The Marquis's accommodations, though on a third story of the Swan, cost him eight pounds sterling a-day.
Reed, who enjoyed in Philadelphia the intimacy of the great novelist, has recorded how deeply sympathetic was the feeling of our transatlantic cousins for this sterling example of a thorough and honest English gentleman.
Illustration: Blind man's buff] He has told us how in the boyish days spent in the Charterhouse he began to cultivate an acquaintance with the sterling English humorists whose works had a deeply-marked influence on his own literary training.
Differentiate between socially noble and ignoble traits, between social and educational veneer and sterling inherent capacity.
Do not expect physical, mental and moral perfection in any one individual, but look for a majority of sterling traits.
Sidenote: A Majority of Sterling Traits] It is apparent that the make-up of an individual is the result of a very complex combination of traits.
His social instincts won for him friends wherever he was known, while his sterling character gave him an influence unusual, both in kind and in measure, for a young man of his years.
Subsequent events proved the sterling wisdom of this suggestion, for the country had no use for Jeff Davis when he was caught.
It is a cold play, according to the present taste of audiences, and there are undoubted defects in its construction which in the fastidious judgment of our critics weigh down its sterling beauties.
Personal influence is the strongest and the most subtle of powers, and Sterling impressed all who knew him as a man of undoubted genius; those who never knew him will perhaps always wonder why.
This ship they put under command of an experienced smuggler, and it was actually leaving the mouth of the Thames withSterling and Mr. Trench on board it, bound for Spain, when by order of Lord Aberdeen it was stopped.
She is a little jewel, and it will be a sin if she is marred in the cutting and polishing, or if she is set in tawdry French pinchbeck, instead of fine, strong, sterling gold.
Mr. Sterling has, I understand, been so seriously ill since his marriage that at one time his life was despaired of, and even now that he is a little recovered he is ordered to Madeira as soon as he can be moved.
Of all those very remarkable young men, John Sterling was by far the most brilliant and striking in his conversation, and the one of whose future eminence we should all of us have augured most confidently.
Katharine saw and valued his sterling qualities; and to no one in the whole circle of her acquaintance were her manners more open, cordial, and confiding than to George Juxon.
The new court painter was something more than a master of his art: a man evidently of sterling qualities of mind and heart, of wide accomplishments and business capacity--in every way persona grata at the most brilliant court of the age.
England gets a million sterling by this nation; which, if this project goes on, will be almost reduced to nothing.
Fourthly, The constant breeders, besides the gain of eight shillings sterling per annum by the sale of their children, will be rid of the charge of maintaining them after the first year.
So, the King has a prerogative to coin money without consent of Parliament; but he cannot compel the subject to take that money, except it be sterling gold or silver, because herein he is limited by law.
But even if we put it at about a tenth of a pound sterling in 1513, the bargain seems a poor one.
They were both sterlingmen and had had plenty of experience, and no better ones could have been found.
Beyond his sterling common sense and his sympathy with suffering, Will Crooks has one golden quality in a tribune of the people.
He further argued that an additional sum of half a million sterling must be put down as representing the cost of providing the necessary asylum accommodation for these 2,700 inmates, the creation of our slums.
The gala turn-out of our mail-coaches on the King's birth-day, I always think must strike foreigners more than anything else in our country with the sterling solid integrity of the English character.
Poor Fanny is soft, and likes to produce an effect; but I believe there is sterling stuff in Drake.
Much that has drawn out hersterling worth, poor woman.
Entreated by the Massachusetts Bay Rulers, who try to vindicate their proceedings, and instead of sending agents, send two large masts and resolve to send £1000 sterling to propitiate the King.
The salary attached to the position was fixed at one thousand pounds sterling for the year; and the governor was invited to take up his residence in the palace at Williamsburg.
Spanish dollars sell now in England for four shillings and nine pence sterling per ounce, equal to one dollar and six cents.
If a merchant here pay one hundred Spanish dollars for a bill on England, at nominal par, in sterling money, that is for a bill of £22 10s.