skunks came every evening to feed at the garbage bucket outside the kitchen door.
At first he came out by night to feed on the garbage pile, but realizing the peace of the Park he became bolder and called occasionally by day.
His comings and goings to and from the garbage heap, by day and by night, were plainly announced to all by the clamp, clamp, clamp of that maddening, galling tin.
Two pages from my journal in the garbage heap By E.
The Skunk waddled up to thegarbage pail, climbed in, though I was but ten feet away, and began his evening meal.
An enthusiastic camera-hunter, after hearing of my experiences at the garbage pile, went there some years later, duly equipped to profit by the opportunity.
In this way I learned of the Coyote's visits to the garbage pail and of the Skunk establishment under the house, and other interesting facts as in the diagram.
Illustration] In the story I told how, backed by a mounted cowboy, I sat on the garbage pile while the great Grizzly that had worsted Old Grumpy, came striding nearer, and looming larger.
The writer has in mind one enterprising landowner and farmer who offered a near-by city the free privilege of dumping the city garbage on his land.
They are born in filth and they delight in living in filth, and if privies and cesspools and manure piles and garbage piles could be shut out from flies, the fly pestilence would be at an end.
This garbage was then covered with about a foot of dirt and the land sold in building lots to enterprising laborers determined to own their own homes.
Deposits of garbage on which rats might feed were removed, rat runs and burrows were destroyed and filled in, and stables, granaries, markets, and cellars where rats might abound were made ratproof by means of concrete.
Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, were in flood as usual at that time of year, and the scavenging street curs had to swim from one garbage heap to the next.