He started as the others did, allowing an undercurrent of seriousness to appear now and then in the flow of his extravagance.
Within the precincts of a hospital, I wandered in a sympathetic mood; Where face to face with wormwood and with gall, With wrecks of pain and stern vicissitude, The eye unused to human misery Might view life's undercurrent vividly.
Marilyn rose, laughing now, but still in a high color, conscious perhaps that she had revealed some strong undercurrentof feeling.
This is his house, you know, and he is the financial backer of Manton Pictures, yet there seems to be an undercurrent of friction between Manton and himself.
In Lewis Carroll's mental attitude during this critical period there was always a calm dignity which saved him from these absurdities, an undercurrent of consciousness that what seemed so great to him was really very little.
They are those of a man in whom the habitual undercurrent of thought was melancholy.
The journey abounded in small incidents and speeches, some of which exposed him to a little ridicule in the press, though they probably created an undercurrent of sympathy for him.
These things, which Mrs. Morpher recalled afterwards, did not, in the undercurrent of uneasiness about Aristides which she felt the whole of that evening, so particularly attract her notice.
But even then the figure of the old man often started before me, and a sense of uneasiness about George made a strong undercurrent to my drifting dreams.
That was the undercurrent always in his mind: if she wouldn't be so still and hateful, if she would only tell him.
But there was a certain charm through it all--a languid precision, a slumbering look in the face, a vague undercurrent in the voice, a fantastical flavour to the thought.
Previously there was an undercurrent of self-consciousness; it was all gone now.
In Which theUndercurrent Belies the Superficial Calm 267 XXVI.
Towards the sixteenth century, when curiosity about things human was an ever stronger undercurrent in England, pilgrimages were particularly popular.
During the several generations when the Stuarts communicated their love of France to the aristocracy of England, there was, as we might suppose, a steady undercurrent of protest against this Gallic influence.
She even felt calmer, for knowledge increased almost always brings an undercurrent of increased tranquility, because of the sense of greater power that it produces in the mind.
Her serene face expressed no undercurrent of emotion.
A passionate undercurrent of hope still helped her to endure the tense situation.
It is that strange undercurrent of thought which is so imprudently neglected which throws up on its banks, without any apparent purpose or aim, the ideas and images which lurk within it.
The same undercurrent of jealousy operates in our reception of animadversion.
Unwillingly she had to confess to the fact that Maryon was something both of poseur and actor, with an ineradicable streak of cynicism in his composition added to a strange undercurrent of passion which he rarely allowed to carry him away.
Nevertheless, she was sometimes conscious of an undercurrent of foreboding.
She had put aside every thing else to be thought of and met after this evening; and the feverish excitement arising from this undercurrent of feeling buoyed her up to-night.
She resolutely endeavored to put away all thought of Tom Putnam and the Smithers women; but the consciousness of painful suspicion flowed as a bitterundercurrent through all her musings.
Read where you will, each sentence seems not to point to the next but to the undercurrent of all.
You always seem to have some undercurrent in what you say.
A few minutes before midnight the sounds became more sullen, and beneath the general uproar another note, one of those in distress, began, as it were, like an undercurrent to this pandemonium.
There were faint cries, hoarse calls, and orders, with always a vague undercurrent trembling in the air.
There was an undercurrent of intrigue in various high offices which advised him that communications of the greatest importance were passing.
Since Marishka's early visit to the Palace, anundercurrent of events had moved swiftly.
In the deep, tender yearning, with the urging undercurrent of feeling, of the C sharp minor portion, the vague dreaming of the preceding portion of the section grows into wakefulness, and the fitful imagination is concentrated on one object.