Excise or Customs Ordinances or Orders for temporary occasion, means that substantially all his legislation on his entering on the Protectorate was to remain in force.
It includes: excise taxes and import fees totaling $2 per barrel on product imports and on all crude oil; deregulation of new natural gas and enactment of a natural gas excise tax.
A further $2 billion cut in excise taxes will give more relief and also contribute directly to lowering the rate of inflation.
More money will be left in the hands of the consumer by a substantial cut in excise taxes.
Although exciseand corporation income taxes must, therefore, be continued at their present rates, further tax cuts will be possible when justified by lower expenditures and by revenue increases arising from the nation's economic growth.
The National Government has long derived its chief revenue from a tariff on imports and from an internal or excise tax.
I believe it desirable, because of increased military expenditures, that you temporarily restore the automobile and certain telephone excise tax reductions made effective only 12 days ago.
In my annual message of 1882 I recommended the abolition of all excise taxes except those relating to distilled spirits.
The Supreme Court has held that the succession tax imposed at the time of the Civil War was not a direct tax but an impost or excise which was both constitutional and valid.
Whereupon the Senate took fresh courage, annulled the odious law, added three hundred families to the nobility, abolished an unpopular excise duty upon wine and raised the daily wages of the weavers three soldi.
This is just as if Great Britain said that brandy from France coming into England should pay a duty equivalent to the English excise duty upon spirits, which would be quite fair.
It took us weary months to understand that the shouting about the "enforcement of the dead Excise Law" was lying treachery or rank ignorance, one as bad as the other.
On their demolition to make room for the Excise Office, they were removed to the City green-yard, in Whitecross Street.
The Commissioners of Excise sat in Haberdashers' Hall.
The Excise office was afterwards removed to the mansion of Sir J.
Further savings were effected in Essex under the headings of, conveyance of prisoners, prevention of fire, excise duties, etc.
An Excise duty on liquor had recently (1643) been introduced by the Long Parliament.
It will also be necessary to continue all of the present excise taxes without any reduction and the corporation income taxes at their present rates for another year beyond next April 1st.
He was in the opposition against Sir Robert Walpole in the Excise Bill; and felt the displeasure of that all-powerful minister by being dismissed from his office of High Steward.
Scarborough was full of Jacobites: the popular feeling was then all rife against Sir Robert Walpole's excise scheme.
I question whether any statesman who has any regard for his future fame will ever propose anotherexcise or customs-duty at all.
Of all these, Excise stands first by several millions, while Customs are far ahead of any of the rest, Stamps and Income Tax being the next best paying sources of revenue.
Sweetened spirit cannot be easily tested for its strength, and is taken by the Excise at the strength which it is declared to possess by the dealer.
When a spirit is stronger than the 'excise proof,' its boiling-point varies too little with its alterations of strength to render the ebullioscope of much practical value.
The restrictions on the sale to Burmans of opium and intoxicants were maintained--and neither excise licence nor opium-shop was allowed in any place where the non-Burman population was not considerable.
As regards excise administration, in accordance with the custom of the country the sale of opium and of intoxicating liquors to Burmans was prohibited.
The excise revenue might have been made profitable, but we were debarred from interfering for the time with the regulations made and sanctioned (somewhat hastily, perhaps) by the Government of India, immediately after the annexation.
The Indian Exciseand Opium Acts were extended to Upper Burma in the latter half of 1888.
The descendant of a family of rabbis in Poltava, he passed "from darkness to light" by way of the curious educational institution of Nicholas' brand, the office of anexcise farmer in which he was employed for a number of years.
Above the rank and file of tavern keepers, both rural and urban, there had arisen a class of wealthy tax-farmers, who kept a monopoly on the sale of liquor or the collection of excise in various governments of the Pale.
It may be remarked that the beer brewed in Bavaria is generally of darker colour than that produced in other states, and extra strong brews are exported largely into the beer excise district and abroad.
It was not a case of Maine prohibition, or Kansas prohibition, or New York excise regulation.
When it has been manufactured, the opium must be disposed of in one way and another; accordingly: "The supply of prepared opium required for consumption in India is made over to the Excise Department.
Graham stood by the bard in the hour of peril recorded in this letter: and the Board of Excise had the generosity to permit him to eat its "bitter bread" for the remainder of his life.
There is still one thing would make my circumstances quite easy: I have an excise officer's commission, and I live in the midst of a country division.
As to my private concerns, I am going on, a mighty tax-gatherer before the Lord, and have lately had the interest to get myself ranked on the list ofexcise as a supervisor.
The excise and farming alternately occupied the poet's thoughts in Edinburgh: he studied books of husbandry and took lessons in gauging, and in the latter he became expert.
Those fears were indeed too true; it is a bargain would have ruined me, but for the lucky circumstance of my having an excise commission.
The views of Burns were always humble: he regarded a place in the excise as a thing worthy of paying court for, both in verse and prose.
Besides my farm business, I ride on my Excisematters at least two hundred miles every week.
Thence I to the Excise Office behind the 'Change, and there find our business of our tallys in great disorder as to payment, and thereupon do take a resolution of thinking how to remedy it, as soon as I can.