With the persistence of the irritation contraction of the other limb and of the whole body ensues; the simple spinal reflex has become generalised.
In Virchow's phrase, the newborn infant is a spinal animal, endowed with spinal reflexes only; his responses to stimuli are beyond voluntary control.
The modification effected by the cortex on afferent impressions is obvious in altered motor reactions, which appear with the stamp of cortical intervention, herein differing from bulbo-spinal phenomena.
It soon became obvious that resection of the spinal accessory was insufficient.
Take this next man, who also must needs keep his head straight by means of his hand--obviously no irritation of the spinal accessory can be accused of originating the mischief, else would he be unable himself to replace his head.
Mr. Dupuy has given a valuable account of the knowledge we possess of the diseases of the spinal marrow in our domestic quadrupeds.
That in our domestic animals the spinal marrow is scarcely ever affected through the whole of its course.
In the great majority of cases of furious madness, and in almost every case of dumb madness, there is evident affection of the lumbar portion of the spinal cord.
Setons should be inserted in the poll, being then, as nearly as possible, at the commencement of the spinal cord.
Chronic cases of paralysis arising from want of tone of the nerves and spinal marrow, repeated blistering, introduction of the seton along the spine, electricity, &c.
That, in some cases, this inflammation is limited to the inferior or superior parts of the spinal marrow, and that there is loss only of feeling or of motion.
That inflammation of the spinal marrow of these regions always produces palsy, more or less complete, of the abdominal members.
Somehow that splice in the wire had broken, and I went straight to the ground, breaking one arm, both wrists, and cracking my spinal column in four places.
In the brain and spinal cord, no sheaths; growing fibers have about the chance of restoring contact that you'd have of traversing the Amazon jungle on foot without a map.
And if a spinal cord is cut, transplanting legs from Ippalovsky, the primo ballerino, is worthless.
As soon as Gerrit removed his hand, the tension relaxed and Ernst's body huddled together again, as though something had given way in the spinal system.
Illustration: Fort Simpson by the Light of the Aurora] At this point the Mackenzie enters the Rockies, this great spinal mountain-chain of North America breaking into parallel ranges to allow the mighty flood to flow between.
The lymphatics are closely and universally connected with the spinal cord and all other nerves, long or short, universal or separate, and all drink from the waters of the brain.
Nerve force is not generated in the sympathetic system; the cerebro-spinal nerve force is conveyed to the ganglia by the rami communicantes and in the ganglia is transformed into sympathetic nerve force.
You see it, you feel it, thus you have two facts with which you can start to obtain a knowledge of the use of this spinal cord.
This would be cause enough to produce hysteria, and on to the whole list of diseases to spinal injuries.
We see its main trunk of supply placed lengthways with thespinal column for the purpose of constructing a manufactory of nutriment.
We do know that all blood for use of the whole system below the twelfth dorsal vertebra does pass through the diaphragm, and all nerve supply, also passes through the diaphragm and spinal column for limb and life.
The relation of the cerebrum to the cranio-spinal axis is manifested by the circumstance that the latter can act without the former.
Its cranio-spinal axis alone is in operation, and thus far it is only an automaton.
In the amphioxus, as has been said, the cranio-spinal axis alone exists; the Cyclostome fishes are but a step higher.
The earliest fishes did not proceed beyond that condition of the spinal column which is to be considered as embryonic.
In the nervous system of man our attention is therefore especially demanded by three essentially distinct parts--the spinal cord, the sensory ganglia, and the cerebrum.
These are the second through the ninth synsacral spinal nerves (S2 to S9).
One morning as I was walking at random through the aristocratic district, of which St. James is the solar plexus and Park Lane the spinal cord, I came to a big mansion where foot-guards stood sentry at the wall gates.
The doctor charged the boy with shamming, but now he says it was spinal meningitis.
I knew it was my sick fancy; I strove against it, but presently my legs showed signs of paralysis, and I suffered excruciating pain in the spinal column, just like Russell.
The activity of the brain being paralysed in the case of the hypnotised subject, the latter becomes the slave of all the unconscious activities of his spinal cord, which the hypnotiser directs at will.
Its acts are far more under the influence of the spinalcord than of the brain.
On the other hand, if the brain, or its appendages, spinal marrow, &c.
Defn: The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon.
Defn: A condition of nervous debility supposed to be dependent upon impairment in the functions of the spinal cord.
Defn: A tumor springing from the neuroglia or connective tissue of the brain, spinal cord, or other portions of the nervous system.
Defn: Conveying impressions from the surface of the body to the spinal cord; -- said of certain nerves.
Defn: An acute disease, almost exclusively infantile, characterized by inflammation of the anterior horns of the gray substance of the spinal cord.
Defn: Inflammation of the spinal marrow or its membranes.
Defn: The delicate and highly vascular membrane immediately investing the brain and spinal cord.
The principal lesion is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
They originate from the spinal cord and pass forward into the skull, from which they emerge in company with the pneumogastrics.
Defn: A congenital malformation in which thespinal column is cleft at its lower portion, and the membranes of the spinal cord project as an elastic swelling from the gap thus formed.
Defn: A dissecting instrument for opening the spinal canal.
The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; the neuron.
The spinal cavity is formed by the bones of the vertebral column.
These same three membranes also cover the spinal cord, and are called all together the meninges of the brain and cord.
An acute, infectious non-contagious disease, occurs sporadically, epidemically and endemically characterized by hyperemia of the brain and spinal cord, and sometimes attended by a petechial eruption.
The cerebro-spinal cavity is divided into the sub-cavities, called the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity.
Even in starvation, the fatty substance of the brain and spinal cord are retained.
The spinal column is situated in the median line, at the posterior part of the trunk.
This is the lowest part of the brain and is the connecting link between the brain and the spinal cord.
The message travels by the optic nerve to the brain; from the brain, instead of passing down the spinal cord, the message travels down the chain of sympathetic ganglia.
But, as in many other cases, its brain was so small that it could have passed down the spinal canal in which the spinal cord lies.
From these it passes along the nerves which comes out of the spinal cord and control the skin.
When the human embryo shows the laying down of the essential vertebrate characters, such as brain and spinal cord, then it is closely comparable to the embryo of a lower vertebrate at a similar stage.
Under D 7b the father, who died of spinal meningitis, was migrainous and had many epileptic relatives, the mother is neurotic.
On the 28th of January I made a post-mortem examination of the spinal cord and marrow of the deceased, J.
The membranes of the spinalmarrow were congested to a considerable extent.
I have heard the evidence of the gentlemen who made the post-mortem examination, and I apprehend that there was nothing to prevent the discovery of disease in the spinal cord, had any existed previously to death.
I have also applied it direct to the spinal cord, and in other cases to the brain.
The lower part of the spinal cord was not very closely examined.
It would not be likely to be discovered if the spinal cord was not examined until nine weeks after death.
Affections of the spinal cord or eating indigestible food will produce them.
About half an inch of the spinal cord, exterior to the aperture of the cranium, was examined on the first occasion.
In the lining of the aorta there was an unnatural deposit, and there was a very unusual appearance in the membranes of the spinal marrow.
I do not know who suggested that there should be an examination of the spinal cord two months after death.
In other cases I have found no departure from the ordinary state of the spinal cord and the brain.
Cross-examined by Mr. GROVE: The spinal cord was quite healthy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spinal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.