That tall erection of the Wynnes would screen us completely.
His little school, his little church, his little parsonage, all owed their erection to him; and they did him credit.
Every step was carefully nailed on and properly supported, and the erection grew daily until he had reached four large boughs which branched out twenty feet above the level of the ground.
Bobby filled the kettle at the stream, and planted it firmly on Lilian's elaborate erection of sticks.
The cheap defense of nations expended a thousand millions in the erection of this magnificent dwelling-place.
Arnaud de Via, for the erection of a new episcopal palace, was content to modify and enlarge the old one for pontifical uses, and that Benedict XII.
In connection with this event it is designed to commence the erection at Caracas of a statue of Washington and to conduct an industrial exhibition which will be open to American products.
In 1750 the erection of any mill or other engine for splitting or rolling iron was prohibited; but pig iron was allowed to be imported into England duty free, that it might there be manufactured and sent back again.
The labourer rejoices when the market for his labour is brought to his door by the erection of a mill or a furnace, or the construction of a road.
The planter rejoices in the erection of a mill in his neighbourhood, giving him a market for his cotton and his food.
In 1866 she secured theerection of a monument to the fallen soldiers in the National Cemetery, at Hampton.
In Rome she had two interviews with the pope, and the erection of a new hospital for the insane on modern principles resulted.
More engineers go wrong by theerection of treatment works where other treatment facilities are available, than do so by continued shipping.
The method has two disadvantages as against the square-set or filling process, in that more staging must be provided from which to work, and in stopes over six feet the erection of machine-drill columns is tedious and costly in time and wages.
The utilisation of this Act has certainly resulted in the making of one fine street, a fine large debt, and the erection of a handful of artisans' dwellings.
The municipality have taken in hand some important housing schemes which may be advantageous to the working classes, and result in the erection of some of those new artisans' dwellings which, so far, have not been conspicuously numerous.
I remember that the erection of this Gothic house created quite a little stir.
After the conquest of Babel, this inscription only mentions the erection of the building at Nebbi Yunus (p.
To the erection of fortresses in the neighbourhood of Kar Sargon the Fasti add: "I conquered 34 cities in Media, united them with Assyria, and imposed on them a tribute of horses.
Great care is taken at the erection of a Dakhma that the rain-water can run off from the bier of the corpse.
After the erection of St. Patrick's Cathedral, no additions to the Roman Catholic churches were made until 1866, when Bishop Pompallier built the Church of S.
A blockhouse is in course of erection on the narrow neck of land leading to the village of Otahuhu.
Illustration: The Town Hall, with the Sir George Grey Statue] The erectionof the Town Hall, which commenced in 1908, was significant of the position which the municipality had now attained.
It was situated at one end of the building which had once been the seat of the Inquisition, and had served, before the erection of the present see, as the residence of the bishop.
Many of them have died possessed of considerable riches, part of which they have not unfrequently bequeathed to the erection or embellishment of religious houses.
We have therefore at present only to offer a few remarks on the principles to be observed in the erection of Elizabethan villas at the present day.
When a nobleman, or man of fortune, amuses himself with superintending the erection of the domiciles of his domestics.
Details assisted in theerection of a new theatre on the camp grounds.
Other incidents of import to the battery were the erection of stables and the conduct of horse shows.
The erection of a new flag pole in front of regimental headquarters furnished occasion for the formal formation when the Stars and Stripes are lowered to the strain of "The Star Spangled Banner" or the "Call to the Colors.
President Young also caused the erection of a good flouring mill on a small stream which here entered the river.
I introduced the Book of Mormon as a record of ancient America; I dwelt upon its history and prophetic declarations, now being verified by the erection of free institutions in this great country, and their growing influence.
It is a sad commentary on our public morals that the erection of a State capitol without suspicion of corruption is so exceptional as to be noteworthy and the proud distinction of the people of this Western commonwealth.
On August 23d the erection of a chapel for this new town of San Francisco de los Espanoles was begun; it was finished September 7th, and on the following day was consecrated.
The arbitrary erection throughout the West of new paths of commerce, of new centres of distribution, during the decade and a half before the War of Secession, was of itself a revolutionary element in urban history.
It was decided that all the leading artists should contribute something, each in his own line, to the erection of a splendid catafalque, and a sub-committee of four men was elected to superintend its execution.
This sketch would be incomplete without some allusion to the project which was set in motion about six years ago, having for its object the erection of a suitable monument to the great Chief's memory.
The post was built on the site now occupied by the hospital of the Grey Nuns of Montreal, and even before its erection was completed a horde of rival French traders appeared on the scene.
The erection of buildings for the accomodation of the Legislature was begun near the present site of the old gaol on Berkeley street, in what is now the far eastern part of the city.
At first it was, like all the other bridges on the Fleet, constructed of wood; after its erection in stone, with a width of some twelve feet, it seems to have been gradually widened to accommodate the increasing traffic.
He at one time kept the Plough Inn in Carey Street, which was pulled down just before the erection of the new Law Courts.
It was known by the name of the Water Gallery, and occupied the site in front of what is now the southern facade of King William's quadrangle, on whose erection the Water Gallery was entirely removed.
This led to the erection of bridges; we think Holborn Bridge was the first to be built.
He urged the erection as soon as possible of a chapel, which should be of dimensions suitable for the demands of the college.