These speculations were unfortunate, and Braham found himself compelled to renew his professional exertions at a period when musical artists generally think of retiring from the stage.
As this was a nightly occurrence, and the poor actors had no money, the expense fell on the restaurateur, who was compelled to console himself by the reflection that it was in the cause of liberty.
He had expected, and was ashamed for so expecting, that the woman who had compelled him to follow her to this solitary place, would turn and fling herself into his arms with a cry of "Jimmy!
His questions, flung at her with quick short words, compelledtrue answers.
But for Boringdon, the new work to which he had set his hand had soon been poisoned, owing to the peculiar conditions under which he was compelled to do it.
She still felt in all her bones the violent chill she had caught, and the being compelled to lie aside had made her, what she so seldom was, really depressed.
But some element, generally that of the selfless tenderness for which his heart craved, was lacking in the unlawful loves to which he considered himself compelled to confine his quest.
There she had known, and had shrunk from the knowledge, that all those about her were aware of what sort of life she had been compelled to lead on her husband's plantation.
The chief could add but little in his jargon to what Dublin had already stated--that they had been met at the conjunction of the Gold and the Lewes by the desperadoes, and under cover of the rifles been compelled to return up stream.
With a growl, Rae limped away to the tent again, returning with two pairs of pajamas, and despite the boys' complaint that these would prove but little protection, they were compelled to don them.
Having gathered their loot together they went to the shack and compelled three of the Indians to come out and carry these things and place them aboard the boat.
The construction of the chimney was a novel experience for the boys, who knew little of the expedients that pioneers far from stone and lime were compelled to resort to.
Then wiping away his tears, he continued: “Before many moons you, too, will be compelled to leave your homes.
As night set in the Indians retired and each of the girls had to sleep between two squaws, which they were compelled to do thereafter up to the time that they were turned over to the Winnebagoes.
Brutus iscompelled to balance a weighty issue, with public policy on the one side, and on the other, not only justice to individual claims, but further the claims of friendship, which is one of the fairest flowers of the inner life.
No shoulders in the church were broader than theirs; and I must say, badly as I detest the principles laid down and defended by them, I was compelled to acknowledge the vast mental endowments of the men.
This man, Frederick Douglass, has been there, and has been compelled to flee.
We were compelled either to beg, or to steal, and we did both.
He shows to others, and exacts for himself, all the tokens of respect which he is compelled to manifest toward his master.
There were slaves here, direct from Guinea; and there were many who could say that their fathers and mothers were stolen from Africa--forced from their homes, and compelled to serve as slaves.
Master Hugh, for once, wascompelled to say, that this state of things was too bad; and he left the office of the magistrate, disgusted.
I was not a bad reader of the human face, nor long in selecting the right man, when once compelled to disclose the facts of my condition to some one.
Party ties are loosened by it; and men are compelled to take sides for or against it, whether they will or not.
Sometimes they were compelled to take their children with them, and to leave them in the corner of the fences, to prevent loss of time in nursing them.
Come from where he may, or come for what he may, he is compelledto show his hand.
This may in some degree become necessary in cases where the negligence of the States on the one hand, and the necessities of the army on the other, have compelled to seize by force what ought to have been collected by law.
That if he did not obtain for every State all they wished, they must attribute the sacrifice he might be compelled to make of his inclinations, to the tyrannic rule of necessity.
But, on the other hand, we are compelled to admit, that she has met with no such reverse of fortune as materially to debilitate her, or weaken her resources for another campaign.
That he therefore found himself compelled in the one case, by respect for the Empress, in the other by a regard to the United States, rather to break off the treaty, than to take a step which might be supposed to derogate from either.
I am sure they will feel for me, when I mention the pain I suffer from being compelled to refuse money on their resolutions.
Hence I was compelled to relinquish the profession of author, but I am still a public writer.
The closeness of the trees compelled him to draw nearer to them, and when the man was at the thickest part he turned round and saw Thénardier, although the latter tried to conceal himself in the branches.
We are compelled to add that at this moment she put her tongue out to an enormous length; all at once she turned and passionately seized the doll.
She proceeded thus for about a dozen yards, but the bucket was full and heavy, and she was compelled to set it on the ground.
Moreover, he was regular, and only went out when absolutely compelled by the claims of his orchard or kitchen-garden, and this discretion was placed to his credit.
It is true that as the Empire was despotic, Royalty, by the natural reaction of things, was compelled to be liberal, and a constitutional order issued from Waterloo, much to the regret of the conquerors.
The balance of power between these two groups compelled them, even had they wished otherwise, to maintain a pacific attitude, while the Balkan conflagration, being thus localized, was dying out at their feet.
A landed proprietor, however, who lived on the income derived from his estate, would be compelled either to cut down expenses or to raise money on a mortgage.
The threatening front that Count de Portalès was ordered to show rankled in the hearts of Russian patriots, who were compelled to retreat before this menace.
They are compelled to explain, however, the long decline that, like an arctic night, followed this brilliant epoch.
If the Republican Government had continued to show prudence and to advance at a leisurely pace, we should have been compelled to put up with its pretensions and to champ our bit in silence.
On the one hand, the Government does not commit itself to the policy of any one party; on the other hand, to carry the bills which it regards as important, it is compelled to be eternally bargaining with parties and groups.
In the war that she might be compelled to wage, Germany would have only herself to rely upon, and would have to guard, perhaps against several opponents, frontiers of great length and largely unprovided with natural defences.
We should have been compelled to learn German as a third language, soon to become the official tongue.
The geographical position of Belgium, devoid as she is of natural frontiers, in itself compelled her to adopt measures of defence: to build fortresses and to maintain an efficient army.
Some large sailing-ships experience a decided difficulty in obtaining freights that will repay expenses, even ignoring a margin for profit, and we are reluctantly compelled to confess that the days of sailing-ships are almost numbered.
For a while Mr Edison was compelled to suspend work on this invention, but soon returned to it and worked out the machine as it exists practically to-day.
Ship-owning firms and shipbuilders will probably soon becompelled to keep the modern steel sailing-ship within more moderate dimensions.
An idea of that sort rapidly germinates heat, and Thimonnier's workshop was one day invaded by an angry mob, who smashed all the machines, and compelled the inventor to seek safety in flight.
The Sheffield cutlers would have nothing to do with a substance so much harder than anything they were accustomed to, and Huntsman was actually compelled to look for his market abroad!
About an hour later I received a telegram from Butterwick saying that he had been compelled to go down to the lower part of Jersey, and that he wouldn't be home for a week or two.
Of course each person felt compelled to bring a present of some kind; and each one did.
If I had had the management of it, and had been compelled to arrange that there should be more women than men, I certainly should not have had any fractions.
After that he took into his head to found a newspaper, 'La Sentinelle;' that compelled him to fly at the end of six months.
We are compelled to offer explanations to the few creditors--only two or three--whom we cannot pay.
Well, then, you know it would be her death warrant, for I should then be compelled to put her in a hospital.
He said that when he went into the conference-room, in the McLean residence, as one of the Confederate Commissioners, he was compelled to pass through the room occupied by General Grant as his head-quarters.
This compelled Longstreet to "hasten matters" by assuming personal direction of the movement, and pushing Hood's division rapidly to the front past McLaws.
Conscience compelled James Longstreet to oppose politically, for their own good, as he saw it, his Southern fellow-countrymen.
They were compelled to dig holes in the frozen ground, which were thawed out by fires to furnish their usual couch.
DEAR MADAM,--Learning of the recent death of General Longstreet, I felt compelled to address to you an expression of sympathy.
He said, "I conscientiously did what I deemed my duty while the controversy lasted, and when the fate of war compelled surrender, I accepted the situation in good faith.
The regiment was compelled to surrender to the local authorities of Texas early in 1861, and were detained at the South many months.
When war compelled surrender, I accepted the situation in good faith.
In sheer self-defence he was compelled to recapitulate in plainest terms General Lee's tactical mistakes and their fatal consequences.
For shoes the men were compelled to resort to the raw hides of beef cattle as temporary protection from the frozen ground.
Upon this I rode upon the field, but found myself compelled to be a spectator, for General Longstreet's clear head and brave heart left no apology for interference.
Johnston bear witness to the world of his great subordinate at Williamsburg: "I wascompelled to be a mere spectator, for General Longstreet's clear head and brave heart left no apology for interference.
But to the north the advance of the German forces has compelled us to draw back.
Not the least of our misfortunes, from my point of view, was the fact that we werecompelled to hold our meetings at the "Fox and Hounds.
She compelled him to be brutal, or, at least, it seemed to him that she compelled him.
He forced what I perceived to be a salt-cellar between my fingers, then, giving my wrist a twist, he compelled me to upset it.
I had forgotten that I have an engagement for lunch with a man which I shall be compelled to keep.
It was only when Gardiner produced a sheet of paper covered with my writing that I was compelled to belief.
At first I took no notice of this diversified sternutation, but as it deepened every moment in energy, terminating in something like a groan, I wascompelled to pay it the homage of my admiration and astonishment.
What sense would there be in the word duty, if man were able to do only those things which his own nature, or worse still, nature in general, compelled him to do?
We are compelled by an irresistible need to live this common life, and together to constitute one sole spirit.
After this, as an additional punishment, they were compelled to face the farce of a "fair trial" in a capitalistic court.
An Associated Press reporter was compelled to leave town hastily without bag or baggage because he inadvertently published Dr.
Even at last, when compelled to yield to privation and brute force and return to work, they turned defeat to victory by "carrying the strike onto the job.
Finally there is the Northwestern logger, whose work, unlike that of the Middle Western "jack" is not seasonal, but who is compelled nevertheless to remain migratory.
In addition to this men were compelled to walk considerable distances to and from their work and meals through the wet brush.
Then, you will remember, I compelled Elsie Hornbeck to admit that she had been shown photographs of Barnett by the prosecution.
Sam Brandon must have run five hundred yards back before want of breath compelled a slackening of speed, and his panic fear gave place to common-sense.
He had determined to examine the place, but that morning he was compelled to hurry back to breakfast.
Diphilus had applied to Pompey the phrase 'Miseria nostra tu es magnus,' and that he was compelled to repeat it a thousand times amid the shouts of the whole theatre.
The exigencies of his chronology compelled Virgil to fill a blank space of three hundred years with the shadowy forms of a line of Alban kings.
The chivalric spirit of De Soto compelled him to admire the heroism it displayed.
This delay of several days gave the Peruvians time to recover from their consternation, and they organized another formidable line of defense in a valley which the Spaniards would be compelled to traverse, a few miles from the city.
Humiliated as never before, the proud Don Pedro was compelled to order a retreat.
He allowed Casquin to remain in his camp and under his protection for a few days, but compelled him to send immediately home the whole body of his followers, retaining merely enough vassals for his personal service.
They would be compelled on their retreat to climb mountains, plunge into ragged ravines, thread tropical forests and narrow defiles, where armies of uncounted thousands of natives were ready to dispute their passage.
You have robbed me of my kingdom and compelled me to insult my Deity, by stripping his temples to satisfy your avarice.
He however posted an advanced guard some miles south of the stream in ground broken by hills, rocks and ravines, through which the Spaniards would be compelled to pass, and where their cavalry could be of very little avail.
He said that it would be of no avail for him to send messengers to them, for they would believe that the messages were only such as De Soto compelled their chief to utter.
Here the army was compelled many days to remain to recruit from the awful disaster with which it had been so suddenly overwhelmed.
The Portuguese Narrative makes the incredible assertion that they were all prisoners, compelled to follow the army for its protection and as guides.
De Soto, thus left to bear the whole brunt of the hostile army, was also compelled to retreat.
They were compelled to leave their encampment in search of food.
These he compelled to be his hewers of wood and drawers of water.
Crown property, and he was compelled to surrender them.
Nowhere in the realm would they be safe against the power of the King, so they were compelled perforce to abide the issue.
He appealed to the King, who came to Cottingham to investigate the matter, and in the sequel compelled the prelate to give him absolution.
Waltheof went to Normandy, revealed the plot to the King, and asked his forgiveness for the part he had been compelled to take in it, who assured him of pardon, and they returned to England together.
Banks and the officers and soldiers under his command for the skill, courage, and endurance which compelled the surrender of Port Hudson, and thus removed the last obstruction to the free navigation of the Mississippi River.
After a short but spirited engagement Mouton's force was compelled to retreat.
For this escape, he was indebted to an opportune gale that compelled Buchanan's gunboats to lie to in Caillou Bay on their way to Berwick Bay, to cut off the retreat.
His passion exhausted him, and he was compelled to stop.
All appeals to him to soften this hard judgment were vain; he would scarcely listen to them, and when, against his will, he was compelled to do so, they had no effect upon him.
The honest fellow spoke the truth; he saw what he wascompelled to swear to.
Mrs. Pamflett was not a favourite in Beddington and round about; she had no friends or acquaintances there or anywhere; but she had been compelled to make her purchases in the village, and her appearance was familiar by force of circumstance.
He had made no arrangement with the book-maker to give Jeremiah time to settle, and Jeremiah himself personally was compelled to arrange with the man to whom he owed so large an amount of money.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bound; forced; obliged