I would not indeed," answered Clearemout with emotion; "but the world is apt to misjudge in matters of delicacy.
I think you misjudge me," I protested, rather annoyed at her words.
I know I have been foolish, Gerald," she wrote, "but you misjudge me because of an indiscretion.
I don't want you to misjudge poor Pitman, who is the most harmless being upon earth.
Lady, you are harsh and misjudge me, as I will show," and he looked about him cautiously.
Then he used the English tongue as it was talked among the common people in Essex, and said: "Lady, how sorely you misjudge me.
So, in this case, faithful Ursel must deceive herself and misjudge the girl, for the old woman's strangely evasive words had revealed plainly enough that she did not consider Barbara the right wife for him.
The master having begun it, all misjudge and crush me!
I should like to let you misjudge him, but I can't be a bounder, you know.
My dear," she began in her very firmest quiet manner, "I am positive you misjudge Miss Waters.
I think you misjudge him about that work of his, anyhow," said Melville.
You misjudge and misunderstand me," said Mrs. Verstage, hotly.
You cruelly, you wrongfully misjudge me I will tell you all, if you will I never would have hidden anything from you if I had not known how you would take and use what I said.
Men might misjudge Him, but the Judge of all the earth would do Him right.
It is our low faithlessness that makes us misjudge it, and nothing but faith could make us judge it aright.
And that, while in faithlessness, we should thus misjudge it, is well.
Because they dare to misjudge you, and they know nothing, and are not worthy to know anything of your real self.
Monsieur, I speak to you, as I am sure I may, as one friend to another, and I am perfectly certain that you will not misjudge me.
If people choose to dictate to me or misjudge me, let them go; and if they have not penetration enough to judge what I am, I shall not take the trouble to show them.
I have courage enough to appear weak and vacillating; but, Kurt, you will notmisjudge me on that account?
I have often deplored that his magnanimous hankering after action and distinction hath as yet no decided object, and so often disturbs the balance of his princely mind, giving occasion to even his nearest friends and kindred to misjudge him.
Even in such a position I would esteem and admire your noble spirit, and I know you would not misjudge me.