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Example sentences for "slewe"

Lexicographically close words:
sleuthing; sleuths; sleuthy; sleves; slew; slewed; slewest; slewing; sley; slice
  1. And as soone as they were in the feldes/ Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym And y^e LORde sayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother?

  2. And after the deth of Husam/ Hadad the sonne of Bedad which slewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes/ reigned in his steade/ and the name of his cyte was Avith.

  3. In to their secrettes come not my soule/ and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they slewe a man/ and in their selfewill they houghed an oxe.

  4. But this Er Iudas eldest sonne was wicked in the syghte of the LORde/ wherfore the LORde slewe him.

  5. And so in Batayle the noble Hector slewe And his dede cors after his charot drewe.

  6. The people of Quiuira slewe the Friers, and the Portugall escaped with certaine Indians of Mechuacan.

  7. The Spaniards which secretly were hid in ambush at lande were quickly conueyed ouer to the yland in their long boates, and so comming to the yland, they slewe all our men that they could meete with, without mercy.

  8. Saule= himselfe before by the counsell and motion of =Samuel=, slewe all the Magitians that he could any where finde.

  9. The wind wherwith he slewe them, he let flée out of his mouth: for he appeared in the similitude and likenesse of an horse.

  10. Wherewith enrag'd, he fiercely gan upstart, And with his hand him rashly bruzing slewe 290 As in avengement of his heedles smart, That streight the spirite out of his senses flew.

  11. On Dunsmore heath I alsoe slewe A monstrous wyld and cruell beast, Calld the Dun-cow of Dunsmore heath; Which manye people had opprest.

  12. I overcame him in the feild, And slewe him soone right valliantlye; Wherebye this land I did redeeme From Danish tribute utterlye.

  13. They slewe also many women slaues, and frée maydens for to attende vpon the Gentlewomen, and moreouer one of euery occupation within the citie.

  14. In thys fyghte the Indians slewe two of theyr Horses, and as the Spanyardes doe witnesse, at two blowes they cutte off a Horse head, bridle and all.

  15. Then he shotte off hys handgun, whiche was the watch vnto his armye, who forthwith sette vppon the Townesmen, and within two houres slewe sixe thousand persons and more.

  16. Cortes required his më not to kil those miserable creatures: But yet he could not stay the Indians his friends, who slewe and sacrificed aboue fiftene thousand.

  17. Assuredly they were cruell butchers, and slewe yearely for that bloudy sacrifice many menne, and some children, but not so many as was reported.

  18. But Sandoual followed them, and slewe many of them: he toke also prisoners, manye women and children, who yelded themselues vnto his mercie, and their bodies for slaues.

  19. They fought with the Indians, who slewe foure Spaniardes, and wounded many moe, and of them were slayne very fewe with their succor and defence at hande.

  20. He took Dunotter and slewe all personnes found in it.

  21. Wharever thai overtook the Inglis men, Thai spared none, but slewe all down.

  22. Thou arte her brother (sayd Alcmeon to Adrastus) that slewe her husbande.

  23. On Dunsmore heath I alsoe slewe A monstrous wyld and cruell beast, Called the Dun-Cow of Dunsmore heath, Which manye people had opprest.

  24. I overcame him in the field, And slewe him soone right valliantlye; Wherebye this land I did redeeme From Danish tribute utterlye.

  25. But alway went good Robyn By halke and eke by hyll, 50 And alway slewe the kynges dere, And welt them at his wyll.

  26. Therefore he arm'd five hundred men, With furniture compleate; But the outlawes slewe halfe of them, And made the rest retreate.

  27. But alway went good Robyn By halke and eke by hyll, And alway slewe the kyngës dere, And welt them at his wyll.

  28. Robyn slewe a full grete harte; His horne than gan he blow, That all the outlawes of that forest That horne coud they knowe, 448.

  29. He slewe a knyght of Lancashire, And a squyer bolde; For to save him in his ryght My godes beth sette and solde.

  30. Milo slewe Clodius lawfully / whiche thynge his ad- uersaries denyed / and yf Tully can proue it / the plee is wonne.

  31. A note in the Shakerley Papers states that "sir Peter (Legh) slewe sir Thomas Butteler of Bewseye knight, and for the same was forced to build Disley church for his penalty at his own cost and charges 1527.

  32. After this Sir John Boteler's lady pursued those that slewe her husband, and indyted xx men for that sarte (i.

  33. And in the meane season by blinde and hidden passages vnder the earth, assembling themselues they came against the Tartars in warlike manner, and suddenly issuing forth, they slewe a great number of them.

  34. Then began he to make warre vpon the Sumongals or Tartars, and slewe their captaine, and after many conflicts, subdued them vnto himselfe, and brought them all into bondage.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slewe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.