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Example sentences for "interdict"

Lexicographically close words:
intercrossing; intercurrent; interdenominational; interdependence; interdependent; interdicted; interdicting; interdiction; interdicts; interdigital
  1. The king replied by issuing a proclamation to the effect that he would outlaw any clerk who should accept the validity of such an interdict and would confiscate his lands.

  2. On this the pope threatened to lay an interdict on himself and his realm.

  3. The traditionists laid down that a man might interdict himself by vow, not only from using for himself, but from giving to another, or receiving from him, some particular object, whether of food or any other kind.

  4. Vance urges the War Department to interdict speculation on the part of officers of the government and army, as it tempts them to embezzle the public funds, enhances prices, and enrages the community.

  5. No war news,--but it is known Sherman's army is not quiet, and must soon be heard from in spite of the interdict of the government.

  6. For refusing to join in the crusade of 1238 the town was placed under interdict by Gregory IX.

  7. An interdict means that priests are to refuse sacred offices to all in the community, who are thus virtually subjected to the minor excommunication.

  8. Feast of St. Lambert we ceased from our singing by reason of the Interdict that was published against us!

  9. Nor can we look for harmony in our country until these principles bear unquestioned sway, without any interdict from the States.

  10. It laid the interdict against personal servitude in original compact, not only deeper than all local law, but deeper also than all local constitutions.

  11. It would be difficult to declare the perpetual character of this original interdict more completely.

  12. This perpetual interdict was ratified by the fabulous sanction of the great Constantine.

  13. National sentiment will not suffer the absolute interdict of further marriage after separation; but the penalties for unjust action may be made so severe as to prepare the way for the strict theory of the church.

  14. It is important in these cases to interdict a sedentary mode of life.

  15. The spirit of this interdict is not a rooted antipathy to the grant of mere powerless empty titles, but to titles of nobility; to the institution of privileged orders of men.

  16. It is clear, then, that Congress had the power to interdict our trade in human beings with Africa.

  17. They may as well come forward, and solicit Congress to interdict the West-India trade, because it is injurious to the morals of mankind; from thence we import rum, which has a debasing influence upon the consumer.

  18. They may as well come forward, and solicit Congress to interdict the West India trade, because it is injurious to the morals of mankind; from thence we import rum, which has a debasing influence upon the consumer.

  19. As the bishop who was commissioned to raise the interdict approached his capital, he and his people met him in suppliant guise.

  20. March 7 he issued a bull casting an interdict over Venice with confiscation of all its possessions, excommunicating the doge, the senate, and all the gentlemen of the republic, and offering Venetians to slavery throughout the world.

  21. They must either send their monstrous idol to Rome, or segregate him from all human society, if they wish to escape the interdict which will last until they submit.

  22. The interdict was ordered not to be observed, and in all the states adhering to Louis ecclesiastics were given the option of resuming public worship within eight days or of undergoing a ten years' exile.

  23. Fear took possession of the city, as rumors spread from day to day that the dreaded interdict had been proclaimed.

  24. The German spirit thus aroused is well exemplified by what occurred at Basle, a city which had observed the interdict and was eager for its removal.

  25. The test was the observance of the interdict which for so many years suspended divine service throughout the empire, and was a sore trial to the faithful.

  26. No brother of the Temple could be excommunicated by any bishop or priest, nor could any of the churches of the order be laid under interdict except by virtue of a special mandate from the holy see.

  27. If any projects for aid were in progress the legate was first to exhort paternally, and if this did not avail, to excommunicate the offenders, and, in the last extremity, to lay the city under an interdict and shake the dust from their feet.

  28. Robert, who loved his wife dearly, resisted the papal authority, and excommunication and interdict followed.

  29. The archbishop laid Paris under interdict and the influence of St. Bernard himself was needed to compose the quarrel.

  30. If Thomas Arnold had been just a little bigger, the world probably would never have heard of him, for an interdict would have been placed upon his work.

  31. But, unfortunately, they had been laid under a new interdict by the Sheriff, at the instance of Mr. J.

  32. The first interdict by the Sheriff, at the instance of a private party, was granted as a matter of course; and that interdict, after our application to have it recalled, was continued by a well meant but erroneous judgment.

  33. The interdict of the Court of Justiciary being deemed essential to the ends of justice, we yielded an immediate and respectful obedience to this order.

  34. It was no longer time for soft song or courtly sport when prelates and nobles were hanging from the palace windows, and the thunders of the Papal interdict were about to burst over the city and her rulers.

  35. An interdict would ruin the commerce of Florence; and on the 17th of March the Signoria bowed before the storm, and forbade Savonarola to preach again.

  36. Such an act appears so very sacrilegious that the prohibition covers even adults, or at least, the majority of them; only the old men attain a sufficient religious dignity to escape this interdict sometimes.

  37. Owing to the contagiousness inherent in all that is sacred, a profane being cannot violate an interdict without having the religious force, to which he has unduly approached, extend itself over him and establish its empire over him.

  38. It is to be remembered that when it is a religious interdict that has been violated, these sanctions are not the only ones; there is also a real punishment or a stigma of opinion.

  39. They believe that any violation of this interdict would result in neutralizing the good effects of the rite and in preventing the increase of the species.

  40. Thus the religious interdict becomes a right of property and an administrative rule.

  41. England was placed under an interdict in 1207, in consequence of the violence and wickedness of its sovereign.

  42. In the interval between the proclamation of the interdict and the fulmination of the sentence of excommunication (A.

  43. The interdict of Slavery then covered every inch of soil belonging to the National Government.

  44. This early effort to interdict Slavery in the Territories by special law is worthy of notice on account of expressions of opinion it drew forth.

  45. The excommunication and interdict were pronounced null and void, and severe punishments were decreed for the priests who should heed them in any way.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interdict" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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