Will come Hongkong arrange with Commodore for general cooperation insurgents Manila if desired.
I think that in arranging for his direct cooperation with the commander of our forces, I have prevented possible conflict of action and facilitated the work of occupying and administering the Philippines.
Let us continue with his testimony as to cooperation between Aguinaldo and the naval forces of the United States:-- "Senator Patterson.
It is also hoped that the first complete provincial census, with cooperation from Federal and provincial agencies, naturalist groups, and the like, can be budgeted and arranged for in the summer of 1980.
National Marine Fisheries Service research vessels in 1974 (obtained through the cooperation of Francis M.
He is working in cooperation with the Florida Associated Marine Institutes, the Shell Oil Company, Clean Gulf Associates, and the API.
In 1971, the API in cooperationwith the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) initiated an NWF/API Fellowship program.
God by cooperating with us, perfects what He began by operating in us, since He who perfects by cooperation with such as are willing, begins by operating that they may will.
Hence the Jews alone worked at the building of the tabernacle; whereas the temple was built with the cooperation of the Gentiles, viz.
Further, to make something from nothing, where there is nought to cooperate with the agent, is greater than to make something with the cooperation of the recipient.
They enjoyed a high reputation in the community and had the sympathy and cooperation of the influential white people in the city.
In my first journey through the state, I established, by the assistance and cooperation of abolitionists, 25 schools for colored children.
In the Middle and Southern Colonies these missionaries had the cooperationof Dr.
Through the years, I've developed a theory, discovered a way to bring about cooperation between all men.
The longer he looked upon the French position the less he must have liked it, and the larger must Amherst and his eventual cooperation have loomed in his mind as a necessary factor to success.
And it would make possible a more generous cooperation among the different currents in the stream of reconstructive thought.
Not because education can change the original nature of man, but because intelligent cooperation can control the stimuli which determine the injuriousness or beneficence of original dispositions.
Consider, at the very least, the fact that while cooperation will bring you pleasure and non-cooperation will bring you pain, the ultimate result will be that we will make use of your ability in either case.
Look, young man, I've indicated that your willing cooperation is more valuable to us than otherwise.
In blunt words, we are prepared to meet cooperation with certain benefits which will not be proffered otherwise.
If there was a proposition vague and indefinite, it was that, advanced by the noble lord, of a system of duties on fresh importations, rising progressively, and this under the patronage and cooperation of the planters.
He exposed also the false foundation of the hope of any reliance on the cooperation of the colonists.
With the cooperation of his valiant seamen Regio Espinela and D.
Unable to agree on important questions of action, their cooperation threatened to come to naught.
Before the British had a chance to recover from the effects of this disaster, caused mainly by the lack of harmonious cooperationbetween their commanders, the rainy season set in.
The governor's lady also succeeded in enlisting the cooperation of the clergy and many other wealthy and influential people in the San Antonio Hospital, which was increased to a capacity of one hundred and nine beds.
Evans is stationed in Columbia, Missouri, in cooperation with the University of Missouri, while Patton is stationed in Tempe, Arizona, in cooperation with Arizona State University.
The new ideas and energies of science, commerce, and cooperation were beginning to win victories in all parts of the earth.
My faith in the success of the enterprise is such that I am willing to trust to it," he wrote, "and I have confidence that we shall establish the harmony and cooperation that is essential to the success of an enterprise of this kind.
Each important step forward was the result of the cooperation of many minds, and the prodding necessities of a growing traffic.
Their second, to unite the pensioners on the liberally contributed bounty, in a social compact for mutual assistance, and a ready cooperation for the general good.
And so he sought their cooperation and not in vain.
That cooperation must come without delay, not only to relieve the plight of the railroad with which we already are familiar, but also to make it possible for him to take advantage of the great opportunities which await him.
As a specific example showing how the cooperation of the railroad companies assisted the army, there may be cited the case of the first motor trucks purchased for the expeditionary forces in Mexico.
And these men cannot bring the great sick man of American business back to health without our help--without the help and cooperation of every thinking man and woman in the United States.
He bespoke for it at once the interest and cooperation of the heads of the other great railroads of America.
Sloat learned from Larkin that Fremont's cooperationwith the insurgents was not certain; but he admits (ibid.
The fundamental idea of military discipline is that each man is a factor in a great organization, and must do his part in cooperation with all the rest.
Taylor could not safely count uponcooperation between Wool and Worth in the case of an advance of the Mexicans, for it was likely that Santa Anna's first care would be to block the road, as probably he could have done.
More or less clearly the mistake was understood; but the active cooperation of the cavalry and the reserves was expected to offset it.
Cabinet government is a device for bringing the executive and legislative branches into harmony and cooperation without uniting or confusing their functions.
There are few, if any, important steps that can be taken by any one branch of the government without the consent or cooperation of some other branch.
It was impossible that they could believe that executive and legislature could be brought into close relations of cooperation and mutual confidence without being tempted, nay, even bidden, to collude.
In America the President cannot prevent any law from being passed, nor can he evade the obligation of enforcing it His sincere and zealous cooperation is no doubt useful, but it is not indispensable, in the carrying on of public affairs.
If there is a coincidence of principle between several bills of the same session, it is generally accidental; and the confusion of policy which prevents intelligent cooperation also, of course, prevents intelligent differences and divisions.
An exposition planned to meet the twentieth century needs becomes the herald of an industrial democracy in which there is a completely harmonious cooperation for the realization of the highest social ideals.
Here is a great interest in which most fortunately a policy of cooperation between the state and the nation has been instituted.
I framed a memorial, which Judge Humason would introduce in Congress, for this line; and was promised by Mr. Harding his cooperation to see that the matter was not allowed to pass unnoticed during the coming winter.
It had been entirely accomplished by voluntary cooperation among the minority who saw the need for it.
The City did wonderfully well from the start, and the commanding officer had applauded the cooperation that she gave him.