His voice at first was frank and full of brave inflections, as he told of the noble, faithful, helpful Gisli, pursued by evil fortune even in his dreams.
To him we are greatly obligated for the use of photographs and plates, and especially for helpful counsel on many items.
Knowlton, our thanks are due for the revision of the checklist and for much helpful advice, and we are grateful to Mr. S.
A good lens with needles for dissecting is very helpful in examining the sori, veins, glands, etc.
Weatherby for his expert and helpful inspection of the entire manuscript.
Since my own studies give me no claim to an opinion on such matters, whilst it is helpful to have clear ideas, however tentative, I shall adopt the views of Dr.
Plenty of water should be used with the brush, and a little good powder is helpful once a day.
A number of helpful new features are also included.
Neglecting all other affairs, he was content to live on a pittance, which he was enabled to do by a frugal and helpful wife.
Each professor was a factor in the department of another in a helpful and not an antagonistic way, and all held counsel on subjects where the knowledge of all was helpful to each.
Brave, earnest women, helpful to each other, With finest scorn for all things low and mean.
The helpful beneficence of an all-powerful Divinity was but so much illusion!
O Almighty God, O Divinity, Helpful Power, whoever, whatever Thou mayst be, take pity upon poor mankind and make human suffering cease!
Mr. Israel Wice and his capable assistants in the General Reference Branch were helpful at crucial stages of the manuscript.
The operations report of the X Corps is helpful but too brief.
I suppose the Zouave would have buried me--he's such a helpful creature, you know.
The money demanded would be helpful to France, and the wily Frenchman probably saw in such a transfer an opportunity of embroiling the Government at Washington in boundary disputes with the British and Spanish sovereigns.
Similarly, through the law of "natural selection" the newly moulded thought-body of the dying person will choose and attract such parts from the common environments as are helpful to its proper expression or manifestation.
Norris, voted in favor each time and was always a helpful friend of woman suffrage.
Among men and women not elsewhere mentioned who have been helpful to woman suffrage are Mrs. Mary T.
They were equally helpfulin the State political work and among many others who deserve especial mention are Mrs. James A.
Space will not permit the names of the many women who were loyal and helpful during these years.
Pink roses were sent by the committee to Mrs. Johnson, wife of the Governor, and violets to Mrs. Wallace for their helpful cooperation.
Among the men in the State who were especially active andhelpful were: Colonel Bibb Graves and John H.
On the roll call each man stood up and in a few gracious words expressed his pleasure in being able to show his confidence in the helpful co-operation of women in city government by granting them this suffrage.
The Socialists were always helpfulbut they were intensely disliked and sometimes their friendship only made the way more difficult.
Among legislators not mentioned who were helpfulduring these years were Senator S.
During the months that followed, educational work and helpful interest in States having campaigns was carried forward.
Barrett, now Adjutant General, were helpful friends in the Legislature.
Shaler has had some talk on the general problems that confront us with Herbert Hoover, an American mining engineer, who has given some very helpful ideas and may do more still.
Then somehelpful soul came along and threw a monkey wrench into the machinery, so that a good part of the work has to be done over again.
The study and practice of even the lower branches of mathematics are also helpful in this direction.
On the whole, we must regard Miss Repplier's discussion as a helpful contribution to the saner aspects of sex-education.
There are some helpful ideas in Henderson's "What It Is To Be Educated" (Houghton Mifflin Co.
Perhaps parents and teachers may cooperate to keep much of this kind of literature out of the hands of young people, but the safest procedure is in cultivating taste for literature that does teach helpful lessons of life.
The following literature will be especially helpful to young men: W.
It will be most helpful if we first analyze the general task of sex-education into some specific aims that may definitely guide instruction, and then in later lectures consider the methods and detailed subject matter of sex-instruction.
Such knowledge along with general sex-education will do much to make dancing not only safe for average young men, but also helpful along social and aesthetic lines.
Leading women are beginning to give, through the impersonal medium of science and general literature, some definite and helpful testimony concerning the pathway to the essential good that is bound up in sexuality.
It will now be helpful to review some of the writings of those who oppose or at least point out the defects of the commonly accepted plan of sex-instruction.
Chicago) is a good condensed statement of her largest ideas and a helpful introduction to "Love and Marriage.
Playground and swimming pools and religious influence and work are all helpful in our dealings with young people, but all together they are inadequate without some information concerning sex.
Since the days when the bishop had been only plain Mr. Scrope, the youngest and most helpful of Likeman's historical band of curates, their friendship had continued.
John's home life was rich in the companionship of brothers and sisters, and his mother was most sympathetic and helpful to him in his aspirations to know and to become the scholar.
The Northern people using free labor will manufacture all kinds of things and the tariff is helpful to them.
Very helpfulat times to devout worship were our surroundings.
I found it helpful to sleep to roll up my towel as hard as possible, and then crowd it under my tight belt over the pit of my stomach.
We also found out that it was not at all helpful to piety to try to worship on an empty stomach, and have been ever since in great sympathy with these who would feed the poor first, and then preach to them.
It isn't that I think you're not capable, but I believe several inside men in the archives division will be tremendously helpful to you and I don't want to have outsiders go in there.