At each emplacement there was a range chart giving the ranges to all parts of the enemy's trenches, and to every prominent object both in front of and behind them, within its field of fire.
The numerous white spots all about the emplacement are the craters caused by the bombs which were rained upon it.
G] So he gave me as a souvenir of the experience a photograph, taken from the air, of the gun emplacement after it had been discovered and bombed by the Allied aviators, and the gun removed to a place of safety.
Under its shelter a man could steal up to the barbed wire and cut it and even crawl up to a machine-gun emplacement and destroy it with a hand-grenade.
Airplanes were particularly feared, because a machine-gun emplacement was recognized to be so important that a whole battery of artillery would be turned upon a suspected pill-box.
And so the Germans put a gun emplacementon top of the balloon both forward and aft.
The famous concrete emplacement at Maubeuge will serve as an instance.
Yet there never was a concreteemplacement at Maubeuge, and no 42-cm.
A trench mortar emplacement is dug in the rear wall of the trench, or a shell hole is utilized, care being taken to conceal it from aerial observation.
All communicating trenches leading to the firing emplacement must be concealed.
This is best done by the following: Place the machine guns under solid cover; make their emplacement invisible; echelon the machine guns in depth.
It came forward through the undergrowth and made for the edge of the bank, where there was a machine gun emplacement in a bomb-proof shelter, whose steep bank was almost perpendicular.
That very little else was sitting on the top of the emplacement while the forward part of the tank was poised in space regarding the setting sun.
The night before we had made our inspection of these trenches, a shell had landed right on top of the gun emplacementand had "outed" the whole concern, unfortunately killing two of the gun section belonging to the former battalion.
To have this gun on the road meant making an emplacement there somehow.
We made a very excellent and strongemplacement on the road, and used it henceforth.
We soon saw that in order to get a really clear field of fire it was necessary for us to sap out from the end of our existing right-hand trench and make a machine-gun emplacement at the end.
This particular emplacement was spotted some two months ago by the wily Hun, and he got some direct hits on it with small stuff.
They secured a number of direct hits and destroyed the emplacement guns.
Right and left of the emplacement were lines of barbed wire, many of the posts still standing; but directly in front the entanglement had been flattened, scorched posts and short fragments of twisted wire alone remaining to mark the position.
It engaged only in shorter peregrinations, moving from one emplacement to another by way of variety, and keeping up a system of torture which acted badly on the nerves of the unhappy persons who were honoured with its attentions.
We pushed our advance works in that direction, and mounted Lord Nelson, an old naval smooth-bore gun, in an emplacement 3100 yards from the enemy.
We have made balls for it, and are intending to manufacture shells, in the hope we shall at least be able to reach the emplacementof Big Ben.
Reckon that each gunemplacement represents three months' constant labor with drill, hammer, and mine.
One needs to have scaled a mountainside to an Italian gun's emplacementor lookout post to gauge fully the nature of this warfare.
The Boers are busy preparing an emplacement for heavy artillery on Middle Hill, south of and flanking Bester's Ridge.
Where there are two magazines to an emplacement there is a separate detachment for each, composed of three non-commissioned officers and eight privates each.
In an emplacement provided with an ammunition-hoist what changes in the above drill are made?
They had correct views of the structure of the solar system, and knew the order of the emplacement of the planets.
Trenches had also been dug along the sides of a machine gun emplacement that occupied a slight elevation commanding Highway 2 both to the north and to the south.
Its mission, too, was the emplacement of a navigation light, but bad weather and choppy seas kept the troops confined to the ship throughout the 17th.
Make the colour of your emplacementas much like that of the surrounding ground as possible, including your sandbags, if used.
If in grassy ground, instead of sandbags put large sods of grass to hide the emplacement and to keep the dust from flying, as sandbags are conspicuous.
I was looking for an emplacement for a grenade-rifle stand, and I selected a likely-looking spot just behind the front line.
But I had no more time than to get the emplacement dug out and the wooden framework erected.
I remember that we struck two buried Germans in excavating the emplacement and had to treat them with some very powerful corrosive before the work could be continued.
The lower we came the more distinctly I could make out that some sort of emplacement was being built up--the new emplacement for a 17-inch howitzer.
He was almost on the emplacement when a gun slewed round and banged a short burst at him.
A dozen men had appeared suddenly within twenty yards of the emplacement and were making as rapid a dash for it as the ground allowed.
The emplacement held its fire more now, but every now and then delivered a flickering string of flashes and a venomous rat-at-at-at.
Yesterday I inspected the whole of the brigade trenches to see where I could make myself unpleasant to Fritz, and to-day we started making a beautiful emplacement in the salient.
In the afternoon we worked on another emplacement and got it nearly finished.
Happily, in thisemplacement we don't live in water as we do in the trenches.
After two bad nights in the billet owing to the lack of straw, the third night was interrupted by our sudden departure for our emplacement in the second line.
We went down the slopes leading to our emplacement in the village.
This shell was nicknamed the “Flying Pig,” and to fire it was only an experiment, so all the men in the trenches in advance of the emplacement were temporarily withdrawn lest the shell should accidentally fall short.
All earth had to be removed, as the smallest heap of soil above the level of the ground was looked upon by the Bulgar as the commencement of a new gun emplacement and consequently bombarded.