It looked as if he were stuffing an old crate with straw.
Rick lent a hand and they carried the crate along behind Angel, who walked as though he had a feather pillow balanced on his head.
You'll find a spare bedroll in thecrate you carried by yourself back at the Manila Hotel.
He went to the truck again, and from his own crate of supplies he produced rope and two galvanized steel buckets.
The crateitself was a long and unwieldy box, upon which no foothold could be obtained.
At length, in a desperate effort to force the crate from its ground, I felt a strong vibration in the side next me.
The accident only stunned me for a few moments; but I found, to my inexpressible grief, that the quick and violent roll of the vessel had thrown the crate entirely across my path, so as effectually to block up the passage.
What if some day thecrate should bring up a fish, a real fish, from the river?
And then the men at the cage--a great wire crate into which the rags from the ash barrels were stuffed, to be plunged into the river, where the tide ran through them and carried some of the loose dirt away.
Bert had seen thecrate of chickens shifting around as the truck started, and had guessed that it was going to slide over and crash against the trolley car, just as it did.
One of the slats of the chicken crate on the auto-truck came loose, and in through the broken window fluttered a hen and a rooster.
I shall see that a crate of the choicest fruit is placed aboard your steamer.
When the salt breath of the trades came to his nostrils he turned into his state-room, and, taking the crate of cocoanuts with which General Antuna had thoughtfully provided him, he bore it to the rail and dropped it overboard.
At home Dicksie's fancies at that time ran to chickens, and crate after crate of thoroughbreds and clutch after clutch of eggs were brought over the pass from far-away countries.
Stern took the bags of edible seaweed and the metal crate of fowl; she draped the big net over her shoulders, and together, not without difficulty, they returned to Settlement Cliffs.
From $3 to $7 per crate are the usual limitations in price.
The average number of crates per acre is 350, and a dollar per crate net is the estimated average profit.
The truck body could be packed in a crate 12 feet long and 6 feet wide and 1 foot thick.
One crate held two howitzer carriages with recuperators in less space than would have been occupied by one carriage on its wheels.
The crate was then carefully designed to occupy a minimum amount of space.
All arrangements had been made to assemble units and crate them for overseas at the Erie Proving Ground at Port Clinton, Ohio.
Camp Holabird, near Baltimore, used for teaching men to repair and crate motor trucks and vehicles, had accommodations for about 7,500 men.
The crate must have had something weighty on the top of it, I thought, or I should have been able to force it open.
I crept through the opening thus made, and from the articles I then found I was convinced that it was the old crate through which I had before made my way, and which had fallen down in front of the opening.
I saw the crate close against the bulkhead and the place where I had torn off the plank.
At last I thought that I discovered one at the spot from which the cratehad fallen.
When I picked myself up, I saw half the men securing the crate and the other half grovelling around something on the deck.
He was working next me, and a roll of the ship brought an ugly crate over him.
She had saved my life; for as I lay on the deck, the crate charging direct would have squashed my skull into jelly, and crushed my body against the side of the hold.
A pursuit pilot being given a slow-moving observation crate with a one-winged, half-baked observer giving orders from the rear cockpit!
To them, any old cratethat could be influenced to leave the ground was a ship, and they were willing to take it up at any time, at any place, and regardless of air conditions.
Crate Derisively applied to any old, or badly worn plane, or to ship types not liked by the pilots.
Casually, for Luke Trull was crafty as any fox that had ever padded through the swamp, he strapped the empty crate on his pack board and slipped into the shoulder straps.
Still unhurried, and obviously with no intention of hurrying, the pair waddled back to the crate and inspected it thoroughly.
Andy peered between the slats of one crate at two brown-furred animals about as big as cottontail rabbits.
As soon as the cratewas opened, the two rushed Andy.
Andy carried the crate to the water's edge, opened the door and jumped just in time.
He was fond of telling a yarn about a vessel which was carrying a snake in a crate from the West Indies.
We buried him in an old Turkish trench close by, and put a cross made of a wooden bully-beef crate over him.
When the railroad station was reached, quite a crowd gathered on the platform to inspect Swiftfoot, but before long the train pulled in, and the crate holding the wolf was put in the baggage car.
Then he consented that the crateshould be opened and the wolf led about the car by Jack, but while this was being done, he took his seat on top of a tall pile of trunks which reached nearly to the roof.
Four men gingerly carried the crate from the wagon into a small, high-walled back yard.
Then he, and the crate in which he was imprisoned, began a passage through many hands.
Sure," the man replied, driving the hatchet into the crate for a pry.
Whereupon he lay down sullenly and allowed the crateto be lifted into a wagon.
One pair of pigeons uses both sides of one egg crate as they like to alternate in breeding.
The cratefor shipment should be fairly open to allow for plenty of ventilation.
By this, I mean a draw three inches high and eleven and one-half inches in width and length, but without a bottom, as the lower side of the crate completes the bottom.
Also there were lovely times in the fall when the leaves were being raked up by old John, the colored gardener, who would let us climb on top of the brilliant load in a wheelbarrow with a crate on top of it.
One day, in opening a crate of bananas, this friend found a snake.
Illustration] The bent plate made a natural ramp down which he slid the crate onto the gravity-fluxed deck.
After I saw I was drifting off, I worked my way well into the bracing between the crate and the inter-calc unit so I couldn't be seen through the broken sections of the box.
Brad kicked away from the crate and streaked back toward the Fleury.
But I've been cramped up in thatcrate for two days, with only emergency rations.
It was the Cluster Queen pursuing a crate not in orbit around the Fleury.
He switched his gaze from the screen and watched grapples clamp the crate like giant mandibles, drawing it into the Queen.
He kept it in the corner of his vision as he hooked on to the crate and started back to the ship.
When I picked the crate I was going to ride in, I picked a very special one.