Before I leave the Saskatchewan, let me advert to the ease with which the steam navigation of that river can be vastly improved.
Had time permitted we should have explored the immense country which lies along the whole course of the wonderful Saskatchewan, which, with its two gigantic branches, opens to steam navigation settlements of rapidly growing importance.
This is the first navigation of this river by the whites on record.
The first grant of public lands in Iowa for transportation was not for railroads but for improving navigation on the Des Moines river.
It was not till steam navigation was established on the Mississippi that there grew up a demand for Iowa lands.
It is probably during this period that the early commerce and navigation of Jebail and Sidon took such a wide extension.
Raw materials were exhausted, traffic and production were stagnant, navigation had almost ceased, and the expenditure of the state had risen to eleven milliards a year.
Even the right, vital to the safety and welfare of Belgium, the right of unimpeded navigation of the Scheldt between Antwerp and the sea, has not yet been conceded.
The Anhandery and the Pardo, from their confluence, run sixteen leagues of navigation westward, in one channel, and disembogue in the west bank of the Parana in lat.
At the head of this fall the river Cochim enters the Taquari, and the navigation here quits the latter for the Cochim.
As soon as the navigation became sufficiently open, I embarked in a large boat, of about ten tons burthen, and rowing all night to the mouth of the river, sailed with a land wind, and arrived at Rio de Janeiro about noon.
The benefits resulting to the inhabitants from opening the navigation may be easily conceived.
From the intricacy of these inundated plains, the navigation is rendered impracticable to all who do not unite experience with skill.
From this place the navigation continues on the Cochim through a succession of falls, until that river is joined by the Camapuão, eight yards in breadth at its mouth.
In truth, it was a charming excursion that they were making now--a veritable navigation on this green, almost transparent sea, gently undulating in the breath of the wind.
The navigation of the Mozambique Channel was especially calm and pleasant.
Enjoying immense wealth, he established an observatory and a school of navigation at Sagre, where he employed the men of science in making charts and, above all, in improving the working of the compass.
David Murray obliged me by much information as to the early navigation of the Clyde, and the alterations made in the bed of the river.
Almost certainly, not for the purpose of directing the navigation of the Clyde.
That the purpose of the erection was to direct the navigation of Clyde by canoes, or by the long vessels of the Viking raiders, appears to me improbable.
So far, the facts disclosed by the excavations of the structures at Dumbuck, though highly interesting as evidence of the hand of man in the early navigation of the Clyde basin, present nothing very remarkable or improbable.
On the southern side the ports of San Jose, Champerico and Ocos are visited by the Pacific mail steamers, by the vessels of a Hamburg company and by those of the South American (Chilean) and the Pacific Steam Navigation Companies.
It is a place of call for the steamers of the British India Navigation Company.
The treaty included regulations for the improvement of commerce and navigation in the area affected by the war, and provided for the settlement of subsequent disputes by the arbitration of the United States and Mexico.
Turkish warships and gunboats and large numbers of transports and supply ships were sunk, and navigation was almost entirely suspended.
Swift currents sweep through the Narrows, and not only make navigation difficult, but carry along drifting mines.
The maritime places of the United Provinces have had for several ages, and many years before the revolution, a great navigation and a flourishing commerce; this has been demonstrated by modern authors.
Sir, There has appeared an ulterior declaration, in addition to the ordinances of the 30th of April and the 3d of November, concerning the navigation and the maritime commerce of the subjects of Prussia during the present war.
I expect they will get their own affairs arranged, and then advise England to agree to the freedom of navigation and a restitution of territory, and then advise us to be very easy about compensation.
At the first, he had informed Mr Fitzherbert, that their High Mightinesses insisted upon the freedom of navigation as a preliminary and a sine qua non.
They were endeavoring to deprive us of the fishery, the western lands, and the navigation of the Mississippi.
Sir, On the 30th of April, the King of Prussia published the following ordinance, relative to the navigation and commerce of his subjects, during the whole course of the present war between the maritime powers.
Passage of the Navigation Act, which was disastrous to the trade of England's American colonies.
After the Portuguese discovery of the passage round Africa, toward the end of the fifteenth century, other European nations for some time appeared to recognize Portugal's exclusive claim to the navigation of that route.
The Houses commanded London and the counties round London, the fleet, the navigation of the Thames, and most of the large towns and seaports.
But then it is what he said about that ridiculous Navigation Act that you object to?
The Navigation Act called down the choicest of the orator's vessels of wrath.
Look at the incompetence of our public officers, look at our ruined carrying trade, at those vile enactions of fools, and worse than fools, the Navigation Laws of the United States, and tell me whether things are as they should be.
That was for me to get to the lakes on the other side of the mountains, at the head of navigation on the Yukon and seek the aid of the Canadian mounted police.
It was impossible to undertake the navigation of the Arctic coast till the ensuing summer.
The navigation of the lake, now free from ice, was without difficulty, and the canoes drove at a furious rate over its waters.
Davis started by way of the English Channel and lay storm-bound for twelve days under the Scilly Islands, a circumstance which bears witness to the imperfect means of navigation of the day and to the courage of seamen.
A large airship is of little use to men who have had no training in the handling and navigation of airships.
Progress towards aerial navigation in the age of Louis XIV, and of the French Revolution.
As the prime business of a navy is the navigation of the sea, so, they hold, the prime business of an air force is the navigation of the air; all its other activities depend on this.
The airship became popular; and the officers and men who worked it were practised innavigation all the year round.
But the navigation of the air, whether by airship or aeroplane, is now recognized for the more formidable novelty.
The terms are not published, but it is said he gets ten millions of florins, the navigation of the Scheldt not quite to Antwerp, and two forts.
The Dutch pay ten millions of florins, yield some forts and territory, and the navigation of the Scheldt to Saftingen.
I remember to have heard of his submarine navigation during the war, and, from what Colonel Humphreys now tells me, I conjecture that the screw was the power he used.
I have little doubt that we shall be able to place our commerce on a popular footing with the Barbary States this summer, and thus not only render our navigation to Portugal and Spain safe, but open the Mediterranean as formerly.
I consider these as a reprisal for thenavigation acts of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
I also rather believe that the other states of Europe make none, England excepted, to whom this policy, as that of her navigation act, seems peculiar.
Gentlemen, I enclose you a Resolution of Assembly, directing your conduct as to the navigation of the Mississippi.
I hope, therefore, those States will repeal their navigation clauses, except as against Great Britain and other nations not treating with us.
By reason of these obstructions and the ever-varying depth of the main channel, navigation is usually impossible at night, except below the island of Mompos, where the volume of water is swelled by the tribute of the mighty Cauca.
Unlike Venezuela, Colombia favors free navigation of her rivers by all nations, and would welcome foreign craft on the Meta as she does on the Magdalena.
It is surprising what erroneous notions have been and are still entertained regarding the distance of Bogotá from the head of navigation on the eastern side of the Andes.
Their navigation extended not beyond their sight; their government and politics were barbarous.
A few hundred tons of dynamite judiciously applied would effect a wonderful change for the better in the beds of the two rivers named, and would render navigation quite safe for the whole, or at least a greater part of the year.
The usual time for the opening of navigation to the Upper Meta was anticipated by more than a month.
Meta there is uninterrupted navigation to within eight miles of Sante Fe de Bogotá!
England's Exchequer, or A Discourse of the Sea and Navigation with Some Things Thereunto Coincident Concerning Plantations, London, 1625.
The little “Dwarka” had been sent by the Bombay Steam Navigation Company to convey pilgrims from Al-Hijaz to India.
The increase in size of ships made navigation safer and permitted the storage of bulky cargoes.
Southward from Charleston harbor to the Savannah River many creeks provide a system of inland navigation and form fertile islands.
The chief attraction is the Sault, or "Leap," which is a rapid of about eighteen feet descent, the navigation being maintained through capacious modern systems of locks and ship canals provided by both the United States and Canada.
The navigation of its shallows is intricate, and is aided by a long canal through the shoals at the upper end, where the St. Clair River discharges, a strait about forty miles long, flowing south from Lake Huron.
It added to the difficulties of navigation in the lanes, since the ice was constantly in movement.
All of them were small for the navigation of these notoriously stormy seas, and they would be heavily loaded, so a voyage in open water would be a serious undertaking.
The most careful navigation could not prevent an occasional bump against ice too thick to be broken or pushed aside.
The carpenter was busy making a light punt, which might prove useful in the navigation of lanes and channels.
Meanwhile Bruges at the head of the estuary of the Zwyn, becomes the centre of a navigation radiating toward England, the shores of North Germany, and the Scandinavian regions.
The "house-flags" of the various shipping companies make a great use of letters: thus the flag of the Orient Steam Navigation Company is white and divided into four portions by a blue cross.
From his prisoners Captain Maitland learned that a French privateer of 26 guns was fitting out at Muros, and being acquainted with the navigation of the bay, he resolved on her capture or destruction.
The difficulties of the navigation had hitherto been considered an insuperable obstacle; although the river is of great size, the current runs with prodigious force, and there are numerous shoals and rocks in its course.
After this, steam navigation rapidly increased, steamers being introduced on the Thames in 1815.
Whereas before only one steamer belonged to the squadron, it now consisted of a number of well-armed steam-vessels, suited for the navigation of shallow waters.
On board every ship, besides the captain and his lieutenants, there is a sailing-master, who has also his mates or assistants, who have especial charge of the navigation of the ship.
I have before me a curious history in verse relating tonavigation and nautical affairs, written during the reign of Henry, entitled De Politia conservativa Maris.