For the present, weabstain from further remarks upon these two late principal friends of the persecuted Princess of Wales.
To the requirement that he should 'abstain from all communication with Mr. Hogg for a considerable time,' Shelley (aetat.
Throwing out those who abstain altogether; the children, and a large proportion of women, and those who take a glass only now and then, and it will be seen that for the rest the average of cost must be more than treble.
For months he would abstain entirely; and then drink to intoxication in secret.
Boys and girls should as a general rule abstain from the [other] drug"--wine.
Nothing that is could have been at all without God's will; and, if with His will, then Philosophy is from God, since He willed it to be what it is for the sake of those who would not otherwise abstain from evil.
That they despise death is a fact we all have before our eyes; and by some impulse of modesty they abstain from sexual intercourse--some among them, men and women, have done so all their lives.
Third--As provided in the American note, this restriction of the use of the submarines is contingent on the fact that enemy mercantile abstain from the use of the neutral flag and other neutral distinctive marks.
Our Maker bids increase, who bids abstain But our Destroyer, foe to God and Man?
It is impossible in the very unquiet state you have put me into by your silence that I should abstainfrom writing.
However, that I can abstain from letting you know whether my spirits are good or otherwise, I will prove in our future correspondence.
Here is sixpence for you if you will abstain from the sight of them while you are in London.
Then, toabstain from outward sin Was more than I could do; Now, if I feel its power within, I feel I hate it too.
Heaven from above, and conscience from within, Cries in his startled ear--Abstain from sin!
The Orissa Kumhars abstain from eating, and even worship the Sal fish, because the rings on its scales resemble the wheel which is the symbol of their craft.
If the Devak be an animal, its flesh is not eaten; but if it be a fruit tree, the use of the fruit generally is not forbidden, though some families abstain from eating the fruit of the tree which forms their Devak or badge.
Again, I entreat botanists and others looking for wild flowers and plants to abstain from rooting up the rare or beautiful things they may find, and from trespassing in places where their presence is obviously not required.
The true lover of flowers will surely abstain from rooting up anything rare that may be discovered.
But they are appealed to to abstain (when searching for plants) from anything like a trespass or an infringement of the privileges of others.
When actively employed, the Ainu can abstain from food for fourteen or sixteen hours; when quiescent for about twenty.
As others have reported more accurately and correctly than I can on the quality and extent of these coal seams, I shall abstain from repeating or copying what has been already said.
It is not only incumbent on the priestly class to abstain from vulgar labor, especially so far as it is lucrative or is apprehended to contribute to the temporal well-being of mankind.
Propriety requires respectable women to abstain more consistently from useful effort and to make more of a show of leisure than the men of the same social classes.
Throughout these notes, I intend to abstain carefully from literary judgments.
In all cases of diarrhoea, adults should abstain from all kinds of food until cured, if possible, and eat but little at first, when food is taken.
Not to side with their foes, but to defend the land on which they held their property, against its enemies, and above all to abstain from encouragement of the savage Indian, whose theory of warfare was stealthy assassination.
The Acadians, as a conquered people, obtained every consideration and kindness, and for years they were called upon earnestly to be loyal and to abstain from injury to those who were now their masters.
They do not abstain from injuring an enemy of the republic and of religion, who is unworthy of pity.
Some of them, according to St. Augustine, carried their vigils to such extent as at times to abstain from food for four days.
Peter admonishes, first, to "abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.
The nature of the holiness and purity whereof he speaks he makes plain himself in the words: "That ye abstain from fornication; that each one of you know how to possess himself of his own vessel in sanctification and honor.
He would have them occupy this temporal world as guests, striving after another and eternal kingdom; that is, to abstain from all carnal lusts and maintain a blameless walk, a life of good works.
They believe that there is no such God as the common notions on the subject point out, and they hold that the highest act of virtue is to abstain from injuring sentient creatures.
A man, says he, who calculated the chances fairly would perceive that it would be for his greatest happiness to abstain from stealing; for a thief runs a greater risk of being hanged than an honest man.
To suppose that he will not, is to affirm that government is unnecessary and that human beings will abstain from injuring one another of their own accord.
The sense of the Convention soon appeared to be the other way; and Barere apologised for his former speech, and implored his colleagues to abstain from disputes which could be agreeable only to Pitt and York.
They were compelled to abstain from political topics, and to confine their attention to the frailties of private life.
In fact, the principle thus stated means only that governments will oppress unless they abstain from oppressing.
Yet he must possess sufficient self-command to abstain from casting his facts in the mould of his hypothesis.
If, indeed, every man in the community possessed an equal share of what Mr Mill calls the objects of desire, the majority would probably abstainfrom plundering the minority.
To suppose that he will not, is to affirm that government is unnecessary, and that human beings will abstain from injuring one another of their own accord.
Yes, she knows it can go no further; though we are too merciful to deny you the beatific vision, provided you are good, and abstain from any more little tendresses for the present.
I would abstain rather than let our work get a goody reputation for indoctrinating sectarianism.
They who vow to abstain from their wives, are allowed to wait four months: but if they go back from their vow, verily God is gracious and merciful; and if they resolve on a divorce, God is he who heareth and knoweth.
Let him who is rich abstain entirely from the orphan's estates; and let him who is poor take thereof according to what shall be reasonable.
This is allowed unto him among you, who feareth to sin by marrying free women; but if ye abstain from marrying slaves, it will be better for you; God is gracious and merciful.
Satan seeketh to sow dissension and hatred among you, by means of wine and lots, and to divert you from remembering God, and from prayer; will ye not therefore abstain from them?
And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God; 19.
The patient should use no alcoholic beverages, and should abstainfrom such stimulants as tea, coffee, beer, wine, and tobacco.
One afflicted with heart disease should abstain from the use of all kinds of stimulants, tobacco, and whatever tends to lower vitality.