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Example sentences for "devising"

Lexicographically close words:
devisee; deviser; devisers; devises; deviseth; devitalized; devoid; devoir; devoirs; devoit
  1. A commission has been employed for some time in devising another new constitution, which is to be proposed to the Assembly on the thirteenth of this month; and on that day, it is said, an effort is to be made by the royalists.

  2. This committee went to work gathering such means as could be obtained, and devising plans for the removal of the poor.

  3. Much of the time of the leading brethren was spent in giving employment to the Saints and in devising means for the continuance of the journey when the time should come in the spring for them to move.

  4. So found they each his several evil fate, Some whelmed beneath broad-rushing billows, some Wretchedly perishing with their shattered ships By Nauplius' devising on the rocks.

  5. The magnitude of this evil among us is so deeply felt, and so universally acknowledged, that no merit could be greater than that of devising a satisfactory remedy for it.

  6. Her plan contemplated a provision for the expatriation of her Elèves, but without specifying it; from which I infer the difficulty felt in devising a satisfactory one.

  7. Together with this extraordinary talent for devising expedients, Hastings possessed, in a very high degree, another talent scarcely less necessary to a man in his situation, we mean the talent for conducting political controversy.

  8. He caught instantly at this hope of relief, and he showed his appreciation of his wife's cleverness in devising this scheme by caressing the hand which lay upon his shoulder.

  9. Fenton was literally speechless with rage, yet, too, his quick wit was busy devising some way of escape from the unpleasant predicament in which he found himself.

  10. We delight in devising twisted alleys, scroll-work parterres, and shrubs formed into tufts; the largest lots are divided into little lots.

  11. But the time arrived when Grant assumed command of the armies, when it was no longer an open question, for the confederate Congress began devising plans for arming the slaves.

  12. She replied that it was a beneficiary of the town who had a nice taste in devising things of the sort.

  13. Her sweetness of manner and voice and the plumpness of her rounded arms and shoulders were what had won Sampey's heart and made him all the more zealous in his useful occupation of devising the names which Castellani bestowed on his freaks.

  14. He drew his will--a holographic instrument--devising his wealth to various persons and benevolent societies.

  15. While the legislature was devising ways and means of allaying the public excitement, another demonstration occurred at Worcester which resulted in the dispersion of the Court of General Sessions by a force of armed men.

  16. He did a great public service in devising and executing a plan for the extirpation of robbers, although the benefit was but temporary.

  17. That very afternoon Pomp had come over to play with Sam Thompson, and the two, after devising various projects of amusement, had determined to make a cave in the snow.

  18. Of course this must, in a vast number of cases, be the result when the boy is brought up from infancy with the idea that the only limit to his supply of money is his ingenuity in devising modes of putting a pressure upon his father.

  19. She did not tell him how she spent sleepless nights devising plans to meet the grim insistence upon his banishment which she knew the morning would bring.

  20. Almost bankrupt because of the extravagance of the court, he needed money, still more money, and called an "assembly of notables" to assist in devising measures to relieve his embarrassed finances.

  21. He and McGaw had spent the whole morning in devising plans to keep Tom out of the board-room.

  22. That entire incapability of devising administrative measures for the management of large crowds, which is one of the characteristics of Englishmen in authority, is nowhere more strikingly exemplified than at York.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    architecture; assembly; authorship; beginning; building; casting; coinage; composition; conception; concoction; construction; contrivance; conversion; craftsmanship; creation; cultivation; devising; elaboration; erection; extraction; fabrication; formation; formulation; generation; growing; handicraft; handiwork; harvesting; hatching; improvisation; invention; making; manufacture; milling; mining; mintage; molding; origination; preparation; processing; raising; smelting; workmanship