Reincarnation teaches the Evolution of the soul from lowly forms to higher, but never the Devolution or going back into animal forms.
From this eternal, universal energy, Kapila held that all the universe has been evolved--all material forms or manifestations of energy being but manifestations of Prakriti.
One must feel the sorrows and joys of all forms of life before "understanding" may come.
His influence on the early Christian church was enormous, and in many forms it continues even unto this day.
But theforms of the doctrine, or theory, regarding Reincarnation, vary almost as much in the Modern West as in the various Eastern countries at present, and in the past.
The forms of the suzerainty would perhaps be more equable and more pleasant, but the dependence, though tolerable, would always be felt.
He listens to all--forms his own opinion in doing so--and invariably finishes by impressing and influencing others.
Elihu, in whom was a "manifestation of the Spirit," at length enters the scene, bringing the light of God to make manifest these forms of darkness.
It is peculiar indeed, having its own place amid the infinite forms and characters which grace assumes in relation to the need of the saints.
And let but the due influences reach it in power, those sensibilities and faculties will be all awakened, and forms of moral beauty throughout all personal and social life will show themselves.
This forms the third portion or section of the book of Genesis, and presents to us a new era in the ways of God.
Love, or desire towards another, takes different forms in the heart.
Glory, in none of its forms or actions, is for the eye or ear of mere man.
The Spirit forms hope in the soul of the elect, as surely as faith.
It is not strictly nature, in the general sense, that forms the basis of her descriptions.
Mr. Hawthorne's book forms a remarkable contrast, in point of power and interest, to the dreary mass of so-called romances through which the reviewer works his way.
The Mother's Recompense' forms a fitting close to its predecessor.
The sentence which had been passed therefore was treated as non-existent, and the tedious forms of the papacy continued still to throw a shield round the archbishop.
On the 30th, Taylor of Hadley, Laurence Sandars, rector of All Hallows, and the illustrious Bradford, were passed through the same forms with the same results.
He would have murdered Elizabeth with the forms of law or without, but Elizabeth was the hope of all that he most detested.
The forms of English law running only in the name of a king, it had been pretended that a queen could not be a lawful sovereign.
The chancellor arranged with Pole the forms which should be {p.
They waited only till the parliamentary formswere completed, and immediately sailed.
But, so long as heresy was undefined, Anabaptists, Socinians, or professors of the more advanced forms of opinion, could alone fall within the scope of punishments merely traditional.
The lords, however, insisted obstinately on the formsof law, the necessity of witnesses, and of a trial; and Renard watched their unreasonable humours with angry misgivings.
They had entertained a good deal during the winter; much of the time had also been passed in New Orleans in various forms of mild dissipation.
When she and Robert stepped into Tonie's boat, with the red lateen sail, misty spirit forms were prowling in the shadows and among the reeds, and upon the water were phantom ships, speeding to cover.
Such lines, such formsnot Praxiteles himself could have invented.
Wild fowl and carrion are frequently its food, but fish forms the principal portion of its diet.
The body of the tadpole is oval in shape, and terminates in a long flat tail, which forms a true fin; on each side of the neck are two large gills, in shape like a plume of feathers; the tadpole has no legs.
Many of the species are characterised by their vivid coloration, of which green forms the principal part.
Its head is slender and cylindrical, and forms the termination of a slim and excessively long neck, which gives it much the resemblance of a serpent grafted on a bird.
The Typhlopidae, or Blind Snakes, comprise formswhich are the most remote from the true Ophidian type.
A certain number of birds rank in this family, which, with the general forms of Pigeons, still preserve the habits of Gallinaceans; hence the mixed name of Colombi-Gallines.
In the palate is a hard, bony knob to bruise the seed which forms their principal food.
Lastly, they are specially characterised by their partiality for putrefied flesh, which forms their almost exclusive nutriment, as it is only occasionally they attack living prey.
The forms of the Reptiles and Batrachians of the early ages of the earth were much more numerous, their dimensions much greater, and their means of existence more varied than those of the present time.
It is remarkable for its vagrant character, and forms a singular contrast to the stay-at-home habits of the genus generally.
This forms a half spiral turn at its origin, and dilates into a broader and shorter bulb than in the Sirens.
The celebrated temple at Mexico forms a fair type of the latter kind and its detailed description will give the best idea of this class of edifices.
For while individuals are born and die, families live; while families are born and die, species live; while species are born and die, organic being assumes new forms and features.
By it our ancestors were impelled to abandon their simple state, and organize more heterogeneous complexforms of social life.
For do we not now set up forms and fashions, the works of our own hands, and bow down to them as reverently as ever our heathen ancestors did to their gods of wood and stone?
Medicines were given in all the usualforms of draught, powder, injection, ointment, plaster, etc.
Even a cursory survey of the globe presents some indications favorable and unfavorable to the unfolding of the different forms of organic being.
Of course it is not, any more than food and lodging, shoes and clothing, which are the ultimate forms of wealth, can be called happiness.
April's woods are teeming with all forms of life, if one will only look for them.
No one ever sees the full charm of the forest who turns his back upon it in the winter, for its clear-cut tree-forms are an unceasing delight and wonder.
Whatever its shape, however, its brilliant, glossy crimson foliage forms one of the most striking features of our October landscape.
When those raw and bitter winds sweep like a blight over the face of nature, their little song is frozen, and their familiar forms are seen no more.
The names of the different forms of Protestantism are often very interesting, and were, of course, new words invented to describe the different forms of belief.
One of the most common forms of slang is to use words, and especially adjectives, which mean a great deal in themselves to describe quite small and ordinary things.
Every writer ought to choose his words carefully, neither inventing nor copying ugly forms of speech.
Different forms going back in this way to the same origin are known as "doublets.
Yet we have numbers of short words which have now become the ordinary names for certain articles, and yet which are only short forms of the original names of those articles.
You find extreme inequalities of distribution in practically all forms of society--in the slave state, the feudal state, in India and in China to-day.
Now that means, first on the negative side, that, when you are confronted with a trade depression, it is hopeless to try to cure it by looking for some device by which you can give a general stimulus to all forms of industry.
The Boards have in general proceeded with moderation, but the more serious forms of underpayment have been suppressed so far as inspection has been adequately enforced.
Issuing from a moderately high rock, it forms a small brook.
He expressed their ugliest forms and their most beautiful developments.
A great mass of masonry of this sort without cement, forms the main substructions of the building.
A part of the river water is always allowed to pass through these tunnels, andforms at their lower end a magnificent cascade.
The pronaos, or front chamber, is narrower than the cella or shrine behind it, and forms a sort of porch to it.
Standing, as the city does, more than 2100 feet above the sea level, it forms a very conspicuous object in the view from the hills of Rome.
The tombs were of the most varied and fantastic shapes and designs, the most common forms being those with square or circular bases, cylindrical superstructure, and conical roof.
Under the archways some substructions of large peperino stones and other forms of building have been disclosed.
He therefore first makes a list of categories, based on the logical forms of judgment, and then tries to show the connection between these categories and the principles which were, as he had discovered, assumed in the mathematical sciences.
Whatever the process and the means may be by which knowledge reaches its objects, there is one that reaches them directly and forms the ultimate material of all thought, viz.
But form has also another meaning which justifies Kant in calling space and time only forms of our perception, and hence subjective.
As he used the forms of judgment as a guiding thread to discover a complete list of categories of the understanding, so he uses the forms of syllogism to discover a complete list of the ideas of reason.
Kant's answer is that they are forms of our perception.
For, while these forms are found in what we perceive, the distinctive part which they play in our knowledge is due to the fact that we use space and time as a framework by which to connect our scattered experiences.
This, indeed, is implied in his distinction of space and time as forms of external and internal sense respectively.
The chemist proposes to go on and see whether the different elements may not themselves be seen to be forms of one substance.
Wentworth" still remains on the rocks to the southward of North Head, andforms a most efficient beacon.
In the negotiations between the Covenanting leaders and the Marquis of Huntly, we have an illustration of the very muddy roads along which religion is dragged, when it forms an alliance with a political party.
Another indication of the difference between the Cromartian and Attic forms of speech is given by Sir Thomas in the same treatise in the name Alexhander, which Thucydides would have written Alhexandrost.
The courage with which Greek and LaMousary[m] stolosttin forms are mixed up, and an old word despatched on its way with a new meaning, of which this brief phrase gives evidence, is highly characteristic of Cromartian Greek.
Echo loves to imitate our voice as much as we love to hear it; and shadows love to caricature our forms that we may laugh and even assist them; for if you stretch an arm between the sun and a snowbank shadow aids you with its comic pencil.
It is said the child in the womb passes through all animal forms in its growth from the germ to birth.
There they stand on the most barren and inaccessible places, rearing their gaunt and whitened forms erect as ever, and though lifeless yet not decayed.
The breadth of the river is sixty yards, and the bridge which is high above the water forms a considerable curve.
It comes straight up on level ground, and forms a mound of water eighteen inches high, and more than a foot in diameter.
If the killing at home is not sufficient to satisfy a man, he can transport himself to the Dark Continent and revel in the slaughter of all the greatest and noblest forms of life on the globe.
An amusing variant of one of the commoner forms of that time appears at Lelant, a Cornish village near St. Ives: What now you are so once was me, What now I am that you will be, Therefore prepare to follow me.
The Swedes pique themselves on their politeness; but far from being the polish of a cultivated mind, it consists merely of tiresome forms and ceremonies.
Genoa, though she had the forms of a Republic, was no better than the rest of Italy.
The lifeless forms of the court of Spain took the place of our civil strifes and our heroic achievements abroad.
I don't think God cares so much about forms and ceremonies as he does about people's hearts,' Them's the very words he said.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.