Koran and were versed in various kinds of learning and in the histories of bygone peoples.
At this the fisherman was glad and going to the bank threw his net, then waiting till it had spread out at full stretch and settled down, hauled it up and found in it various kinds of fish.
Speeches, treatises of various kinds, anecdotes, and a collection of oracles, are ascribed to his pen.
It feeds upon reptiles of various kinds, and is much prized on account of its habit of killing and devouring snakes of all kinds.
One day he had drawn his nets to land, and had taken a great many fishes of various kinds.
There was a vast concourse of various kinds of people at Baldur's obsequies.
The Reverend Professor Henslow raised from seeds of a cowslip growing in his garden, various kinds of oxlips and one perfect primrose; but a statement in the same paper perhaps throws light on this anomalous result.
Herbert raised, from the seeds of a highly cultivated red cowslip, cowslips, oxlips of various kinds, and a primrose.
Philip had previously passed several years at Thebes as a hostage, where he eagerly availed himself of the excellent opportunities which that city afforded for the acquisition of various kinds of knowledge.
These were followed, a little later, by wooden images having some resemblance to life, and clothed and decorated with ornaments of various kinds.
In the first place 227 withered leaves of various kinds, mostly of English plants, were pulled out of worm-burrows in several places.
Leaves during their decay generate an abundance of various kinds of acids, which have been grouped together under the term of humus acids.
People were to be seen eagerly embarking victuals onvarious kinds of hastily made barks.
The youth now went to the cave, and having knocked at the door, it was opened by a venerable hermit, who bade him welcome, brought him warm water to wash his feet, and set before him refreshments of various kinds.
This light was augmented by gold and silver lamps, burning perfumed oils of various kinds.
These chemical changes are of various kinds, but the great source of heat is the katabolic process, known as oxidation.
In certain well-known processes bacteria have the power of bringing about decomposition of various kinds.
Through this opening the lining of the stomach could be seen, the temperature ascertained, and numerous experiments made as to the digestibility of various kinds of food.
Now madness is of various kinds; in addition to that which arises from disease there is the madness which originates in a passionate temperament, and makes men when engaged in a quarrel use foul and abusive language against each other.
The latter is effected in many ways--by the formation of buds of various kinds, and by fissiparous generation, that is by spontaneous or artificial division.
Whether or not our various cultivated plants have received nutriment in excess, all have been exposed to changes of various kinds.
There are numerous records at ancient periods in English history of the importation of choice animals of various kinds, and of foolish laws against their exportation.
Great exertions have been made and expenses incurred by the citizens in improvements of various kinds; but those which are suggested belong exclusively to the Government, or are of a nature to require expenditures beyond their resources.
I will cause to be laid before you an essay toward a statement of those who, under public employment of various kinds, draw money from the Treasury or from our citizens.
He went, saying slowly: "Men are of various kinds .
With us it is not a question of men being of various kinds; with us the kinds are almost different animals.
On opening them all were found to feed on seeds of various kinds.
Lady Nelson's Point in order to send the boat up the river for birds such plenty of various kinds being on this island.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "various kinds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.