They came very sparingly; but in their stead there appeared every year, a little merry face that had never been seen in the house before, to augment the parental joys of Doctor Falcon and his lady.
My saliva served me in the stead of oil, and I toiled eight days to produce eight edges terminating in a sharp point, the edges being an inch and a half in length.
That obliged me to stop at Coblentz; but when I got down at the inn, I found that the canoness was at Manheim, while in her stead I encountered an actress named Toscani, who was going to Stuttgart with her young and pretty daughter.
It was I who made good cheer in his stead and greatly to his delight.
They have almost banished the genuine, old-fashioned roast meat from our tables, and left in its stead dried meats with their most precious and nutritive juices evaporated.
But I remember the sea-men would laugh, that in stead of crying Tack about, he would say Wheele to the right (or left).
Let a ginne be invented to shatter out corne by jogging in stead of soweing or setting, the one being, too wastfull, the other taking up too much time; and that the soweing and harrowing may bee but one and the same labour.
If you want her, why don't you stand up an' try to git her 'stead of sittin' around like a sick cat whenever I happen to admire her looks?
It was on'y his bad luck made him try a chance at gold 'stead of keepin' after pelts.
Stead of this, What wish shall take possession of my bosom, Which now without some ruling wish of wishes Knows not to heave?
I wish those little angels would play with me when I was awake, 'stead of watching me when I was asleep.
Why can't they stay to home and get up their own shows, 'stead of coming all this way to spoil ourn?
In his steadup popped Roger Grant, the tinker, of whom a friend of mine once sung.
When the Count returns, And the King abdicates, 't will stead me little To have thus counselled.
Boons exchange we-- Some other Até in my stead make wealthy!
Put in their stead a crudity or two, Such short and simple statement of the case As youth chalks on our walls at spring of year!
Or answered for the inarticulate babe At baptism, in its stead declared the faith, And saved what else would perish unprofessed?
They have almost banished the genuine, old-fashioned roast-meat from our tables, and left in its stead dried meats with their most precious and nutritive juices evaporated.
But just at the crucial moment Andramark leaped to one side, and it was a completely flabbergasted old gentleman who descended through the air in his stead upon a scattering flock of children.
But I send in my stead a second edition of the old Pulszky, revised and corrected ad usum Delphini, though I do not doubt that you prefer the old book, to which you were accustomed.
Your answering these questions will stead me much, and I am sure that you will answer them if you can.
As he boasts, in claiming a return from an Irish law officer, 'I assure you, on mine honour, I have deserved it at his hands in places where it may moststead him.
And therefore, if the Deputy be not as ready to stead me as I have been to defend him--be it as it may.
Mrs. Lincoln then invited in their stead Miss Harris and Major Rathbone, daughter and stepson of Senator Ira Harris.
In his steadhe sent Duchess Renée his wife, another Bourbon Princess, a daughter of Gilbert de Montpensier and sister of the famous Constable.
But in its steadshe had cages full of parakeets and singing birds, which were carefully tended by her ladies, and fed with white loaves newly baked every morning.
In vain Christina protested that her dowry had never been paid, and that this city was granted to her in its stead by the terms of her marriage contract.
Aristocracy was swept aside and in its stead democracy was enthroned.
The struggle which destroyed Germany's economic and military power erected in her stead a more menacing economic and military power--the United States.
Esay, For brass I bring thee gold, and silver in stead of Iron, brasse for wood, and fire for stones.
And in the Province of Babylon, there growes a liquid Bitumen, a little thick, which they use in Lamps in stead of oile.
The hardness of her expression vanished on the instant, and in its stead was a wonderful tenderness.
And Zeke knew that the old distrust and suspicion were gone forever, and in theirstead were come affection and faith.
In its steadcame a raucous rhythm--the sleep of utter exhaustion.