This man--we will call him Huyliger, because that is as unlike his name as it is mine--was very kind to me on that memorable night when I aroused him from his sleep and in a few words of explanation told him of my plight.
I was caked with mud up to my shoulders, and I suppose my face must have recorded some of the experiences I had gone through that memorable night.
As I had no hat, my helmet being the only thing I wore over the lines, I was compelled either to go bareheaded or wear the red cap of the Bavarian whom I had shot down on that memorable day.
Nor was the Giant Cormoran (fourteen feet in height), nor the Queen of Beauty, nor the Dragon Queen wanted to complete the chivalry of this burlesque upon the memorable meeting at Eglinton.
One of the most memorableevents in its history is the landing there of William Prince of Orange, afterwards William III.
The result of this memorable expedition was the victory of Agincourt.
Fain would we, in fitting strain, describe the festivities of that memorable day when the benevolent Lord Mauleverer received and blessed the admiring universe of Bath.
Away rattled the equipage; and thus was achieved a flight still memorable in the annals of the elect, and long quoted as one of the boldest and most daring exploits that illicit enterprise ever accomplished.
The scene shifts back to Gatesboro', the forenoon of the day succeeding the memorable exhibition at the Institute of that learned town.
It was on the twenty-fifth of this month that Jacqueline writes from Paris of Descartes’s memorable visits.
And the result is the remarkable and memorable assault contained in his thirteen Letters—from the fourth to the sixteenth—directed against all the main principles of the Jesuit system.
On that memorable date I was traveling to Ohio at the request of my dear friend Miss Jones to deliver an address at the Columbus School for Girls.
The hearse-like pace at which the carriage moved recalled the overwhelming spectacle of the funeral which had so lately formed part in the most memorable event of my life.
I do not mean that it ceased even then, but that my attention was then diverted into a current very memorable to me.
They find the old room very dull and dismal, with the ashes of the fire that was burning on that memorable night yet in the discoloured grate.
I could have no anticipation, and I had none, that something very startling to me at the moment, and ever memorable to me in what ensued from it, was to happen before this day was out.
Her mediumistic susceptibilities gave her admittance where she was an actual observer of the real author of and actors in that memorable drama.
In 1689, being then only twenty-six, he published a small work entitled "Memorable Providences relating to Witchcraft and Possessions.
I had seen nothing of them since my memorable interview, but it was like enough that the tribe were yet in the neighbourhood.
After-events have made it one of the most memorable in my life, for it was the last time, save one, that I ever beheld Massingberd Heath.
On that memorable morning the sun rose strong and bright, and photographed a brilliant idea upon my cerebellum.
It was not until the memorable pamphlet of Sir Rowland Hill was issued in 1837 that any real progress was made or any attempt made worthy of mention.
When, at the close of August, Napoleon penned these memorable words in his palace of St. Cloud, he knew not that a man had arrived on the scene of action.
Such were the memorablewords of Bonaparte to his Council of State at one of its early meetings.
Nelson, though he held Malta to be useless as a base for the British fleet watching Toulon, made the memorable statement: "I consider Malta as a most important outwork to India.
Such pettiness was unworthy of the great captain who could design and carry through the memorable campaign of Marengo.
Early in 1813 he was ordered to Russia, and thereafter served as attaché on Blücher's staff in the memorable advance to the Rhine and the Seine.
There is indeed a memorable five minutes when she absolutely deliberates as to whether she will or will not accept her cousin's hand, and so give herself a way to escape from Sir Guy's dreaded displeasure.
One memorable Christmas day Guy and I dined with him, and he got beastly drunk on the sauce for the plum-pudding.
In the autumn of 1678 occurred an event forever memorable in the annals of Michigan.
That is I am sure no ordinary occurrence, which has made forevermemorable the Calends of this November.
In October, 1859, "Old John Brown" made his memorable attempt to liberate the enslaved negroes of the South by the descent upon Harper's Ferry.
All honor to his memory, as also to the memory of his great associates in high places during those memorable days!
This memorable exploit was discussed at length between General Grant and Mr. Chandler.
He marched, and the trophies of that memorable campaign are known to the Senate and the country.
HE nothing common did or mean Upon that memorable scene, But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try Nor called the gods, with vulgar spite, To vindicate his helpless right!
On being asked how he did, he answered, in memorable words, "Almost well!
It is with a feeling akin to that which prompted this memorable exclamation of Madame Roland that the sincere lover of human freedom and progress is often compelled to regard American democracy.
It was to him that O'Connell made the memorable but somewhat profane retort, 'Paul, Paul, why persecutest thou me?
Shaw, who held the Baron's brief, made a very fine speech, but afforded a memorableexample of the danger of saying too much, and of the importance of knowing when to stop.
Such imposters must also give testimony to our mission in a manner convenient to their position, as I have given at the close of this treatise some hints, although I could write a volume of memorable events connected with John H.
It will be the true reign of Christ, for which all political and ecclesiastical memorable events of past centuries and of this time, are preparations.
By the memorable events which happened in the Cathedral Church in Boston, a key was given us to unlock prophecies, which have been before either entirely locked, or only in some measure unlocked.
In the year 1840, on Easter Saturday, my third German volume of "memorable events" issued from the press.
In the first three of my five German volumes the magnetic chain of memorable events to bind the dragon.
Strange to say--on another 2nd July, three centuries and two years before, a former Albert of Austria had overthrown the emperor Adolphus of Nassau, who had then lost both crown and life in the memorable battle of Worms.
The most healthy moral to be drawn from this brief but memorable campaign is that the wisest statesmen are prone to blunder in affairs of war, success in which seems to require a special education and a distinct genius.
It was a forlorn hope, yet such was the shifting fortune of that memorable day that the charge decided the battle.
And rising against the sky-line from amidst the fretwork of birch-boughs Francesco saw the well-remembered outlines of the ruined tower wherein he had spent a memorable night.
It is usually regarded as an age of barbarism; it was not that; it must ever be memorable for splendour of genius and the promotion of letters.
And in 1802 he makes that memorable communication by letter to Dunthorne after a visit to Sir George Beaumont's pictures, to which reference has already been made.