If this chain were torn asunder by the removal of the whole, or a half, or a quarter of a link, the whole context would be torn along with it, and my intention would be destroyed.
If my "Lohengrin" can be preserved only by tearing its well-calculated and artistic context to pieces, in other words if it has to be cut owing to the laziness of the actors, I shall abandon opera altogether.
The drift of the context would lead us to judge that the poet does not mean to compare the guilt of Jerusalem with that of Sodom, but rather the fate of the two cities.
The sense of Margaryte in this passage is the visible church of Christ, as the context shews.
But the context requires the reading god of kind, i.
The following is the nearest approach to such an assertion I have met with, but appears from the context to apply to geologic time prior to the advent of man.
I found that to use colloquial Welsh with effect in an English context is impossible without wearying English readers and disappointing Welsh ones.
This change agrees with an entry in the index, and fits the context better.
The contextshowed that he meant to use the past perfect tense.
The passage is evidently torn from its context and has been much abbreviated in order to accentuate its improbability.
From the context it would seem probable that these islands, or this island (?
The only context in which Moltke Moe has found it used in our time is in connection with the tale of the youngest son (Askeladden) in Sætersdal [cf.
This mistaken notion is probably due to the fact that few if any serious attempts have yet been made to transpose these questions from their medieval setting into the language and context of contemporary philosophy.
And in thiscontext it will not be out of place to call attention to a remarkable, and in our view quite erroneous, trend of modern thought.
Kleutgen(270) interprets the formal distinction advocated by Scotus in the present context as really equivalent to the virtual distinction.
In the same context he explains what we are to understand by referring anything to a certain category per reductionem: "Sunt enim quaedam, quae sunt in genere per se, aliqua per reductionem ad idem genus.
And we see in the present context an illustration of this fact.
It is in the substantive meaning the term will be most frequently used in these pages, as the context will show.
In this context the angelic doctor, following Aristotle, places the virtues of temperance and fortitude in the sense appetite as controlled by the rational will.
The value of such observations was determined, and must be estimated, by the whole context of ideas in which they occurred.
In this context he says that the conception of an infinite "progressivity" is included in the conception of "history," but adds that the perfectibility of the race cannot be directly inferred.
Such claims are based on passages taken out of their context and indulgently interpreted in the light of later theories.
But when his ideas are studied in their context and translated into sober language, they are not so unreasonable.
It is their way of behaving towards each other, their system of relations, their function; and all these things vary with the context in which we find it opportune to consider them.
These form one peculiar 'context' for it; while, taken in another context of experiences, we class it as a fact in the physical world.
Since the acquisition of conscious quality on the part of an experience depends upon a context coming to it, it follows that the sum total of all experiences, having no context, can not strictly be called conscious at all.
Tale of a Tub," commending the context of it to my friends of the Royal Academy.
See the context in reference to which Plato quotes the line.
A star may indeed signify either a civil or ecclesiastical officer, but the scope and context determine all these judgments to the enemies of the church, and those of her illustrious Head.
Across southern Africa from Rhodesia to Namibia we are helping with the peaceful transition to majority rule in a context of respect for minority as well as majority rights.
We have worked toward these ends in a contextof shared responsibility--conscious of the need for maximum scope to private effort and for State and local, as well as Federal, governmental action.
We continue to give high priority to our non-proliferation goals in the area in the context of our broad global and regional priorities.
Indeed, we must make these investments and tax cuts in the context of a balanced budget that strengthens and extends the life of Social Security and Medicare and pays down the national debt.
It is apparent from the whole context of the Constitution, as well as the history of the times which gave birth to it, that it was the purpose of the Convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals.
What has been forgotten in this context is the fact that such operations have been made illegal and dangerous under United States law.
Pre-belligerent planning differs from regular planning in that it does not have the substantial context of actual military operations to make it realistic and urgent.
Indeed, within the context of a rigidly purist and scholastic definition, psychological warfare is not psychological, in that most of its operations are very definitely not a part of present-day scientific psychology.
The context we have already noticed by pointing out the resurrection to which Paul desired to attain.
For the purpose of further identification of the exhibit, and in the context of Mr. McKenzie's and my agreement to substitute a photostatic copy for the original.
That this is the true interpretation, will be made further evident to any impartial person, by reading the context preceding, and following.
See Priestleys notes on the scriptures, in loco; and the context before and after.
Even this passage, clear as it seems, can only be rightly interpreted by taking thecontext into consideration.
Indeed, the contextshows that Mr. Simon does not suppose it to be one.
They are relevant to their particular time and place and taken out of context they lose their importance.
Within the contextof this grubby society I acted in a most straightforward and honest manner.
Away from its irritating context, that stanza is delightful; with the context it is to me wholly meaningless.
In this context it is noteworthy that data on nonferrous metals were omitted from the official statistical yearbook published in 1972.
The wage reform has been discussed in the context of a broad program, announced by the BKP Central Committee plenum in December 1972, for a general rise in incomes and an improvement in the population's level of living.
In this context the construction of new industrial plants in heavily populated areas has been restricted.
The word occurs in the verse just quoted, and in the context of that which follows (Phil.
The context proves that the persons to whom it is here applied are the abbots of Armagh, of whom Cellach was one.
The context shows that St. Bernard is here thinking of the period when he was legate.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "context" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.