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Example sentences for "reputed"

Lexicographically close words:
reputable; reputacion; reputation; reputations; repute; reputedly; request; requeste; requested; requestes
  1. He hired a gig at Oxford, promising to return in a few days, and came up to London, but had not effrontery enough to venture into the presence of his reputed father.

  2. Samuel was instructed by his elder brother Alexander in the art of limning, and both brothers are reputed to have been the pupils of their uncle.

  3. I do not know that there is much to be learned about these collaborateurs of Petitot, but of the two Peter seems the better known, and is indeed reputed to have been the master of Petitot.

  4. This lady must have possessed charming manners and very endearing qualities, for she is reputed to have been plain in personal appearance.

  5. Further than the facts that he was reputed to be very wealthy and led, in the heart of a great city, what was as nearly like the life of a hermit as possible, I knew little or nothing.

  6. The building was reputed to be earning a good return on the investment, and I was at a loss to account for the fire.

  7. Reputed to have served anciently as rendezvous for British pirates, and even in the last century as a smugglers' entrepot.

  8. It also penetrated north-eastward into Yucatan, where Zamna was its reputed founder, and the Cocomes and Itzas probably its subjects.

  9. He was cruel, vindictive, and superstitious; and the quality of generosity attributed to him was probably closely connected with his reputed love of display and flattery.

  10. The ancient Devil-worshipper who has reappeared with such power in England tells us that he was the reputed son of a farmer, who had to support a wife and eleven children on from 7s.

  11. Horneck has not given us the Swedish term of which this is a translation, but we may feel assured that it was not a phrase coined by the class among whom reputed witches were found.

  12. For it was his constant intent to make me an esquire in the service of Sir Thomas Kennedy of Culzean,[#] reputed the wisest man and the best soldier in all the parts of Carrick and Ayr.

  13. Custrin, reputed to be one of the strongest fortresses on the Oder, was handed over to some forty chasseurs, Stettin surrendered in the same despicable manner.

  14. Napoleon, accompanied by the savants, sailed on l’Orient, reputed to be the finest three-decker afloat.

  15. Both she and her guardian were reputed to be wealthy; and disappointment, on the open sea, might drive desperate men to the commission of crimes that in more prosperous moments would not suggest themselves.

  16. At its entrance is the reputed tomb of Virgil, and then commences an amphitheatre of white and terraced dwellings.

  17. Budgell was the reputed author, but Tonson printed it, with Addison's name as the writer.

  18. She was then reputed to be the intimate friend and favourite of Sir Charles Sedley.

  19. It is reputed to possess divine virtue; it would suffer decay, they assert, were it even seen by their own laity; but if by foreigners, it would be utterly despoiled of its divine communicative power.

  20. The bleeding of Ulysses is reputed to have been stopped by this means; and Cato the Censor has given us an incantation for setting dislocated bones.

  21. In the Dark Ages popular opinion credited the Devil with a vast amount of erudition; and he was, moreover, reputed to be well versed in medical science and magical arts.

  22. The reputed inherent therapeutic qualities of medicinal runes were potent psychic factors, through the subconscious mind, in healing disease.

  23. Fludd was reputed to be a man of piety and great learning, and was an adept in the so-called Rosicrucian philosophy.

  24. This personage was a native of Bayeux, and is reputed to have flourished in the sixth century A.

  25. General Gates, the reputed victor at Saratoga, was also ordered South, and put in command of the Southern forces.

  26. The Old Brick House--a True History of the Historic Dwelling Reputed to be the Home of the Famous Pirate 62 VIII.

  27. Swaine hauing now got the whole rule of the land, was reputed full king, and so commanded that his armie should be prouided of wages and vittels to be taken vp & leuied through the realme.

  28. In 932 Athelstan rebuilt the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Peter, staffing it with monks of the Benedictine Order, and presenting them with the reputed relics of St. Sidwell, a saint who is still somewhat of a puzzle to ecclesiologists.

  29. The arches spring from three carved heads reputed to be those of St. Edward the Confessor, Leofric, and Edith.

  30. To the monastery he had founded Athelstan presented some reputed relics of the saint.

  31. Since God was so manifestly their only sword and shield, and was reputed to be so terrible and implacable in His resentments, it behooved them to omit no means of conciliating His favor.

  32. It was not a profitable country to its reputed owners, who, in 1714, received a hundred dollars apiece from it.

  33. Love is commonly reputed by some, and power by others, to be the keys of happiness," said the Angel, regardless of his grammar.

  34. Their commander was a Captain Jikjak, reputed something of a wit; and betimes, after the brigands had marched forward silently for a while, this worthy called upon them to halt.

  35. She was reputed as proud as she was beautiful, and of the many suitors who flocked to Caub to seek her hand in marriage none could win from her a word of encouragement or even a tender glance.

  36. He was devoted to the art which he practised, and was reputed the most scientific man of the whole faculty.

  37. For, after all, many a proud peer is in reality the son of his reputed father's groom or footman; and many a dazzling beauty owes her being to her mother's illicit amours with a butler or a page!

  38. Miranda also told me that Benjamin Bones was still in existence and was reputed to be a rich man.

  39. It possesses a parish church, occupying the site of one reputed to have been built by Charlemagne about 805, an interesting town hall and several schools.

  40. Cyllene was reputed to be his birthplace, the islands of Lemnos, Imbros and Samothrace, in which he was associated with the Cabeiri and Attica.

  41. Virgin Mary, was reputed to have converted a great number of the disciples of Henry of Lausanne.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reputed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alleged; assumed; conjectural; creditable; estimable; given; granted; hypothetical; inferred; presumed; presumptive; pretended; purport; putative; reputable; reputed; respectable; supposed; supposititious; understood