Pipes screwed directly into the castingare liable to rust.
In 1613 the semicircular pediments, the four dolphins, two of the peacocks, and the dome were melted to provide the ten thousand pounds of metal required for the casting of the statue of the Madonna which was placed by Paul V.
In 1837, Jonas Chickering, of Boston, perfected the iron frame by including in the single casting the pin bridge and damper socket rail.
Philo Gubb lighted his dark lantern, and castingits ray, saw this cross-piece.
For a while the lady and gentleman freaks stood talking, casting reproachful glances at Mr. Dorgan.
Editor Reedy is but casting his pearls before swine--is talking to people who, having eyes see not, having ears hear not, and whose cerebra are filled with sawdust.
Islam is the political Vesuvius of Europe, and is once again casting its lurid light athwart the troubled sky.
They found on casting up the account that bad breath and face powder, the sour milk-bottle of youth and the chilling frost of age, comprised six-sevenths of the sum total.
A beautiful woman, at discord with life, is brought to realize, by her new friends, that she may open the shutters of her soul to the blessed sunlight of joy by casting aside vanity and self love.
Can't you see, Dora, that it's hard enough for them to bear without your casting your stone as well?
The rector raised his arms, and flung them outward, as though casting off the mantle of deceit under which he had shielded himself--the heavy cloak that had bowed his shoulders till he looked like an old man.
But during this interval Elder Robert Hamilton had returned from a walk, and was present at the time of the second attack, and was mouth with myself in casting it out.
Do you not think there is something cruel in casting me first in one direction and then in the other without affording me any ground to go upon?
For a moment the barrister thought, in his agitation, that he must have mistaken the floor, but, casting his eye over the baluster he saw that he had not passed the entresol.
And so, my dear Felix, you refuse to go to church," said Celeste, casting a tearful glance at the man she loved.
This was done by the casting vote of Governor John Jay, the four senatorial members of the council being a tie.
The lamp creaked dolefully above him as it swung to and fro, casting a brightness that flickered and vanished on the brass of the ports.
The gig lay astern, and in another minute or two they had climbed down into her, and casting off stepped the mast and ran up the little sail.
History tells us that the casting took place with religious ceremonies, and royal ladies vied with one another in throwing their golden ornaments into the great caldron which supplied the molten metal.
Whales, sometimes singly, sometimes in schools, rose to the surface of the sea, and casting up tiny fountains of spray would suddenly disappear to come up again, perhaps miles away.
By this selection of jurymen, the sheriffs insured a certainty of casting such bills as might be presented to the Grand Jury against any of their partizans.
When John told Christ, that they saw one casting out devils in his name, and they forbade him, because he followed not with them, what is the answer of Christ?
We should neither stop at darkness, nor at the raging of our lusts, but go on in a way of venturing and casting the whole of our affairs for the next world at the foot of Jesus Christ.
Casting about to find those ready to answer the call, America could not deny the preparedness of her 92nd Division of colored troopers.
If the houses differ, the King has the casting vote.
Yet he must possess sufficient self-command to abstain from castinghis facts in the mould of his hypothesis.
Curing a madman is not arguing with a philosopher; it is casting out a devil.
But we may bear in mind that factor of observation, and give it a casting vote in any decision upon public decency.
The difficulties indeed, which have occurred with respect to these ordinances, should make us tender of casting reproach upon others, who should differ from ourselves concerning them.
Boys play at casting a humming-top into the midst of others on the ground, and if well aimed it scatters them prettily.
When he had completed the re-casting of his Short History in the form of a larger book, which appeared under the title of A History of the English People, he addressed himself with characteristic activity to a new project.
He was sometimes enigmatic and "not incapable of casting a pearl of irony in the way of those who would mistake it for pebbly fact.
They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.
Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.