It gives me pleasure to have had such an auspicious opportunity of doing so.
The close of the day was not less auspicious than its commencement.
What would Barton say, even in this auspicious hour, to the systematic concealment practiced before and since the advent of the adopted child?
Thor, enacting a second time the role of Deus ex machina, thought this anauspicious moment for thrusting his cold nose against her cheek.
If therefore you should find the auspicious sign on him, buy the animal, whatever may be the price and however old, ugly, or weak he may seem to the ignorant.
E with a prefixed knife; the intention here may have been to show that human sacrifice would be likely to have an auspicious influence upon the harvest.
Akbal eye, probably the sign for beginning, and the fourth is the familiar sign a, which I think signifies a good, auspicious day.
The beginning of this Tonalamatl III Oc seems to me to fall on an especially auspicious day (hieroglyph a).
On the 26th of Rabi-ul-Awul, at an auspicious moment, I received your letter which you sent me, and understood its contents.
We had just added a ballroom to 'Snowdon,' and we inaugurated its opening by a fancy ball on the 21st June, in honour of the auspicious anniversary.
May this medal be long worn by yourself, and long kept as an heirloom in your family in remembrance of the auspicious date it bears.
Dost Mahomed accepted the invitation, but before the auspicious meeting could take place Lord Dalhousie had left India, and Lord Canning reigned in his stead.
The way to the mountain was difficult and tedious, but the ridge was distinctly seen from the door of the cottage, and I trusted that auspicious chance would lead me to that part of it where my prey was to be found.
By imparting this intelligence, I hoped to work the most auspicious revolutions in his feelings, and prepared, therefore, with alacrity, for an interview.
The monarch awoke, interpreted the auspicious omen, and obeyed without hesitation the will of Heaven.
For if I could but enter the camp with lucky omen, then may its gate welcome me, a timid and raw recruit, under the influence of some auspicious planet.
These repeated failures of the Federal demonstrations against the Confederate strongholds on the Mississippi, were accepted as auspicious indications of continued successful defense in a vital quarter of the Confederacy.
This period is remarkable in the history of the war, not less for its auspicious signs for the Confederacy, than for the union and cooeperation every-where observable.
Never had a Government so auspicious an opportunity to save the needless effusion of blood, and to avert indefinitely, if not finally, the calamity of war.
The importance of the arrow with the Chenchus, as with the Yanadis, is that the moment when it casts no shadow is the auspicious time for the completion of the marriage rite.
The ear-boring ceremony takes place at anauspicious hour on some day before the child attains its seventh year.
The girl is not wedded to an idol, but, on an auspicious day, is tied by means of a garland of flowers to the garuda kambham (lamp) of a Balija Dasari.
On the day fixed for the betrothal, those assembled wait silently listening for the chirping of a lizard, which is an auspicious sign.
The woman seldom comes to the husband's hut to stay with him, except with the permission of the thamar (landlord) on auspicious occasions.
There is a preliminary ceremony of betrothal, and the marriage is celebrated at an auspicious hour.
When such children are five, seven, or nine years old, they are taken on an auspicious day to a jammi tree and shaved, after the tree has been worshipped with offerings of cooked food, etc.
But some old crones informed me that this mixed cloth is not so auspicious as that prepared wholly from the fibre.
Before the time of reaping, on anauspicious morning, a few sheaves are brought, and hung up in some prominent place in the house.
The auspicious day is fixed, and a sum of five fanams is paid as the bride's price.
It was a most auspicious moment; they found him in a delirium of joy.
The bear is also a venerated animal--it is not, however, deemed so auspicious to dream of the bear as of the beaver.
About these, and under the auspicious protection of the Spanish Government, then dominant in Louisiana and Florida, commenced the growth of the Anglo-Norman population, which is now the almost entire population of the country.
It was under these auspicious circumstances that Hiram Meeker first saw the light.
O auspicious one, to remember what thou didst declare before me, O bull among kings!
And, O sinless one, listen to the auspicious words that I will now speak to thee.
O thou of black eyes, women endued with such disposition and possessed of such auspicious marks, can never suffer misfortune long.
In that direction also lieth the high-souled Matanga's excellent asylum, called Kedara which is sacred and auspicious and celebrated over the world.
And he offered divine prayers to Mahasena and all the thirteen auspicious rites appertaining to childhood, such as the natal and other ceremonies, were all performed by the great Muni in respect of that child.
After the sacrifices, the sons of Pandu, blessed by the auspicious rites performed by Dhaumya and accompanied by him, and surrounded also by the Brahmanas set out for the woods of Kamyaka.
And, O king, that auspicious place composed of all energies even the celestials, cannot behold.
And thus addressed by Damayanti, that high-minded Brahmana comforted her, uttering benedictory words of auspicious import, and then went home, regarding his mission to have been successful.
Do thou, O auspicious one, listen to me as I tell thee the words which I heard recited by the twice-born ones.
Then will thy friends be freed from fear and affliction, and behold theauspicious summit of this excellent mountain furnished with variegated flowers.
Let Sudeva without delay go hence to the city of Ayodhya, for the purpose of bringing Nala, O mother, having performed the same auspicious rites by virtue of which he had speedily brought me into the midst of friends.
Truly Sunrise had never before known such an auspicious day, such record-breaking gate receipts, nor such sure promise of success.
Calls for Burleigh rent the air, roars and yells that threatened to turn this most auspicious college event into pandemonium, and the jolly company into a veritable mob.
To the Judaeans this seemed an auspicious moment also for their own emancipation.
The first years of Caligula's reign appeared to be auspicious for Judaea.
We also maintain that results may be obtained more easily at certain times when stellar rays are propitious to healing of a particular disease, or by treatment with remedies previously prepared under auspicious conditions.
Words of Peace have been victorious, where war would have meant defeat, and no talent is more to be desired than ability to always say the right word at the auspicious time.
Its reign will spread thy glorious conquests far, And still the tumults of thy ruffled breast: Auspicious era!