Serve piled high on a dish garnishedwith fried parsley.
The bower was garnished with roses, gilliflowers, pinks, and odoriferous herbs.
A military cloak, and slouched hat, garnished with a broad band and feather, gave him altogether an air of importance which his bare exterior had not sustained.
The relics of such a system were much more abundant half-a-century ago, and many a tale of love and violence, garnished with the machinery of that mythos, might have been gleaned from the unwritten learning of the people.
The verger took much delight in showing us the Horn that was once mounted with gold, but is now garnished with brass.
On reaching the palace, we were met at the door by an elderly looking woman, with a red face, garnished with a pair of second-hand curls, the whole covered with a cap having the widest border that I had seen for years.
Sir Mulberry garnished this speech with a hoarse laugh, and terminated it with a pleasant oath regarding Mr Nickleby's limbs, whereat Messrs Pyke and Pluck laughed consumedly.
There he supped handsomely off ham and eggs, and dipped into a work called Covenanting Worthies, which garnished a table decorated with sea-shells.
Dickson and his hostess stood at the garden-gate, the former with his pack on his back, and at his feet a small stout wooden box, of the kind in which cheeses are transported, garnished with an immense padlock.
At table she helped to the fish (cod, garnished round with smelts) and insisted on carving the turkey herself, which she did extremely well.
She took care to see that her house was swept, and she garnished it herself.
The cleft was large and was garnished with a sturdy icicle, or column of ice, some 5 feet or more in diameter.
Argent, three legs armed, conjoined at the fess point at the upper extremity of the thigh, flexed in a triangle, garnished and spurred, or.
A cap of dignity borne by mayors of cities or corporate bodies: it is formed of sables garnished with ermine.
Or, two lions passant counter passant gules, the uppermost facing the sinister side of the escutcheon, both collared sable, garnished argent.
The same he haith lefte to his posterity, garnished and replenished with riche furnitures; amonge the wch his Lybrarye is righte worthye of remembrance.
When the duke had this warning, anon he went and furnished and garnished two strong castles of his, of the which the one hight Tintagil, and the other castle hight Terrabil.
But no such chain as this about my neck," the woman answered, and lifted a huge golden collar garnished with emeralds and sapphires and with many pearls.
And now the woman lifted to him a huge golden collar garnished with emeralds and sapphires and with many pearls, and in the sunlight the gems were tawdry things.
It was a plain supper of roasted and stewed game garnished with garlic, boiled rice, with maize and lentil cakes.
It sounded all right, although terribly garnished with obscure phrases.
In the midst of the dimple which added such a charm to her chin Esther had a little dark mole, garnished with three or four extremely fine hairs.
The affair was over, but it was soon in all the newspapers, garnished with all the wit imaginable, and Giardini was warmly praised for the action he had taken.
Not only were his canoes large, and well filled with men, but they were garnished with the usual embellishments of savage magnificence.
Found his room garnished with curiosities of various sorts, indicative, among other things, of his interest in the Indian race.
Send them up on a hot dish garnished with sprigs of parsley.
Put in oven and let bake 20 minutes; make potato croquettes and lay on the dish, which must be garnished with parsley; serve hot.
Serve on a napkin laid on a dishgarnished with water-cresses.
The bees like this prairie, which is so well garnished with flowers, and I am never at a loss for work, in this neighborhood.
She took with her a savory dish, one of those that the men of the woods love--meat cooked in its own juices, and garnished with several little additions, that her skill in the arts of civilized life enabled her to supply.
On the contrary, it was in a piece of Opening, that was tolerably well garnished with trees, however, and through which ran a small brook that poured its tribute into the Kalamazoo.
Maria, tearing in pieces a mantle richlygarnished with lace.
The long hanging sleeves garnished with lace, exposed her white and rounded arms.
He described, or hinted at, all sorts of scenes, peopled by gay young business men and garnished by pretty girls, in which he could have enjoyed himself had it not been for the enemy in his heart.
For him, too, a little common had been set apart on the other side of the roadway andgarnished with a wooden bench under a noble, fan-shaped elm.