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Example sentences for "veto"

Lexicographically close words:
veterinary; veteris; vetero; veterum; vether; vetoed; vetoes; vetoing; vettura; vetturino
  1. In the conclave that followed Cardinal Pietro Caraffa, the first general and in a certain sense the founder of the Theatines, received the required majority of votes notwithstanding the express veto of the Emperor.

  2. Cardinal Odescalchi, against whom France had exercised the veto on a previous occasion, was elected and took the name of Innocent XI.

  3. Their representatives were instructed to use the veto freely against all cardinals known to be favourable to the Jesuits.

  4. But Andrew Jackson never put forth the pretension that it was within his prerogative to nullify a statute which had been passed over his veto in the way prescribed by the National Constitution.

  5. His veto is perpetual; nor is it limited to any special enactment.

  6. Vain that other requirement, that a bill approved by two thirds of both Houses over his veto “shall become a law.

  7. The statute was passed over the veto of the President by two thirds of both Houses, who thus solemnly united in declaring its constitutionality.

  8. No decision was reached at the time, but after a year of discussion the legislature was permanently separated into two houses, each with a veto power upon the other; and this was felt to be a victory for the assistants.

  9. Regarding the result as the vote of a single body, the woman had a plurality of two; regarding it as the vote of a double body, her cause had prevailed in the lower house, but was lost by the veto of the upper.

  10. In other words, the Empress was willing that he should visit the Emperor at Cassel, authenticating him thus far by the Prince Imperial's little note; but she put her veto on his undertaking intrigues detrimental to the interests of France.

  11. The Upper House voted everything it was asked to vote; loans were duly effected, the revenues were collected and the military disbursements were made, right in the teeth of the popular will and the veto of the representatives of the nation.

  12. There is still another reason why the weaker party, or the minority, should have a veto upon all legislation which they disapprove.

  13. There is no more absurdity in giving a jury a veto upon the laws, than there is in giving a veto to each of these other tribunals.

  14. They have only an absolute veto upon their being taken by the government.

  15. In Maine and Vermont, the inhabitants, by vote in town meeting, have a veto upon the jurors selected by the authorities of the town.

  16. In England and the United States, the trial by jury is the only institution that gives the weaker party any veto upon the power of the stronger.

  17. The Kings of Cupia reserved a veto power over Formian laws forever.

  18. The country is nominally a dependency of Turkey under a native government, but is in reality controlled by the British, who exercise a veto on its financial policy, and who, since 1882, have occupied the country with soldiers.

  19. Of late years this veto has come to be exercised only in cases where it seems likely that the Commons do not retain the confidence of the people, having thus the effect of referring the question for the decision of the constituencies.

  20. Mr. Chandler warned him that a veto would be very damaging at the Northwest, and said: "The important point is that one prohibiting slavery in the reconstructed States.

  21. On the 6th of April, the Senate overrode the President's veto of the Civil Rights bill, and on the 9th the House did likewise.

  22. The Houses passed the bill over the President's veto immediately, by an overwhelming majority, and almost in a spirit of derision.

  23. On the 27th of March, he sent his veto of the bill into the Senate.

  24. Both Houses repassed the bill over the President's veto by the necessary two-thirds majority, the Senate on the 7th of January and the House on the 8th, and negro suffrage was established in the District of Columbia.

  25. In a Message, dated the 19th of February, the President put his veto upon this bill.

  26. Sidenote: The veto of the supplemental Reconstruction bill.

  27. Sidenote: The President's veto of the Bill in regard to the colored schools in the District of Columbia.

  28. Sidenote: The inflation bill of 1874 and the veto of it by the President.

  29. He could not carry Congress with him, however, and the measure was passed over the veto on the same day.

  30. As Governor he had exercised his veto power with complete disregard for the effect on his own political future.

  31. President Cleveland also frequently used his veto power to prevent the passage of appropriations for federal buildings which he deemed unnecessary.

  32. Each veto message explained the grounds for his dissent, sometimes patiently, sometimes with a sharp sarcasm that must have made the victim writhe.

  33. Nor had his veto of the Chinese immigration bill and the rivers and harbors act tended to increase his popularity.

  34. For the President to give way before such constraint would be to lose the veto power and to destroy the independence of the executive as a branch of the government.

  35. President Hayes sympathized with the purpose of the bill but felt obliged to veto it because of the Burlingame treaty.

  36. In 1882, the year of the mammoth surplus, Congress passed over Arthur's veto a bill carrying appropriations which amounted to almost nineteen million dollars.

  37. On the same day, and over a veto also, was passed the Reconstruction Act, the most important piece of legislation during the decade after the war.

  38. Arthur also exercised the veto upon a rivers and harbors bill.

  39. President Cleveland's veto of the measure aroused a hostility which was deepened by his attitude toward private pension acts.

  40. The veto power of the latter was merely a check upon power; the modern veto power is both a check upon power and a positive power in the hands of the official to whom it is given.

  41. The Roman veto was given to an officer who had no power except of a negative character; it could be interposed against executive acts and judicial proceedings as well as against legislative enactments.

  42. There is to-day no constitutional government in whose organization the veto power is not found in some form; in the great majority of modern governments the veto power occupies a most prominent place.

  43. The modern veto power is directed solely against legislative acts and is put in the hands of the executive department of the government.

  44. This protection was exercised mainly through the use of the veto power given to the tribunes.

  45. The modern veto power has departed far from that of the Roman tribune, both in practice and theory.

  46. The veto power of the Roman tribune was an innovation in government.

  47. In retaliation for the veto of Octavius he too made use of this power.

  48. A veto was put upon the exercise of any of his functions by any of the Roman officials; even the treasury was shut up and the courts of justice discontinued.

  49. To make it possible for the tribunes to give such protection, the veto had been granted to them.

  50. Time and again, the tribunes resorted to their veto power to put a stop to the carrying on of every function of the Roman government.

  51. The veto power also tends to break down the dividing line between the executive and the legislative departments.

  52. In the United States the veto is more a club in the hands of the executive department than a check upon the legislative.

  53. Oswald considerately decided not to veto any absolute decrees of fate, but felt that innocent, generous-hearted Alice Webster was an interloper and a positive barrier to his purposes.

  54. He now fears "Granny" may veto the treatment.

  55. Some 43 of our 50 States grant their Governors the right to veto individual items in appropriation bills without having to veto the entire bill.

  56. I do not need to outline here the dreary record of Soviet obstruction and veto and the unceasing efforts of the Soviet representatives to sabotage the United Nations.

  57. Upon the same principle that the veto of the President should be practically abolished the power of the Vice-President to give the casting vote upon an equal division of the Senate should be abolished also.

  58. If the Presidential veto be objected to upon the ground that it checks and thwarts the popular will, upon the same principle the equality of representation of the States in the Senate should be stricken out of the Constitution.

  59. And this includes the swift and certain use of the veto power.

  60. I made my attitude clear on this act in my veto message to the Congress last June.

  61. Second, I shall recommend to the Congress that the Chief Executive be given the responsibility either to approve or to veto specific items in appropriations and authorization bills.

  62. The check provided by the Constitution in the clause conferring the qualified veto will never be exercised by me except in the cases contemplated by the fathers of the Republic.

  63. And I ask for the authority, used responsibly by 43 Governors, to veto individual items in appropriation bills.

  64. But the appointment of an intendant and a military commander acting as royal governor with a veto over legislation was essential.

  65. The accomplishment of that design was no doubt subjected by the London Convention of 1884 to the veto of Britain.

  66. The President has no veto on its acts, and the heads of the executive departments do not sit in it.

  67. The President has the right of speaking, though not of voting, in it, but has no veto on its action.

  68. In his first message he recognized the veto of the United States Bank measure as approved by the nation.

  69. He had the initiative for all new measures, as well as the veto on deliberations of both Senate and Legislative Assembly.

  70. He pronounced his veto on Hungary's military measures against Croatia.

  71. Jackson vetoed it, and a two-thirds vote wherewith to override his veto could not be obtained for the measure.

  72. The Pope created a high council and Chamber of Deputies with privileges of limited legislation, the Pope retaining his full veto power on whatever they might decree.

  73. The question was: "Should the bill pass the veto of the President regardless thereof?

  74. A wonderful demonstration burst forth as it was then known that the bill would pass over the veto of the President, and that the Republican party in Congress at last had complete control.

  75. A veto at that time was almost unheard of.

  76. At this time the Sumner-Wade radical element did not have the necessary two-thirds majority, and the bill failed to pass over the veto of the President.

  77. The bill, therefore, was promptly passed over the veto of the President.

  78. Some of President Johnson' veto messages were admirable.

  79. Then began the real struggle on the part of the radicals in the Senate, headed by Sumner and Wade, to muster the necessary two-thirds majority to pass a bill over the veto of the President.

  80. I had not the remotest idea that Johnson would dare to veto the Freedman's Bureau bill, and I made a speech on the subject, declaring a firm conviction to that effect.

  81. President veto it, and go before the people in 1892 on the issue of standing by the McKinley bill till overwhelmed and wiped out in Nov.

  82. The vote was taken in the Senate: "Shall the Civil Rights bill pass the veto of the President to the contrary notwithstanding?

  83. When Soames tuned in to the news at Calumet Lake, the United States had been forced to use a veto in the United Nations for the first time.

  84. But the veto lent plausibility to suspicions.

  85. It was sent to the President and was not approved by him, but was, on the 2nd of March, passed over his veto by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses.

  86. At the last session the Democrats tried to repeal the election laws, and were met by veto after veto from the stanch Republican President.

  87. We did not believe that his veto would dispel the craze that then existed for free coinage.

  88. His audience felt the point well made when he declared the President allowed the internal improvement bill to expire by a pocket veto because it contained a $5,000 provision for the Hennepin Canal.

  89. I answered, I believed Harrison would veto it, and also believed that if Cleveland was in the chair he would do the same.

  90. This veto was followed by other vetoes, and, practically, the President abandoned his party.

  91. The abortive efforts of the previous session and the veto of President Grant of one of the bills referred to contributed to it.

  92. I felt secure, for if such a bill should pass, the executive veto would prevent any action by Congress that would interfere with the execution of the law.

  93. The silence of the President on the matter gave rise to an apprehension that if a free coinage bill should pass both Houses he would not feel at liberty to veto it.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "veto" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.