Well, I hope you had," answered Lady Fisher, "seeing there lay nine years betwixt.
It was not for nine years that the Lanes came back to Bentley Hall.
The cavalry moved rapidly to the right, the machine guns rattled, and the infantry--nine trained men and a handful of Chagai Levies, rushed forward in the centre.
I have lain during nine long weeks, utterly shattered in body and broken down in mind.
It was about nine in the morning when the agony began.
The Victor had her first lieutenant and five men killed, and her captain and twenty-five wounded; nine of whom died shortly after.
The squadron were enabled to pass at nine o'clock, and at three came up with the enemy near Skenesborough Falls.
Already nearly nine hundred had perished," says Lieutenant Pipon, an officer of the 63rd regiment, who was on board a prisoner, and who afterwards published the dreadful story.
Fortunately, at nine o'clock that night the water began to rise; and by ten, the Culloden was afloat and under sail.
At last she told me that nine o'clock had struck, and that if old Count Antonio found us as we were, he would tease her with his jokes.
I had been in the seminary for nine or ten days, when one night I felt someone stealing very quietly in my bed; my hand was at once clutched, and my name whispered.
I began by ordering some soup, and, when I had dispatched it, I went to bed and slept for nine hours.
The government allows my father but a small salary, and there are nine of us.
I cannot see that the difference of terms, that of French senators being nine years, and of American six, is of practical consequence.
Nine out of ten of the books about him will go down to the nether oblivion.
Thomas Chatterton went to a suicide's grave in Potter's Field when he was only seventeen years, nine months, and four days of age.
The nine hundred men drawn up before the Bridge of Sallenches were no fitting mark for scoffing--so much at least was certain.
Nine hundred men; a small army to attempt the conquest of the valleys, where the soldiers of Savoy were holding the passes, the bridges, and the forts.
Bantry Bay On the eighteenth of October we lay in Bantry Bay, All ready to set sail, with a fresh and steady gale: A fortnight and nine days we in the harbour lay, And no breeze ever reached us or strained a single sail.
Scott, in his commentary, makes it as small as sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty yards; but the necessity for room was not as well understood in his day.
The nine thousand two hundred of these add no little to the discomfort of the trebly-crowded ark.
It would not do to allow these disagreeable individuals to crawl about the ark; and nine hundred and fourteen of them would require considerable space, whether they could obtain it or not.
In after life he said: "Poverty is uncomfortable, I can testify; but nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim for himself.
In nine years he built new roads, reorganized the company's shops, and improved the construction of cars and locomotives.
It looked extremely rocky for the Mudville nine that day; The score stood two to four, with but an inning left to play.
A weakling from birth, he was not baptized until he was nine months old.
The highest waves in the North Atlantic are from twenty-five to twenty-nine feet, and in the Mediterranean from sixteen to nineteen feet.
The Napoleonic wars, which had cost nine million lives and untold treasure, and had remade the map of the world, were ended.
I am a little girl just nine and a half, and have every number of ST.
By nine o'clock we were all seated in the study, waiting patently for our man.
At my place, ninemiles south of town," Whitley answered.
Well, I found a big house that is for sale; jes' the thing we need; and it could be bought and fixed up in first-class shape fer about nine hundred dollars.
The church is not meeting the problems of the day, and it's my candid opinion that ninety-nine out of every hundred preachers know it.
About nine o'clock, when the first wild fury of the gale had passed, a man, muffled in a heavy coat and with a soft hat pulled low over his face, made his way along the deserted streets.
In the three volumes that appeared he had to his credit forty-nine designs, in addition to a poem and a story entitled "Under the Hill.
I could hear every gun-fire, Zurba being only nine miles in a direct line from my house, and I counted fifteen shots a minute during a part of the time.
Of this, the passage through the valley of Enneochoria (the nine villages) will remain in my memory as the most delightful pastoral landscape I have ever seen, and the ideal of Greek pastoral poetry.
Hoping for the rain to stop, we waited till nine A.
There are nine bones in the plastron of the tortoise.
The conclusion to be drawn from this is that every sternum, provided that it is not inhibited in its development by some obstacle, is composed of nine elementary parts" (p.
In the other air-breathing Vertebrates the nine sternal elements can according to Geoffroy be discovered without great difficulty.
Geoffroy tries to show that the sternum in other animals is composed of these nine bones, or at least of a certain number of them, always in the same invariable relative positions.
Schwann was only twenty-nine when his master-work appeared, and the book is clearly the work of a young man.
After the first nine days' wonder, people would forget.
The night was soft and warm, and when the last sips of coffee and liqueurs were finished it was still only nine o'clock.
The cross of the nine angels be about me, From the top of my head To the soles of my feet), she went on her way fearlessly.
The early evenings he spent socially, but, as the hour grew to nine or ten, an irresistible restlessness overcame him and he disappeared from the haunts of men until the next afternoon.
The entity remained with us for about three minutes, and his place was then taken by a slightly built young man, standing about five feet nine inches, one claiming to be a recently deceased member of the royal family.
That very evening Straughan had died--at nine o'clock.
When nineyears of age he ran away to the hills, where he flourished, night-prowling, for seven weeks before he was discovered and brought home.
He said that they were little people, about so tall (indicating with his hand a stature of about four feet eight ornine inches).
The next day I turned my prisoners over to Colonel Wright, who had them marched to the upper landing of the Cascades, where, after a trial by a military commission, nine of them were sentenced to death and duly hanged.