One fall, got from a treacherous briar, he had; then he arrived beside the bridge and noted where faint indication of a woodland path led from it.
In the misty spring nights, under budding woodland green, or aloft in the bosom of silence upon the high lands, he wandered.
She has lived through the summer weather with him and talked fitfully of woodland walks by him, and chatter of birds, and shining of Teign, and cutting of letters on tree trunks.
Silence again overtook them, and, while Sally fidgeted impatiently, the man's owl eyes roamed from off her face to the woods, from the woodland back again to her.
They departed then and wandered upward by a woodland track to Godleigh.
In each there are groups of sycamore, elm, and silver birch, and their position makes one feel that one is on the border of a woodland through which one might wander for hours.
A house is as much a product of Nature as a woodlandor a rabbit warren or a lawn.
But the scent of the woodland clings to the whole hook; I have read it once a year for more than a quarter of a century.
We love the green of the woodland because it still conveys to us the picture of our happy home of some hundreds of thousands of years ago.
We find beauty in an oval outline because our ancestors of the woodland spent some happy hours bird-nesting.
It was a beautiful woodlandthrough which they moved.
The masked figure swung gracefully around and stood still, searching the shadowy woodland inquiringly.
For a while the steady splashing of the fish sounded like the uninterrupted music of a distant woodland waterfall.
Somebody had a French horn or cornopean, and at its sound people came trotting pretty quickly in from all directions through the woodland glades and up the avenues leading from the ruins, or bypaths coming from the side of the stream.
The huntsman sounded his horn cheerily, and all the hounds came pouring into the woodland glade, accompanied by the Doctor, who seemed as eager as any one to see the sport.
Afterwards taking two turns to the right, and one to the left, and crossing a most dangerous-looking bamboo bridge, we came upon a piece of woodland on the opposite bank of the stream.
These groves are little isolated patches of forest dotted here and there; the villages have plenty of planted trees, many of great antiquity, and from the heights above they have the appearance of woodland covered with grass.
There exist not the rigors of the northern peninsula; there the timber has not tempted woodland plunderers, nor have dried brook-beds followed shorn forests, nor the farmer invaded the region of light soil.
One way to cross from Michigan to Huron is in a canoe, threading one's way from woodland lake to woodland lake, through brush-hidden brooklets, without a portage.
He was a little boy in the woodland home with his mother again, and was telling her delightedly of what he had seen and found, and of the yellow mandrake apples he had stored in a hollow log.
It stood out on a little spur of the Palisades, delightfully nestled in a bit of woodland and lawns of its own.
Near noon he was running through a narrow woodland track when a bend in the road suddenly revealed his way blockaded by an enormous wagon that stood before him.
Meanwhile youth and maid Down the green vistas of the woodland strayed, Whispered and smiled and oft their feet delayed.
He began to think the likeness which had led him this last chase was an illusion, after all, and that the fellow must be some new workman, who had by chance discovered his woodland retreat and considered it public property.
They had stood still a minute to look over the little white valley to the snow-dressed woodland beyond.
The British Crown, Parliament, and people were a unit in wishing to keep woodland and prairie for the sole use of their own merchants, as regions tenanted only by Indian hunters and French trappers and traders.
In course of time it naturally came about that all notable incidents of the chase and woodland warfare were incorporated into their lives by the story-tellers.
Several of the small stockaded forts, the places of refuge of woodland neighborhoods, were surprised and sacked with remorseless butchery.
His woodland experience fitted him for an expedition through the wilderness; and his great discretion and self-command for a negotiation with wily commanders and fickle savages.
Greenway Court was in the midst of a woodland region, affording a covert approach for the stealthy savage.
Among the Ashstead oaks, higher up on the Common, there is a still more neglected spring known as the "Roman Well," the highest point of this open woodland having apparently been the site of a Roman camp.
What will interest the present generation more is an effort to preserve Purley Beeches, a fine woodland on the Downs, as pleasure-ground for this fast-growing suburb.
He may not be able to imitate his song on the reed, but on his silver horn he can wind a woodland tune.
Musically his buoyant nature is expressed by a theme inspired by the fresh, joyful spirit of a wild, woodland life.
He left the barren moorlands behind him, and the pleasant farms and villages of the fruitful countryside, and after many days came once more to Regin's woodland dwelling.
In his later life he used to say that there was no picturesque old tree trunk, no meadow or woodland glade or stream within a four-mile radius of Sudbury, that he did not retain a recollection of from his childish years.
Here, we have moose, woodland caribou and the red deer, besides nearly all the fur-bearing animals that we find on the Labrador.
The old trench system was partly in the midst of woodland wreckage, caused by long sieges of artillery fire, of the same character as that facing the 77th in the Argonne Forest.
They could not close with the enemy in an abandoned rush through a screen of woodland: the enemy had all the woodland to himself.
They knew every road and path, and how to make use of their ideal woodland cover.
By this time they were at home in woodland maneuvers, or on the 10th they would not have made nearly four miles in formation, combing every yard of the Argonne's breadth as they advanced.
Fan ran up to get her hat and sunshade, and when she returned to them her pallor and headache had well-nigh vanished at the prospect of an afternoon spent in the shady woodland paradise.
Her cousin lay in the lane, motionless as he had fallen, his face pale and turned upwards, one arm twisted under his body, the other stretched out upon the soft mould of the woodland path.
The woodlandroads were not as full of riders as they are in July and August, and the summer dancing had not yet begun, nor the garden parties, nor any kind of gayety.
The best time for shooting and for eating these fowl is late in October, when the acorns and beechmast, of both of which they are inordinately fond, lie thick and ripe on the woodland banks of the streams and pools they love to frequent.
Munching my corn as I plodded on, I still kept a keen lookout behind, though in the forest one can seldom see but a rod or two, and sometimes not even a yard except down the vista of some woodland stream.
There was a hill near the tunnel, and Cleburne held this and the woodland rolling from the right.
He began to put his intention into execution, moving across miles of woodland with a certain caution, since there might just possibly be blue stragglers.
The birds in the woodland began incessantly tocheep!
It was past the middle of the day; heat and golden haze in the sun, coolness and cathedral gloom where the enormous woodlandthrew its shadow.