It pervades every mart of trade; it loads trains and ships with the commerce of nations; and it helps to amplify and ennoble civilization.
In striving to exalt and ennoble work, the school runs counter to habits of thought that have been formed in the home, and these habits prove stubborn.
Because religion ever seeks to ennoble a man; and nothing so debases him as revenge.
There is no greater proof of human weakness than that which betrays itself in the boast of fortune and ancestry; these cannot ennoble us, but our conduct in life may ennoble or degrade them.
The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater= 50 =ennoble it.
We may daily discover crowds acquire sufficient wealth to buy gentility, but very few that possess the virtues which ennoble human nature, and (in the best sense of the word) constitute a gentleman.
But the causes which are operating to strengthen and ennoble it, and its daily indications of admirable properties, are all lost upon these purblind observers; who are only affected by the little asperities incident to its present situation.
A higher tone of spiritual life would prove that the Gospel was mighty to mould and ennoble character.
Depend upon it, that so much of our burdens of work and weariness as is left to us, after we have cast them upon Him, is intended to strengthen and ennoble us.
The next point of difference is the isolation of Vandyck's figure, compared with the modern painter's endeavor to ennoble his by subduing others.
Every nation which desires to ennoble itself should endeavor to maintain as large a number of persons as possible by rural and maritime labor (including fishing).
The Encomenderos swore "to defend, enrich, and ennoble the kingdom and care for the Indians," and they appear to have discharged their trust with tolerable fidelity.
Is the man spiritual who endeavors by thought and deed to ennoble the human race?
His heart strove to ennoble the object of his passion; his spirit, to exalt with it the young creature whom he loved.
No less than through this intimately allied association with ruin and death does Heyse ennoble love, legitimate or illegitimate, as indicated above, through the nature of the self-surrender.
Carrying to it the ideas, feelings, and manners of the gentle class, they could ennoble the humblest occupation; it could not lower them.
But these are not the men who ennoble their descendants in perpetuity.
If you do you willennoble Nottingham by your action.
The manliness of sentiment and occasionally greater width of outlook which ennoble the rhetorical genius of P.
Virgin Mother, daughter of thine own Son, humble and exalted more than any creature, fixed term of the eternal counsel, thou art she who didst so ennoble human nature that its own Maker disdained not to become His own making.
Indeed, by the purity of her life, the manner in which she discharged her maternal duties, and the graceful suavity of her manners, she did much to ennoble the character of the House of Leiningen, which her husband had done much to lower.
And those who have wrestled long for a few bare truths to ennoble life and rest their souls in thinking of the future will not be left in doubt.
To prevent its extinction, to ennoble it, to people earth and sea and sky with it; this is the meaning of the Struggle for Life.
The gifts that God has given them to ennoble man they devote to stirring the puddle of filth which they take as the mirror of human nature, and, holding before the admiring gaze of humanity whatever they have fished up, say--Behold yourselves!
Now I grieve to record it, but the silly spirit of mockery within me had so far infected my wits that I cried out in pretended astonishment, "O marvellous fancy that can so ennoble a neighbor's brat!
It is safe to say that he who tries to ennoble friendship is best worthy of the name of friend, and he who belittles it, has fewer claims to man's humanity.
In asking us to follow Him, Christ does not desire to suppress our individuality, but to enrich and ennoble it.