It is to be observed that the Roman writers often used an adverb, where we, of modern times, should express ourselves more specifically by using a noun.
They insist that we should punish Philip; but our affairs, situated as they now appear, warn us to guard against the dangers with which we ourselves are threatened.
But my ardor for action is daily more and more excited, when I consider what our future condition of life must be, unless we ourselves assert our claims to liberty.
We don't want these alliances we fancied ourselves once in need of.
We do not willingly lend ourselves to a theory which at once excludes us from the elect of prophecy.
We inveighed stoutly against parental tyranny, and declared ourselves ready for open rebellion, if he, that was never deficient in a device, could only point out the road.
And Betty will have such a nice fire for us, and we shall be as comfortable and as happy as though it were a fine house, and we ourselves fine folk to live in it.
He was as ready to offer compensation as we ourselves are when we superannuate a clerk or suppress an office.
It is in the employment of wealth, in the tasteful expenditure of riches, that we distinguish ourselvesfrom these people.
Every day has its own story of some dashing bit of bravery, that sets us all wild with excitement, while we wonder to ourselveswhat do you all think of us in England.
Worry has been defined as anxious solicitude about what we have to do next week at the same time that we occupy ourselves with what we are doing now and have to do in the next hour or two.
This must be expressed, however, in external acts accomplished by ourselves for others to have any deep effect.
As a matter of fact, we have, nevertheless, shown ourselves to be quite as credulous and ready to receive analogous remedies as the past generation.
As a consequence of this insistent idea taking possession of our consciousness, we have the sense of falling, we become tremulous and have to withdraw, or we would actually fall, or find in ourselves a tendency to throwourselves over.
That is, however, only the tendency of human nature to a certain pessimistic outlook where we ourselves are concerned.
For instance, we all know that habit enables us to apply ourselves to a particular subject with ever growing ease.
At the beginning of a period of pain we stand it well, as a rule, but its continual nagging debilitates us and heightens our susceptibility until we cannot nerve ourselves to further endurance.
We cannot console ourselves with the idea that they affect especially the foreigners, for the native-born people have proved to be quite as susceptible to them.
We are very interesting to ourselves, but just as soon as we have no other subject to occupy us than ourselves we soon grow very tired of the subject.
Deliberate means and methods must be employed in order that we may not deceive ourselves into thinking we are securing mental recreation, though all the time certain exhausting mental processes continue to be active.
There are educators who insist that this discipline of mind, by which the power to devote ourselves to what we do not care for is gained, is the principal fruit of genuine education.
We live indoors to a great extent in an equable temperature, we very seldom tire ourselves by exercise, and it is not to be wondered at if we have not that craving for food that comes to the man who lives a more animal existence.
There are still two good horses left in the stables, and we will dress ourselves in a way befitting gentlemen, and we will go to Dover, and shout 'God save the King!
We comforted ourselves by trying to sing psalms and saying our prayers, as the parson advised us to do.
Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world, Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs, and peep about To find ourselvesdishonorable graves.
Still to ourselves in every place consigned, Our own felicity we make or find.
As 'tis, we have to make every chance our only one, an' work ourselves to th' limit.
We think we are thinking; we are simply dressing ourselves up in words we do not understand for the gods to laugh at us.
I was forced into closer companionship with "Blase Billy" that autumn, for by chance a month later he and I found ourselvesthe guests of the same delightful hostess, and I came to liking him better.
I shall scheme and plot to make a big income that we may live like a couple of plump animals, that we may dress ourselves gaudily and parade our wealth.
I suppose it comes to this, too--that we must cultivate ourselves and trust to luck for the rest?
Teach us to rule ourselves alway, Controlled and cleanly night and day; That we may bring, if need arise, No maimed and worthless sacrifice.
They reasoned as justly as ourselves on subjects which required pure demonstration.
On the present occasion, we cannot but flatter ourselves that we bear a much greater resemblance to a practical catchpoll than either Mr Mill or Mr Bentham.
To talk a little in Mr Sadler's style, we must own that we are ourselves surprised at the results which our examination of the peerage has brought out.
But, if we could once satisfy ourselves that in ANY single right-angled triangle the square of the hypothenuse might be less than the squares of the sides, we must reject the forty-seventh proposition of Euclid altogether.
We will now let the matter rest; and, instead of assailing Mr Sadler with our verbal criticism, proceed to defend ourselves against his literal criticism.
But, instead of confining ourselves to particular instances, we will try masses.
We have now gone through the objections that Mr Bentham makes to our article: and we submit ourselves on all the charges to the judgment of the public.
We will content ourselves at present with pointing out two instances of Barere's wilful and deliberate mendacity; namely, his account of the death of Marie Antoinette, and his account of the death of the Girondists.
We can hardly suppose him to be worse read than ourselves in the history of the Convention, a history which must interest him deeply, not only as a Frenchman, but also as a son.
We were congratulating ourselves that no reporter would know anything about that supper, when a knock was given on the door.
After visiting a dozen different departments, every one of which is presided over by a vigilant chief, we again foundourselves on the stage.
Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love?
We need to reconquer and assert for ourselves something of that liberty which Shakespeare and Milton enjoyed.
Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves longer.
We have petitioned, we have remonstrated, we have supplicated; we have prostratedourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.
Three) That we conduct ourselves with Dignity and Discretion, and if one of us gets into trouble the other will stay by him.
Having assorted all with care, we found ourselves possessed of even vaster wealth than we had at first supposed.
Thus, we are making a very pleasant entertainment to ourselves in putting the actions of Homer's Iliad into an exact journal.
We beg leave to acknowledge your Majesty's great goodness and lenity, in allowing us to break those laws, which weourselves have made, and you have sanctified and confirmed: while your Majesty alone religiously observes and regards them.
We used to make bets among ourselvesas to how long 'twould last, and the short-time man won out.
We're letting ourselvesin for a dreadful disappointment if we count on it too much.
For a season called to part, Let us now ourselves commend To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever-present Friend.
No more we'll count ourselves our own, But his in bonds of love; O!
They say, Why should we weary ourselves with drilling and arming?
The General and all of us who had tremblingly witnessed the flight of the cavalry consoled ourselves with the hope that Velox would check their flight and march back with them to the enemy.
We Vandal nobles will allow ourselves to be denied nothing that gives us pleasure.
Now we will amuse ourselves by walking about a little until the transport starts," said Mr. Huntsworth as they left the room.
We are doing it ourselves to help buy things for the boys.
We need only confine ourselves to the plain fact that the so-called scheme is an outrage upon the ethical nature of man, and therefore that it can never have emanated from God.
Let us look into ourselves for the true Shekinah, the true manifestation of the Divine, nay, the truly Divine is there.
We forget when we utter these foolish things that we ourselves should be among the first to fall beneath that avenging hand.
Remembering this, therefore, let us ask ourselves what help we get in our endeavours to effect its overthrow from the recognised ministers of religion.
But contrast this moral attitude of ours with the method of procedure deliberately ascribed to Deity, and let us ask ourselves whether the God of some men is not worse than their devil?
Still, I trust that in our enthusiasm for ethic and for the ideal of its master, we have not lost our heads and betaken ourselves to Utopian impracticabilities.
To understand that question thoroughly, we must make ourselves acquainted with the time and occasion when this art first revealed itself.
In the meantime, of course, I do not forget that, if we pull down without building up we shall end by landing ourselves in an unwholesome scepticism.
We whisper naughty things to each other and go into a side-room and mimic a pair of crooked legs till we can't hold ourselves for laughter.
Even if we were to bar ourselves in, we should not be free from interruption, possibly from intrusion.
Is it any wonder that it rests with us now, with a bewildering sense of some power outside ourselves or our comprehension?
But it was to be a day of work; and we all braced ourselves to it with an energy which wrought its own salvation.
Why you and I searched the place ourselves from end to end; and there was not a sign of a lamp.
We were numerous enough to protect ourselves from chance marauding bands, and we took with us large impedimenta.
But as we have to deal with preparations made by a woman of extraordinarily subtle mind, and who had full belief in magic and had a cryptic meaning in everything, we should place ourselves in her position before deciding.
We drag ourselvesunder thy conquering feet, While, in a downy drunkenness, thy kisses Gather our last and loveliest heart's beat.
Too bad we can't help ourselves to a meal," whispered Osceola.
To tell the truth, I think we're both just a bit beyond ourselves at present.
Come now, we can make ourselves comfortable while the women prepare us a meal.
We hate and we love--the latter especially; but to tell each other why is to break that little tacit rule of finding out for ourselveswhich is the delight of our lives and the source of our triumphs.
I do the sentimental and he the practical; so that we, after one fashion and another, deck ourselves in the glory of our sacrifice without forfeiting the 'keep' of our daughter.
We see ourselves reflected--we're conscious of the charming whole.
We'd console ourselves at the Polo grounds, which we used to tear wide open, and where I never got even a hint of a fall; the coppers got their percentage of the touches.
We took ropes from the canvas cot, tied them together, and lowered ourselves to the ground on the outside, where we found bad weather, rain and hail.
Some of us were lucky enough at times to serve as barbers, hall-men and runners to and from the shops, and we used to gather together in the halls and amuse ourselves with conversation.
But come, discuss we what may best be done, If judgment aught may profit us; ourselves To mingle in the fray I counsel not; It were not well for wounded men to fight.
But take we counsel now How from the field to bear away our dead, And 'scape ourselves from death by Trojan hands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ourselves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.