Then, with a sudden change from the stirring tone of the trumpet to the sweet music of the flute, the preacher touched another note.
Still he was impressed, and impressed chiefly by the way in which the preacher seemed to translate into her own life the principles of the faith which she tried to set forth to him.
Even-song was going on in the Church of Venta, and a preacher of some local fame was expected to enlarge on the Divine mercy shown in the deliverance of the town from the barbarians.
He was a canon of the Cathedral and Abbot of Alcalá, renowned as a preacher and a man of the highest consideration.
He was Benedictine Abbot of San Zoilo, a learned orientalist and the favorite preacher of Charles V, who had carried him to Germany.
At any rate a catastrophe greater than the flood, which, as I observe with interest, is as calmly assumed by the preacher to be an historical event as if science had never had a word to say on that subject!
Either the preacher knew this or he did not know it.
So far as the questions between the preacher and myself are concerned, then, I may feel happy.
The preacher asks, "Might not there be a suspension of a lower law by the intervention of a higher?
My anonymous sermon will have nothing to do with such notions as these, and its preacher is not too polite, to say nothing of charitable, towards those who entertain them.
The preacher was answering an objection which has now been generally abandoned.
The preacher further contended that it was yet more difficult to realise that our earthly home would become the scene of a vast physical catastrophe.
And I venture on this personal observation by way of showing that I have no wish to bear hardly on the preacher for falling into an error for which he might find good precedents.
In the end, the preacher said to those that were present, "Was not this your charge to me?
The said John was first appointed preacher to Berwick, then to Newcastle; and lastly, he was called to London and the south parts of England, where he remained until the death of King Edward the Sixth.
Then he left England, and went to Geneva, where he remained in his private study, until he was called to be preacher to the English congregation at Frankfort.
Men were not charitably handled, said they: "Might not sins be reproved in general, albeit men were not so specially taxed, that all the world might know of whom the preacher spake?
This perceived, the preacher said to the people that stood nigh them, "I heartily pray you to make room for those two men.
He then spent two years as a preacher at Dieppe, and two years more as superior of the residence there.
The comparison between women and firearms made me very cautious, and not until age began to creep over me did I see that this also was vanity, and that the Preacher was right when he said: "Go thy way, eat thy bread joyfully .
The preacher pronounced the words with knitted brow and uplifted eyes.
The preachersaid nothing to explain this, but heightened the effect of his mysterious allusion with the words--pronounced in a very hollow and lugubrious tone--tetigisse periisse.
For instance, the preacher once referred to the case of Jonathan, who died for having eaten a little honey.
A distinct and noteworthy feature of these sermons is their freshness--everywhere it is the heart of the preacher pouring out to his flock his own deep convictions, enforcing them from the "treasures, old and new.
Henceforth he appeared rather as the preacher of a new religion than as the restorer of what he called the religion of Abraham.
With a winning personality, eloquent and brilliant, he was extraordinarily attractive as a preacher and as a man.
From the day he first stood in the historic pulpit as successor of that gifted preacher and patriot, Starr King, till his removal to Cambridge, few opportunities for hearing him were neglected by me.
There seemed always to be some one preacher or lecturer who was the vogue, practically monopolizing public interest.
The gifted preacher was thirty-seven years old, but seemed younger.
Of his rank as a thinker and a preacher I am not a qualified judge, but he surely was great of heart and strong of mind.
The preacher was an educated man, and out of the pulpit was kind and reasonable; but he persisted that "Good deeds were but as filthy rags.
In my early boyhood Horatio Stebbins was "the preacher from Fitchburg"--original in manner and matter, and impressive even to a boy.
The doctor lifted his hand to Pryor Gaines, but the preacher waited awhile before replying.
Pryor Gaines, still the teacher-preacher of the Grass River settlement, had come to the Cloverdale Ranch on an errand, and he and Jim Shirley were chatting beside the well curb when Dr.
And when a preacher gets that in his blood there's no stopping him.
Eyton was a striking preacherand his church was always crowded.
The day of his arrival he called upon Mrs. Opp; the second day he took a preacher with him and married her.
Now it's with you whether the preacher gets there or not.
I can't get the preacher if he's out at Smither's Ridge.
Mr. Opp and the preacher constituted the Liberal party.
The preacher ain't in town; he's out at Smither's Ridge, marrying a couple.
Mat Lucas pulled at his sleeve, and the preacher put a restraining arm about his shoulder.
The infant baby of the new preacher has been sick, but is better some.
The preacher says he's got a natural gift of language.
The new preacher will be greatly surprised soon by the gift of a fine plush rocking-chair from the ladies of the congregation.
Hugh Blair, who had long been admired as a preacher at Edinburgh, thought now of diffusing his excellent sermons more extensively, and encreasing his reputation, by publishing a collection of them.
I should not advise a preacher at this day to imitate Tillotson's style: though I don't know; I should be cautious of objecting to what has been applauded by so many suffrages.
The unfortunate preacher was still lying where he had fallen in a faint, and the Kafirs had been too fully occupied with their principal foe to pay any attention to him.
If I get away, never again will I set foot in these frightful wilds," vehemently replied this preacher of the Gospel.
Now the wizard was hated and despised by the older men of the tribe, though among the younger he was in the zenith of his popularity as a fierce and unswerving preacher of a crusade among the whites.
What was this cowardly, egotistical, "shoppy" preacher to him?
They'll be roasting that poor devil of a preacher instead of me, I'm afraid, up yonder.
But I say, Xuvani, there's a poor devil of a preacher shut up here somewhere.
His account of his entering upon the solemn duties of a preacher of the Gospel is at once curious and instructive.
On his restoration to bodily health, he obeyed what he regarded as a clear intimation of duty, and went forth a preacher of the doctrines he had embraced.
Turning from this ghastly survey, the preacher mingled with the Parliamentary army, when, finding the surgeons busy with the wounded, he very naturally sought occasion for the exercise of his own vocation as a spiritual practitioner.
The somewhat equivocal position of the Kidderminster preacher exposed him to the suspicion of the adherents of the King and Bishops.
Tom paid little attention to the eloquence of the preacher or to the tearful words of him who came after.
Then he told of the hearty approbation given to Felix's conduct by the Abbe Gondrin, and the desire the young preacher had expressed to meet him.
The order of procedure is as follows: The preacher gets up and begins to speak in excited tones, gradually working himself up into a frenzy and becoming unintelligible.
It was remarkable to notice how the preacher held the attention of all present, from the child of five to the old lady with grey curls.
His success as a preachermight have tempted him to vanity.
Giants, dragons, and angelic champions carry us into a spurious fairyland where the knight-errant is a preacher in disguise.
Great-Heart is too much of an abstraction: a preacher in the uncongenial disguise of a knightly champion of distressed females and the slayer of giants.
The arrest of one whose work as a preacher had been a blessing to so many, was not at once tamely acquiesced in by the religious body to which he belonged.
The summons came to him in the very midst of his religious activity, both as a preacher and as a writer.
But God met him there by His ministry, so that he came out much changed; and would by his good will hear none but the tinker for a long time after, he himself becoming a very eminent preacher in that country afterwards.