Amputate the diseased member to save the body; cut off the dry branches which impede the circulation of the sap, in order that the tree may again bring forth leaves and flowers.
The only person who suffered physically from this calamity was an Englishman, Mr. Parker, whose arm was so severely injured that it was found necessary to amputate it.
Mortmain, I shall have to amputate your hand at the wrist within twelve hours.
If you are indifferent to the loss of your hand or distrust my skill, there is nothing left but to amputate and be done with it.
If I had nurses, I would amputate now, before he recovers consciousness.
It isn't necessary to amputate just yet, and until it is necessary, there's nothing to hinder us from working like the devil to save him from it, is there?
So it happened that he did not hear Colonel Kent's ringing answer: "You shall not amputate until every great surgeon in the United States has said that it is absolutely necessary.
I must amputate like a go-away, or the frogs (police) will nail me.
When unloading these moorings, Charles Gray, a seaman, unfortunately got one of his fingers so bruised between the hatchway of the ship and a mushroom-anchor, that it was found necessary to amputate part of it.
It was nevertheless soon afterwards found necessary toamputate the finger, and Bonnyman became a successful candidate for a light-keeper’s birth.
It should be excised widely; in the lower extremity when there is also extensive destruction of tissue from an antecedent chronic ulcer or osteomyelitis, it may be better to amputate the limb.
As it is impossible to predict how far the process will spread, it is advisable to wait for the formation of a line of demarcation before operating, and then to amputate immediately above the dead part.
Having one day to amputate a thumb, I desired the dresser to remain at the hospital and administer chloroform.
The bones of the hand were crushed, and I wished to amputate in the lower forearm; but the man, who was brought to the hospital, refused to have the hand taken off because he could move the fingers a little.
It took one man in the palm, I remember, and I had to amputate his first and second finger and his thumb.
I wanted to move the men from the house, and to amputate at once some half-dozen arms and legs that were worse than useless to their owners.
In some cases it may be necessary even to amputate the leg in order to effect a cure.
In traumatic gangrene it is the rule to amputate immediately through healthy tissue when restitution of the injured parts is known to be impossible.
A young surgeon who was here wanted to amputate the hand; he was just going to set about it when a staff surgeon came in and said that it had better not be done, for that natives could not stand amputations.
Hackley, when he was struck and knocked off the car by a highway crossing sign at that place, and so badly injured that it was necessary to amputate both his legs below the knee, and his right shoulder blade was also broken.
It was necessary to amputate two fingers of Kendrick's right hand, his right leg, and he also received a very bad scalp wound.
The infection became so bad that it was necessary to amputate his left hand.
She was carried to the hospital train, but on the way to Vienna it was necessary to amputate her leg.
The surgeons agreed that there was no advantage in delay, and indeed that it was far better to amputate it before fever set in.
He said if that were done they could amputate and save him, and the conversation ended in the surgeon giving the man to me to experiment on my theory.
One foot dropped off upon his admission to the Hospital, and it was found necessary to amputate the other.
He was removed to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and "upon a consultation among the surgeons it was deemed necessary to amputate the lower extremity of the bone, an operation which was borne with heroic fortitude by the poor sufferer.
Hence it may be said, that theyamputate themselves at their leisure, and hang up their tools when tired.
And Samoa--well, Samoa, on occasion, thinks it discreet to amputate his wounded arm.
If he amputate before this, his patient will most probably die on the table, or very soon after his removal from it; reaction will never take place, and sinking of the vital powers be accelerated by the ill judged interference.
I was obliged to amputate the upper extremity of a young lady a few days ago, in which a metacarpal bone and its articulation, the entire chain of carpal bones, the wrist and elbow joints, were all thoroughly involved in disease.
The doctor will amputate the remnants of his foot in an hour or so, but the man positively refuses to take an anaesthetic.
She alone assisted Gys and Kelsey to amputate the German's foot, an operation the man bore splendidly, quite unaware, however, that they had applied local anaesthetics to dull the pain.
Was the first surgeon to amputate with success at the hip joint.
After the battle it was thought necessary to amputate his leg; and three times had the tourniquet encircled his limb, preparatory to amputation, when each time the surgeon was called elsewhere.
Mr Harford is of opinion that the only thing is to amputate at once.
If we amputate at once your life will not be endangered.
Lenette," he had soon to say again, "please to amputate that stupid black stump there, on both our accounts.
You must not mind that I vas so cross yesterday," he went on, "it vas because I vas so impatient ven I hear you vanted to amputate dot girl's leg off.
When the surgeon made ready to amputate his shattered leg, Bob, who had secured possession of a loaded revolver, swore he would shoot any man who touched the limb with such purpose.
But when a surgeon prepared to amputate one of his legs Evans, who had managed to procure a revolver, warned him that upon his first attempt to do so he would shoot him.
He examined the arm, and tells me that the bone is completely smashed, and that he must amputate it half-way between the elbow and shoulder.
Where enucleation of the tumor alone was intended it may finally become necessary to amputate the uterus to stop hemorrhage.
As we may not destroy life, which belongs to God, we may not amputate a member to suppress any vital function.