About three or four weeks afterwards we were talking to Augustine Brohan, who had just returned from London, where she had fulfilled an engagement of one or two months.
For those who dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they didn't know him, nor the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.
It shall happen, when your days are fulfilled that you must go to be with your fathers, that I will set up your seed after you, who shall be of your sons; and I will establish his kingdom.
Yahweh has done that which he purposed; he has fulfilled his word that he commanded in the days of old; He has thrown down, and has not pitied: He has caused the enemy to rejoice over you; he has exalted the horn of your adversaries.
Forty days were fulfilled for him, for that is how many the days it takes to embalm.
When eight days were fulfilled for the circumcision of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
When they had fulfilled all things that were written about him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a tomb.
The Jew, however, considering the tenour of the whole, contends that this was no more than what had been already fulfilled at the time when it was delivered, the allusion here being historical and not prophetic.
Isaiah, which the Christian conceives to be exactly fulfilled in the person and character of Christ, the Jew imagines to accord as perfectly with the circumstances and condition of the house of Israel.
The manner of the Messiah's coming being here so plainly foretold, and his character so distinctly described, we wonder how the Jew can deny that this was all fulfilled in the person of Christ.
And Doña Ximena fulfilled all that the Cid had commanded her; and every day she had masses performed for his soul, and appointed many vigils, and gave great alms for the soul of the Cid and of his family.
When this was done, the Cid said unto the good men, Now that ye have fulfilled my bidding, I hold it good to show favour unto you in that which ye yourselves shall understand to be fitting for me to grant.
And the Bishop Don Hieronymo, and Alvar Fañez Minaya, and Pero Bermudez, remained there also till they had fulfilled all that the Cid Ruydiez had commanded in his testament to be done.
And upon this matter they fixed another day to meet; and then forty knights were named, twenty for Castille and twenty for Leon, as vouchers that this which they covenanted should be faithfully fulfilled on both sides.
And here was fulfilled the saying of the wise man, that harder it is for those who have no understanding to bear with good than with evil.
Having fulfilled the promise I made to my dead wife, I now take my leave," he said quietly.
If Hilliston fulfilled Tait's prophecy, the little man believed that Jenny would resent his interference, penetrate his motives, and thwart him, if possible.
The prophecy of Tait had been fulfilled sooner than she had expected.
It is the man fulfilled of God from whom he came and by whom he is, who alone can as himself love his neighbour who came from God too and is by God too.
This relation has not yet so far begun to be fulfilled in him, as that the coming blossom should send before it patience and hope enough to enable him to live by faith without sight.
There was no measuring the disappointment of the ones who were left behind, for the prediction that there would be doings in Paris on the first French Fourth of July was to be fulfilled to the letter.
As to the more technical services, the able personnel of the Ordnance Department in France has splendidly fulfilled its functions, both in procurement and in forwarding the immense quantities of ordnance required.
It is prepared for, as well as fulfilled with, great form and solemnity.
At this door finishes the mission I received; may I flatter myself I have fulfilled it according to your wishes?
Ah, monseigneur, you do not mention all his qualities; I believed that he fulfilled other functions for you.
The next day the count came to announce to me that the duke had fulfilled his promise, and had obtained for him the place of chief huntsman, which had been promised to M.
He accepted a pressing invitation to preach to the Protestants here; and he fulfilled his engagement on Sunday morning, taking as his text, 'Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith.
Here, then, are the three conditions which ought to be fulfilled before we can honorably enter a conference on peace with the Imperial German Government.
Until they are fulfilled we cannot talk with the enemy, except in the language which he has chosen and forced upon us--the stern tongue of battle by land and sea.
So the storm signs, foreshadowed in fair weather, were fulfilled in tempest, more vast and cruel than the world had ever known.
It is not that the law should be fulfilled that there are rewards and punishments in morality; it is because it has been fulfilled or violated.
While, in the nature of things, these distinct lines can not always be well represented symbolically as occurring at the same time, they are presented in parallel series, thus proving that they were to be fulfilled simultaneously.
This worship of the dragon by those who worshiped the beast which succeeded the dragon was fulfilled by the perpetuation under the papacy of the rites and ceremonies of paganism.
But others fulfilled the duties of their office in a spirit of hatred and impatience, contrary both to natural justice and to Christian charity.
In the case of Ipswich we have seen how rapidly the great body of the townspeople retire from the scene when they have fulfilled their first simple function of electing bailiffs and coroners.
James, used much wax for lights in churches and chapels, and from the profits of the common staith gave alms and fulfilled works of charity.
Having fulfilled its course the Merchant Guild took its doom without noise or struggle, and entered decently into the shades with a grave decorum before which jarring sounds of contention were put to silence.
Valentina Mihailovna promised to do what he wanted and fulfilled her promise conscientiously.
This agreement, too, has been fulfilled to the letter by the North.
Your Majesty's commands shall be fulfilled to the letter," returned the Earl.
In this state, he mounted the ladder, and the hangman fulfilled his office.
The Tanks fulfilled every expectation, and the suitability of the tactics employed was fully demonstrated.
I should not like to say that they are surprised that you have fulfilled their expectations.
It is not said, in this enunciation of the law, that if the condition be not fulfilled the natural man will not enter the Kingdom of God.
Mr. Ropes considers that on the morning of the 17th Napoleon had thus far in the main fulfilled his programme.
A state may determine what conditions must be fulfilled in order to constitute a valid severance of allegiance.
But I dare say that Helen hath fulfilledher hope, and been wise on all.
And very like (an' it be His will I live thus long) when the time cometh, I shall see may-be not so much as one that hath fulfilled the purpose I did chalk out for them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fulfilled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: content; discharged; executed; perfect; realized; satiated