It might drop to the ground and burrow into leaf litter or dash away to other shelter, or it might stay on the tree trunk and spiral rapidly upward out of reach.
Having climbed the tree trunk to the bases of the main branches, the skink usually showed little inclination to move out along them but tended to hide in the crotches or to spiralback down the trunk.
Instead of the usual steep and gloomy stairs with which we are all familiar, here is a graceful spiral stairway which runs from this floor to the roof.
From the times of the primitive ladder of the adobe dwelling to the days of the spiral staircase carried up in the thickness of the wall, the stairway was always a primitive affair, born of necessity, with little claim to beauty.
But besides these several facts and arguments we have conclusive evidence that the motor impulse is not sent, at least exclusively, through the spiral vessels, or through the tissue immediately surrounding them.
On each side of the orifice there is a longspiral arm or tube (a); the structure of which will be best understood by the following illustration.
The pedicels of the tentacles do not include spiral vessels; nor are there any spiral cells within the glands.
If the creature perished within the spiral arms, its decaying remains would be absorbed and utilised by the bifid papillae.
Spiral vessels, accompanied by simple vascular tissue, branch off from the vascular bundles in the blade of the leaf, and run up all the tentacles into the glands.
Ziegler made similar experiments by cutting the spiral vessels of Drosera intermedia('Comptes rendus,' 1874, p.
They stand on very short pedicels, into which spiral vessels do not enter, in which respect they differ from the tentacles of Drosera.
The spiral vessels pro- [page 392] ceeding from the midrib terminate at the extreme margin of the leaf in spiral cells; but these are not so well developed as in the two preceding species.
Vessels, marked with parallel bars instead of by a spiral line, run up the footstalks, and * Prof.
These project inwards at right angles to the spiral line of junction between the two edges.
Oh, the spiral of battles has climbed high since then!
What will the next turn of theirspiral bring, I wonder?
While I was standing to windward of the men at the wheel, watching her every move as she was pitched hither and thither on this crazy spiral sea, she shipped a green sea that shook her from stem to stern.
He stood about five feet four, in the long stockings and the knee pants, the spiral legs, the number ten boots.
At such times all that would be identifiable of the "Wampa" would be her rocking spiral masts.
The plunger of the pump is loaded with a spiral spring, which may be adjusted to give any desired pressure, and is kept constant and steady by means of an air vessel.
Thus, all that is necessary is to remove the four nuts, lift the cover off, then pull out the pins which keep the spiral springs in position, and withdraw the valves.
His footsteps now announce his coming, as they hurriedly ascend the spiral staircase.
Thence, by a spiral staircase, you ascend direct to my apartments.
Here Ludovico stopped to buy some tickets, and then we descended many steps into darkness made somewhat visible by the light of curious littlespiral tapers, cerini, which we carried.
Above the face and figure, which are lovely in their perfect repose, is a lofty canopy supported by graceful spiral columns.
Finally on the third evening it reopens for the last time, the long spiral stigmas expand, and can hardly fail to be fertilised with the pollen brought by Moths from other flowers.
It is a native of European rivers, and the female flower has a long spiral stalk which enables it to float on the surface of the water.
The spiral stalk of the female flower then contracts and draws it down to the bottom of the water so that the seeds may ripen in safety.
In one very common arrangement the sixth leaf stands directly over the first, the intermediate ones forming a spiral which has passed twice round the stem.
In the improved cap-primer, the making thereof with a spiral groove to receive the caps, and with the sliding arm acted upon by the spiral spring elongating itself and forcing the percussion-caps forward in the manner set forth.
I make a spiral groove, a a a, in a plate of brass or other metal, which groove is of such depth and width as to receive the percussion-caps, and to allow them to move freely therein.
In the center of the primer, under the plate c c, is a spiral spring, d d, operating like the mainspring of a watch upon its barrels and turning the plate c c.
Sometimes the bird takes to ascending in a spiral line, and then the flight is as beautiful as it is strong.
In reality, the cry is uttered on the wing, the bird wheeling in a spiral flight, and modulating its voice in accordance with the curves which it describes in the air.
The horns, however, are not so long, nor so boldly twisted, the curve being comparatively slight, and not possessing the bold spiral shape which distinguishes those of the koodoo.
It has been a square building, built of hewn stone, as evinced by the massive walls which now surround the old part converted into a parlour, and by an old spiral stone stair at the back of the room.
A spiral staircase runs within the pillar to the top, from whence is a fine view of the park and grounds.
Suddenly he springs upward, and with a wide circular sweep, uttering at the same time a rapid whistling note, he rises in a spiral course to a great height in the air.
When it changes its haunts, it removes in the dusk of the evening, and then, rising in a spiral direction, soars to a vast height.
In the first, the horns are simply curved projections, in the other they are developed into large rings or spiral coils.
In this, two, or perhaps four, spiralcoils make the whole decoration of the brooch (No.
The nasal is elegantly modelled, eyebrows and tongues of hair over the forehead are wrought in relief, and broad spiral bands in relief decorate and strengthen the cheek-pieces.
This extremely cleverly constructed well is hewn out of the solid rock for a depth of one hundred-and-eighty feet, and has a double spiral staircase outside the water shaft.
The columns are spiral and twisted, octagonal and quadrangular.
By points I mean the ends are spread out about 3 to 4 inches on each side of the axis of pile like spiral cutters.
The tongue is wanting, but the spiral spring to which it was attached, and the groove which caught it, are distinctly observed.
At the south angle is a spiral stone staircase, leading to two upper chambers.
The god holds a sword in his right hand, and a peculiar spiralobject in his left.
The more perfect of the pivot-holes exhibits a sort of spiral grooving, which seems to have been formed with a view of rendering the gate self-closing.
May not these be the spiral markings noticed by Mr. Palgrave, and attributed by him to the wind, in his description of a certain maelstrom in the Nefûd?
But there was no spiral of smoke as yet to tell of fire.
When the use of a spiral connecting-tube is not admissible the difficulty is considerably increased.
The processes of bending large tubes, making U-tubes and spiral tubes, are more difficult operations, and will be explained in Chap.
By the use of such spiraltubes it is possible to combine comparatively free movement with all the advantages attached to hermetically-sealed joints.
Nevertheless it may be done on occasion, especially if there be no objection to the use of the flexiblespiral tubes already alluded to.
To make a flexible spiral tube, mount a copper cylinder on a screw, so that the cylinder will travel in the direction of its axis when it is rotated.
As each length of tube is bent, a fresh length may be united to it until the spiral is completed.
The thoughtful reader will find the ascent of the ‘Spiral Stairs’ a happy and most helpful exercise through the coming year.
She held a dismal little oil lamp, and they descended a tenebrous spiral structure into an underground breakfast-room lit by gas that shone through a partially frosted globe with cut-glass stars.
They went down one tier of that square spiralin silence.