Berna, in his turn, refusedto make any fresh experiments.
He refused for a long time, but acceded, at last, on my earnest entreaty, and I found that it was nothing more than an ingenious trick.
He tried to say, "come in;" but his tongue refused its office, and he could not articulate a sound.
Many sovereigns endeavoured to retain him at their courts; but he refused to rest until he had discovered the great object of his life -- the art of preserving it for centuries, and of making gold as much as he needed.
The next time they consulted the spirits, Kelly pretended to be shocked at their language, and refused to tell Dee what they had said.
His relatives looked upon him as a madman, and refused even to see him.
Seton obstinately refused either to communicate his secret, or to make any gold for the tyrant; on which he was stretched upon the rack, to see if the argument of torture would render him more tractable.
He declared that the spirits must be spirits, not of good, but of evil; and refused to consult them any more.
He had no notion of paying a handful of gold for two pills, although they had saved his life, and he refused to pay more than the usual fee for a single visit.
But Sendivogius loved his liberty, and refused to become a courtier.
But when the suffering son of Erin got into the dentist's chair and saw the gleaming pair of forceps approaching his face, he positively refused to open his mouth.
The censor refused to allow the message to go through.
The lad refused to accept it, telling the lady he was a Boy Scout, and that no member of the Boy Scouts is allowed to accept any return for a service rendered.
He wrapped his face in his blanket and refused to be comforted.
An Englishman writes to an English paper, on returning from America: "When the reporters called on me, I invariably refused to see them.
I could have gone down on my knees, as I refused the check and asked that man's pardon.
The next day, and the next, the strikers refused to either work or disperse.
But compass there was none on deck, and, even if there had been, the men in their drunken state would have refused to listen to Philip's orders or expostulations.
Amine went on shore with Father Mathias; she refused the palanquin which had been prepared for her, and walked up to the convent.
Philip refused them with marks of disgust, upon which the chief very sedately cracked and ate them; and having finished the whole handful, rose, and made a sign to Philip to follow him.
But to her the case was more simple: she refused to believe, she said, that which she could not understand.
He found Amine calm and collected: she refusedto listen to his advice, or follow his injunctions.
The captains refused to have anything to do with the proposal.
The natives received them hospitably, supplied their wants to the best of their ability, and refused to surrender them to the pirates, who offered a reward for them.
Forty-one of the pirates were picked up, but many of them refused quarter, and one hundred and seven were killed or drowned.
The Peishwa taunted the Council with breach of faith, and refused to give up Toolajee.
Soon after receiving Bombay from the Crown, the Directors had ordered it to be fortified, but had refused to employ skilled officers, because "we know that it is natural to engineers to contrive curiosities that are very expensive.
But Itimad Khan knew that the pirates were of all nationalities, and refused to hold the English alone responsible.
They offered it first to the Dutch and then to the English, but the dangerous gift was refused by both.
The Company applied for a ship to be sent to the Indian seas to deal with the pirates; but Lord Orford, the head of the Admiralty, refused to spare one.
The troop of horse was disbanded, Keigwin was discharged from the service, and thirty soldiers, who had been detached to Surat to defend the factory against Sivajee, wererefused any extra allowance, which caused much discontent.
Then, when Brown suggested a landing party to storm the place, the officersrefused to second him, and so, with some additional loss, the attack on Deoghur came to an end.
The council of war refused to agree to this, as the naval officers, who formed the majority, could not be brought to consent.
The Council were desirous of having Toolajee in their own keeping, so they refused to give over Gheriah, and for some months a wrangle went on concerning the points in dispute.
But when the moment arrived, next morning, the sepoys absolutely refused to land, in spite of the severest measures.
The following morning, however, when informed that the body of McCain had been found, he refused to say anything more.
To their surprise, the owners refused to accept the certified check, and announced that nothing but the money would do.
Belford, who flatly refusedto go to Georgetown unless accompanied by an armed guard to protect them from the excited mob.
He refused to say anything about the whereabouts of his associate and went to jail.
Another and final appeal was made by his attorneys to have the United States supreme court set the verdict aside, but that patient tribunal finally refused to longer retard justice, and declined to interfere.
This the driver refused to do, having safely secured and hid the plunder.
The local manager, of course, refused to make the loan, and the fellow went out of the bank with the threat that he would "fix 'em.
She refused to be comforted after her husband's death, and two weeks after his funeral she was a raving maniac.
By this time Johnson had begun to call on his confederate to shoot Wilcox, which Clodfelter refused to do, especially as Wilcox told him he did not believe he was coward enough to shoot an unarmed officer while trying to do his duty.
When brought to the sheriff's office, Woodruff refused to say anything, though on the journey he had denied all knowledge of the murder.
He obtained his first clue from Justice Taylor, who related the circumstances of the two men swearing out warrants for O'Neal's arrest and stating that Cook had refused to go and make the arrests.
When the sheriff had them surrounded in their cabin the young Mexican surrendered, but old Costillo refused to give up, and stood the officers off for two or three days.
Sheriff Cook flatly refused to hand it over until it was ascertained whether it justly belonged to Foulk.
Love had come to her--and gone again, and only through sheer pluck and a pride that refused to break had she been able to face the fact and hide her hurt from the world at large.
Without waiting for her answer, he quietly lifted the latch which had refused to move for her trembling fingers, and silently, half in a dream, she led the way into the house.
She had not dared to offer the necessary money as an outright loan, realising that the girl would have refused it on Tony's behalf peremptorily, so she had inwardly resolved to redeem the bills Brett held without consulting her.
She had refused to marry him, while he was fully determined that she should be his wife.
Just as it doesn't matter in the least your refusing me--by the way, I suppose I'm to understand you have refused me?
She wondered if he had spoken deliberately, intending to remind her of the fact that, since she had refused to marry him, he was perfectly free to gamble if he chose.
Within himself he had refused to believe that there was any serious intent behind her letter.
The slaves were auctioned to the highest bidder and Louisa and the twins were bought by a man living near Cadiz but Mr. Street refused to sell Amy Elizabeth.
Since I was free, I refused to do so, and as a result, I received a terrible kicking.
One Sunday, it looked like rain, his master told him to gather in the oats, he refused to do this and was beaten with a raw hide.
The negroes had been allowed a share of the crop but the new master refused them anything to live on.
It was the custom for a slave indentured to a master to be given a fair education, a good horse, bridle, saddle and a suit of clothes for his years of toil, but Mr. Price did not believe the boy deserved the pay and refused to pay him.
Until the war was over, the other two boys who refused to go to war hid out in the surrounding woods and hills.
My brother was taken, but I was refused as being too young.
Since Lee was a proud southerner and did not want the negroes present when he surrendered, Grant probably for this reason as much as any other refused to accept Lee's sword.
She was the property of a man who did not live up to the popular idea of a Southern gentleman, whose slaves refused to leave them, even after their freedom was declared.
The Prince at first refused the robe offered to him, because the abbot did not make a similar offer to his companion; Godfrey, however, soon settled the affair, by presenting one to each.
Aristobulus surrendered when ordered to do so by Pompey, but his followers refused to lay down arms when the Romans approached Jerusalem.
Inasmuch as the request of the Hebrews was refused by the Edomite king, the only way that remained was the long detour around the southern end of Mount Seir.
Apollonius, one of his generals, to put to death all who refused to worship the Olympian Zeus or who preserved copies of the Scriptures.
Mr. Merrill and his brother ranchers felt that to act prematurely might ruin everything, and the wounded Mexican obstinately refused to get better.
If it had only come last week, I don't think I could have refused it.
Here they were refused a further passage, since at Mauro, three miles further on, Melani, with a force of three thousand men and some guns, held the pass against the Garibaldians.
I have asked for leave already; they 've refused me twice.
He needn't, you know; at least, Saville Harris refused to book up to Whitemare on exactly the same grounds.
He told you, however, that I had refusedhis offer?
I am convinced that brave little Spinks would have refused to tell to the end of the chapter, but I saved him further trouble.
I liked the school-days well enough at first; chiefly because I devoted myself entirely to play and refused work.
After a while the sick man became quieter, but he still refusedto take the opiate.
He had refused Gordon's invitation to stay with him until the next day, when the coasting steamer was expected.
He refused the pressing invitation of a hansom-cabman, and proceeded to walk leisurely home to his rooms.
As I obstinately refused the continuation of my tale, a repetition of the first part was often desired.
I know quite well that if I refused to play fair and chose to stick on here in New York and try again, dad would go on staking me.
Cold and haughty, a beautiful iceberg of dudgeon, she refused to speak a single word during the whole long journey back to Sixth Avenue.
He refused to call on Wycherly "the gentleman," as Wycherly insisted, but was glad to meet Wycherly the playwright.
How he came to select this name is not known, nor was it known to any of his young comrades; for he always refused to give his reasons.
The unique inner court of the Hotel de Beauvais must be seen from the outer vestibule, admission being refused by a surly concierge under orders from an ungenerous owner.
The cure of Saint-Eustache, the parish church, refused its sacrament for the burial of the author of "Tartufe.
There were Stephen Ventnor and Jack Masters, whom she still saw occasionally, but they only sighed and even refused to dine at the Castle of Enchantment.
Steve refusedto return to the Crabbs' to dinner, so the Makers of Opportunities departed alone.
But his fingers still refused to respond to her pressure.
The wonder was how he played at all, for Aurora had refusedto marry him three times in the last twenty minutes.
What she should say to this other man, whom she both loathed and feared, her vagrant wits refused to invent.
And when she raised her own to look quite through and beyond the opposite bench, her conscience refused to deny that she had enjoyed the looking.
To make matters worse not a girl Patricia knew was in town, or if there were any the telephone refusedto discover them.
He had even had the presumption to offer them the Blue Wing, but Dicky, whose new responsibilities had developed a vein of prudence, refused point blank.
I have served him with as many as three in an afternoon, and I am sure he wouldn't have refused another if he could have found any one to stand it.
Surely he did not mean to drown her if she refused to promise.
As before, she refused to tell him the cause of her grief.
Grace was the gentlest of the sisters, and had passed unnoticed until she had fallen in love with a penniless officer, and tortured her father with tears and haggard cheeks because he refused to supply her with money to keep a husband.
Then, noticing the distressed look in Frank's face, he said: "I hope she has notrefused you.
For twenty-five years I have refused to allow this book to be reprinted.
The old fellow had never refused him an extra hundred when he asked for it.
I asked to see those accounts, for I had heard she had been giving her money to Meason, and she refused to let me see them.
And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, "For I will go down to the grave to my son mourning.
You have probably known one of your companions who refused to do some wrong when it was hard to refuse.
But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by the chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him.
Moses was sent to tell the king that terrible plagues would come upon his people if he refused to let the Hebrews go.
How did the king feel when he found that Daniel had refused to obey the decree?
What was to be the penalty if they refused to obey?
The three common soldiers proved true to themselves and to their great cause and refused a bribe.
But the colonists refused to drink tea imported from China!
The people indignantly refused to buy any goods at all from England while these taxes were demanded.
After the war England refused for years to make compensation for the damage the Alabama had done to our commerce.
Also, against being refusedthe use of the bridge, or any other of the instruments used in that room in playing, except when a special stipulation to the contrary was made before commencing the game.
It was soon found, however, that when the column of water in the pipe was more than thirty feet high, the pump became useless, for the water refused to rise higher.
One of these men was killed by the orders of the priest and his body refused Christian burial, and left uncared for and exposed.
Anda's remedy for these abuses was the rigorous enforcement of the laws actually existing for the punishment of such conduct and the return to Spain of friars who refused to respect the law.