The evening had now come on, And he came where a streamlet flowed Fast by a Korrigan's abode; And grassy turf spread all around.
Leontodons unfold On the swart turf their ray-encircled gold, With Sol's expanding beam the flowers unclose, And rising Hesper lights them to repose.
Many times bullets whizzed close to him and cut the turf all around where he lay.
A few minutes later Elisha was seen by his astonished comrades crawling along the bullet-torn turf on his way to the wounded man.
THE wreath that star-crowned Shelley gave Is lying on thy Roman grave, Yet on its turf young April sets Her store of slender violets; Though all the Gods their garlands shower, I too may bring one purple flower.
Fold the green turf aright For the long hours before the morning's light, And say the last Good Night!
The sun shall set, and heaven's resplendent spheres Gild the smoothturf unhallowed yet by tears, But ah!
I enjoy nothing half so much as walking in the teeth of wind and rain, along the smooth turf on yonder cliffs, the cool air lapping you all round, and the salt of the sea on your lips.
We passed along the bog road, where on either side were heaps of black turf drying, and off the road were deep pools of black water, filling the holes whence the turf was cut.
A deep silence fell upon us both, broken only by the crackling of the turf and wood fire, I busy with the past, and he sunk in his own reflections.
Here are brought together all the quaint enamelled eyes, That on the green turf sucked the honeyed showers, And purple all the ground with vernal flowers.
The turf indeed feels so springy under our feet that walking on it seems scarcely an exertion: one could almost fancy that the Downs themselves were still rising, even higher, into the air.
So on they rode, and the pleasant turf (having lately received some rain) softly answered to the kneading of their hoofs as they galloped away to surround the house.
There was no sod turned yet and no rod set up; but the driver seemed to know what was meant, and took us over the springy turf where once had run the river.
Tis right over there," cried Eileen, pointing to a black hole in the bog where turf had been cut out.
There were many puddles, and sometimes there were deep holes, where the turf had been cut out.
Mr McQueen was a thrifty man, and got his supply of turf early in the season.
The promiscuous multitude arranged themselves upon large banks of turf prepared for the purpose, which, aided by the natural elevation of the ground, enabled them to overlook the galleries, and obtain a fair view into the lists.
But this time I wept and roared like a wicked child, tearing up the turf with my nails and grinding my face in the earth.
Light be the turfon the breast of the heaven-inspired poet who composed this glorious fragment.
The one touch of sentiment to which he was alive was the feeling he centred about the few square feet of turf where his mother lay under the sweet-briar and the old elms in the burying-plot of the little Eastern village.
In this roof the fowls nestle, and lay an infinite number of eggs; but all things inside and out are tainted with turf in a way to make them disagreeable.
But we must not linger in the valley: at every point the wooded hill-slopes tempt us to climb upwards among shady groves of beech, over turf thick with primroses and bluebells, then out upon the furzy heights.
Afterwards I went and stopped the more obvious gaps in the roof with turf and logs, and by the time these things were done hunter and hound had returned.
The rich black soil of the fallow land, and strips of turf separating sections, relieved the monotony of this waving sea of gold.
Turf was burned in the stoves of London, long after coals were in daily use in the northern counties; and petitions were presented to the Houses of Parliament in the reign of Henry VIII.
The lands of Corrabeg, Dunragheedaghan, and Muscarooney, let at fifteen shillings an acre, with a right to cut turf on the Derryslattery bog!
So I got down and drew this wattle from the side of a turf creel,--you see it is a strong blackthorn, and good stuff too.
He was heaping someturf upon the fire as Forester entered, and, laughingly interrupting the operation, he stood up and bowed courteously.
Running along on the green turf was a certain low growing variety, the branches of which they pin to the earth with a kind of wooden hair-pin, so that it does not show.
The tops were thickly wooded, and lower down the trees were beautifully grouped, and the velvety turf rolled and swelled to the foot of the Castle.
They made their way through the shadowy avenue, and emerged upon the silvery patch of turf and fern, where the rotting summer-house stood in its solitary decay.
He could see no one; but an army might have hidden amongst the trees that encircled the open patch of turf on which the summer-house had been built.
He stepped aside from the broad carriage-drive on to the dewy turf that bordered it, choosing the softest, mossiest places with a sybarite's instinct.
Turf Topics" was contributed by a fellow called Jordan, and, really, Mr. Kent would find a few hours daily more than enough to prepare an issue!
As he walked quietly along, he was followed by a number of boys, some of whom threw pieces of turf at him; and, by the time he reached the centre of the town a considerable crowd was collected.
I entered our mine, and, by convulsive efforts, forced off the little turf and earth we had left.
And presently we passed the statue of Achilles and got our feet upon the turf beyond--a little bit of living planet in the middle of the heavy smothering London town.
But the groups passed too swiftly over the turf for that, swept completely from their fastenings, while the tramping grew to a roaring as of cries and voices.
A hundred yards above the rhododendron forest, in a clear wide space of turf that ran for leagues among grey boulders to the lips of the eternal snowfields, they waited.
The one sign of anything unusual was in the plain traces of the passage of wheels over the turf in front of Browndown.
As she stepped out on the open turf beyond, she turned, and spoke to him again.
He cracked his whip, and the cart rolled off noiselessly over the thick close turf of the South Downs.
To Edward, lying at his long length on the short turf and looking out to the opalescent mist that hid the sea, it was not possible to believe that this day of all days could be anything but very good or very bad.
With my legs on the rug, By a turf fire red--a turf fire red-- But how can I rhyme it?
What brings that fellow into the room so often, putting turf on, and looking if the windows are fast?
Their crest was only the abrupt termination of a vast and enclosed tableland, abounding in all the qualities of the ancient chase: turf and trees, a wilderness of underwood, and a vast spread of gorse and fern.