By this time the administration was powerless even at the capital; and on November 30 El Amigo del Pueblo, an opposition sheet, announced, "There is no government in Mexico.
El Amigodel Pueblo, "The hour of danger for the country has sounded and she has a right to look to you for salvation.
Consul Parrott and the Amigo del Pueblo of Mexico stated that a commissioner had come from California to inform the government that the troops would not be admitted.
On November 15th, the first number of El Amigo del Pueblo, printed in Spanish, appeared from the shop of Jose E.
El Buen Amigo is what you might term a hotel for tropical tramps of the masculine sex.
About the time she's due, suppose you run up to San Miguel de Padua for a couple of weeks and leave me to run El Buen Amigo in your absence.
The rebels had triumphed, and as a result 'Enery had been sainted via the customary expeditious route; whereupon his wife had had recourse to her early profession of barmaid, and El Buen Amigo had resulted.
Met your friend Geary at El Buen Amigo a couple of weeks ago, just before he sailed for the United States.
Billy hastened to El Buen Amigo and returned presently with a bundle of clothes; at an agreed signal Don Juan kicked the launch into the dock again and Billy went aboard.
I'll just sneak around to El Buen Amigo and fix it with that old Mother Jenks not to tip off my presence in town to Dolores Ruey until I can get the lay of the land and see what the devil has happened to all my well-laid plans.
Then," Ricardo suggested, "I'll meet you in my room at El Buen Amigo next Wednesday night at eleven and explain the details of my plans to you if you care to hear them.
They had at first worked the amigo business on General Young, and treachery of that kind had been so inexorably followed by dire punishment, that every home in the country had its lesson.
Such, amigo mio, was little Redbud when I knew her; and I have spoken of her as well as I could.
Never fear, amigo mio; all the meat in this village would not be enough to satisfy the appetite of the dogs in the barrio nor keep them quiet.
Amigo mio," she resumed, drawing nearer and speaking more rapidly, "I cannot quite forget the past.
You are very good, amigo mio," she said, "to show so great forbearance to my poor brother.
You will do a great kindness, amigo mio," said the anxious young mother.
Well, well; do not look so horror-stricken, amigo mia.
A casa do amigo rico irás sendo requerido, e a casa do necessitado sem ser chamado.
El Amigo Manso loves, and is exploited for her social advantage by the woman whom he loves.
But listen, amigo mio; he came to ask me to marry him.
Jack, giving the usual countersign, then by a happy inspiration adding: "Amigo de Antonio el valiente guerrillero.
Well, I was the eldest of the three; I am three years older than you, amigo mio, and four years older than Juanita.
At an audience granted him six months later, October 19th, he is described as still wearing it, as well as two pairs of fetters and, in this case, the pie de amigo extended from the neck to the right hand.
El Amigo Manso' is an extended piece of character-drawing, self-told, in a gently humorous vein.
Y bien, amigo mio; how does the situation affect you?