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Example sentences for "coherent"

Lexicographically close words:
coheiress; coheirs; cohere; coherence; coherency; coherently; coherer; coheres; cohering; cohesion
  1. Sensations of Tingling or Vibration Descriptions of sensations of this class are much more coherent than those just considered.

  2. Judging by the number of scientific treatises on the voice, the academic observer would be led to believe that a coherent Science of Voice Culture has been evolved.

  3. On the side of tradition a slightly more coherent set of rules has come down to us from the old masters.

  4. How is a man to get a coherent idea, fit to go to the printer and publisher, into his head with all this sweeping and scrubbing going on?

  5. In the latter case, the ingredients of the dye have already become aggregated into compounds too coherent and too gross for entering into combination with fibrous stuffs.

  6. Dazzled, as it were, with the brilliancy of his own discovery, concentrated in attention on the one necessity for organizing a powerful coherent nation, he forgot that men are more than political beings.

  7. The two works form one coherent body of opinion, not systematically expressed, it is true, but based on the same principles, involving the same conclusions, and directed to the same philosophical end.

  8. His head was burning, and it was with difficulty that he spoke a few coherent words.

  9. Its aim is to interpret the world in its entirety and complexity, its ideal is to harmonize the demands of common sense, the interests of science, the appeal of art, and the longing of religion into one coherent whole.

  10. Arguments should be arranged, when possible, in a coherent order.

  11. After we have rejected from our notes all items which would interfere with the unity of our theme, we next arrange the remaining items in a coherent order.

  12. In a coherent theme each sentence or paragraph is naturally suggested by the preceding one.

  13. The arrangement of these details in a coherent order.

  14. After rejecting the unnecessary items in the preceding list, re-arrange the remaining ones in a coherent order.

  15. On the other hand, our theme may be made coherent by giving the facts first, and then the generalization that they establish.

  16. If our theme has been coherent, these sentences stated in order will need but little changing to make a coherent paragraph.

  17. The coherent order is usually that which proceeds from causes to effects rather than that which traces events backward from effects to causes.

  18. Sometimes, for the sake of climax, the coherent order must be abandoned.

  19. Illustration] Just as we may give either a paragraph or a whole theme coherence by following a given time-order, so may we make a paragraph or a whole theme coherent by arranging the parts in an order determined by their position in space.

  20. That the facts used be arranged in a coherent order.

  21. In other kinds of exposition a coherent arrangement is somewhat difficult.

  22. Similarly, that paragraph is coherent in which the thought moves forward in an orderly way with each sentence growing out of the preceding one.

  23. Of precisely what followed their attempted violation of the privacy of those two cottages, even the Miss Minetts themselves could subsequently give no very coherent account.

  24. This bore out Damaris' own childhood's recollections; though in these last she was aware of lacunae, of gaps, of spaces unbridged by any coherent sequence of remembered events.

  25. There was no coherent thought, only dazed consciousness of an awful wound.

  26. Elizabeth's white lips tried in vain to frame a coherent question.

  27. By degrees a few coherent phrases detached themselves from the confused mass of painful recollections, and stung more sharply than the rest.

  28. Nevertheless, everything is in a state of movement; man must first win a coherent character for his life.

  29. I have invited a man to tell his story as it came into his mind, and to look upon me simply as a means of putting it into concrete and coherent form, and as a medium between himself and the reader.

  30. They started with a steadfast resolution to be jolly--and they kept to their resolution so long as they were coherent of mind.

  31. All of these sea deposits consolidate and harden, and the coherent rocks of the land are thus reconstructed on the ocean floor.

  32. We may contrast with metamorphism the action of external agencies in weathering, which render rocks less coherent by dissolving their soluble parts and breaking down their crystalline grains.

  33. It was really with the greatest difficulty that we managed to extract enough out of him to piece together a coherent tale.

  34. Coherent words suddenly seemed to fail her, but she went on regardless, not caring how they came.

  35. She was too utterly wearied to move about, but sat sunk in the chair by the window, almost too numbed with misery and fatigue for coherent thought.

  36. We may study the facts of temporal sequence either with a view to the actual control of future sequences or with a view to detecting under the sequence some coherent purpose.

  37. Only thus, it was urged, could the States of America pursue a coherent and well-defined policy, and preserve their dignity in the eyes of the world.

  38. But society in Japan never, till within the present era, became one coherent body, never developed beyond the clan-stage.

  39. He says: “In our mineral sulphurets, however, we have agents which are not only capable of reducing gold and silver from solution, but besides are capable of locating them when so reduced in coherent and bulky masses.

  40. In fact, neither he nor his countrymen had ever seen Europeans before; and they were so much excited that it was difficult to obtain coherent answers to questions.

  41. Typical or merely suggested natural scenes under a great sky are the usual settings of the human forms who were to him, as to his master Michael Angelo, the only language coherent enough to express the innerness and the infinity of spirit.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coherent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; clear; clinging; coexistent; coherent; cohesive; coincident; coinciding; commensurate; compatible; concordant; congenial; congruent; congruous; connected; consistent; consonant; cooperative; correspondent; corresponding; crisp; crystalline; defined; definite; direct; distinct; equivalent; explicit; express; harmonious; indivisible; inseparable; insoluble; limpid; logical; lucid; luminous; organic; pellucid; perspicuous; plain; positive; proportionate; reconcilable; simple; straightforward; stuck; symbiotic; synchronized; synchronous; translucent; transparent; unambiguous; unanimous; unequivocal; unified; uniform; univocal; unmistakable