Silva made them a harangue, and showed a royal decree that he had received shortly before, in which it was ordered that he should make the expedition.
A royal decree of May 29 in the same year orders the governor and Audiencia to correct the religious who have levied on the Indians exactions of forced service.
By virtue of a royal decree of your Majesty, the bishop added another parish priest to the benefice of this cathedral church, so that there are now two priests and a sacristan.
He has delivered, although against his better judgment, certain prisoners to the Inquisition, in obedience to a royal decree.
Joseph de Molines, as published in a royal decree of January 9th.
But no royal decree, no act of Parliament could obliterate the stain of his birth.
They were in force by royal decree, although they were in reality only a confirmation of the famous Ordinances of 1542.
The government of Cuba was instructed by royal decree to inquire into and superintend the establishment of the convent of St. Augustine, then in process of erection in Havana.
That place was a little later called, by royal decree, "Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Antemural de las Indias Occidentales," or Key of the New World and Bulwark of the West Indies.
In a royal decree, your Majesty orders me not to ask from here too much assistance of Nueva España, which shall be fulfilled according to your Majesty's orders.
That, in accordance with a royal decree, inspection has been made of the great church, and it has been found very poor in ornaments; and that two prebends and two half-prebends have been erected.
He did this, and despatched a royal decree for it, which the archbishop refused to obey.
A separation from bed and board may be granted either on the mutual consent of both parties, or by royal decree on the petition of one of the parties if reasonable grounds exist.
The most usual form is by royal decree, which is granted in the following cases: 1.
An absolute divorce may be obtained for sufficient cause either by royal decreeor by judicial determination.
On the twentieth of May, the royal court resolved to issue a royal decree to the archbishop, commanding him to deliver up the documents in the Mariquina lawsuit.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "royal decree" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.