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Example sentences for "clod"

Lexicographically close words:
clockmakers; clockmaking; clocks; clockwise; clockwork; cloddy; clodhopper; clods; cloes; clog
  1. The original elegant symmetry is lost and the whole now forms a cluster which, at first sight, appears to be merely a clod of dry mud, sprinkled with tiny pebbles.

  2. He hurriedly takes shelter under a stone, a clod of earth, a tuft of grass, recovers from his excitement and loses no time in picking up his liquid note.

  3. Woe for him, the valorous one, Now a silent clod of clay!

  4. Trample them, clod by clod, Stamp them in dust amain!

  5. A clod was loosened somewhere above them and crashed upon the wreckage.

  6. As he thrust blindly at her body, rolling her back farther into the tunnel, he felt the first clod strike full upon his shoulder.

  7. The nest can be found, if you look for it, but is generally out of sight under a loosened clod of earth or tuft of grass.

  8. I got another clod in at short range; we clinched on the brow of the hill, and rolled down to the bottom together.

  9. A well aimed clod of garden soil, whizzing just past my ear, starred on a tree-trunk behind, spattering me with dirt.

  10. Woe then for the gardener's boy, who, unprepared, skipping in premature triumph, took the clod full in his stomach!

  11. Hastily picking up a nice sticky clod in one hand, with the other I delicately projected my hat beyond the shelter of the tree-trunk.

  12. Well, this cold clay clod Was man's heart: Crumble it, and what comes next?

  13. The Clod is an infant wrapped in a lily-leaf.

  14. The rain had done its work; not a clod that was not swollen with fertility, not a fissure that did not exhale the sense of fecundity.

  15. Art such a clod to wish thyself all clay?

  16. If so, how each sage atom laughs at me, Who think a clod inferior to a man!

  17. Why didst Thou form me so helpless and frail Out of the clod and allied to the star?

  18. I who am a clod Give that much, Torturer, throned in the sky.

  19. Said Tiberius, "You are called 'lords of the earth' without possessing a single clod to call your own.

  20. Unfortunately, clod crushers often are depended on to remedy faulty work on ordinary land that should receive better treatment.

  21. Many times the clod crusher is a poor remedy for poor tillage on naturally good land that lacks humus.

  22. Clod crushers and land floats belong to the same tribe.

  23. The clod crusher then rides over the lumps and grinds them into powder.

  24. But then I'll tell ye a stane will na answer ye back, an' a clod of earth will na try to withstand ye, so how can ye argue them down?

  25. Of course, ye'll say ye canna reason doon a stane, or make a clod o' earth gie in tae ye.

  26. Surely, thou hast looked upon the sun, and that makes gold look like a clod of clay in thine eyesight.

  27. Here Thomas Clod interfered with a small bit of advice--a thing that Thomas was good at, being a Cameronian elder, and accustomed to giving a word.

  28. Asia, Europe, are corners of the universe; all the sea a drop in the universe; Athos a little clod of the universe: all the present time is a point in eternity.

  29. And how small a part of the whole substance; and how small a part of the universal soul; and on what a small clod of the whole earth thou creepest!

  30. It gives no them direct advantage over the clod who stumbles against a trisyllable.

  31. But, of all things, to have a man act as if he were a clod just emerged for the first time from his own barnyard!

  32. He had silently and softly removed the clod of peat that blocked the aperture before mentioned.

  33. He saw a large flat clod of snow and earth.

  34. A certain craftiness he had, for all that I ever accounted him the dullest-witted clod that ever rose to his degree of honour.

  35. Who could conceive her formed a clod to please?

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clod" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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