At breakfast the Squire appeared quite picturesque, with a silk handkerchief tied over his head to conceal and hold on what Marjorie called a plaster of vinegar and brown paper, having reference to the mishaps of Jack and Jill.
She discovered that if you put a copper coin in a glass dish and pour strong vinegar over it, verdegris will be formed and verdegris is poison.
Your pardon, sir, but it all turned to vinegarwhen the landlady killed herself.
The last thing, add a tea-spoonful of vinegar or a few capers.
If the vinegar is very strong, use less in proportion.
Roll up the beef tightly with these flavorings inside, flour the meat and put in a thick saucepan or pot with a wine-glass of vinegar and two cloves.
Let it boil down till thick as good cream, season with pepper and salt and a tea-spoonful of vinegar or Worcestershire sauce, and pour it over the liver.
It’s too bad my boys should be dumb ’n account of a little thing like vinegar and brown paper.
Not a great deal, if there ain’t plenty of vinegar and brown paper handy, and I seldom had such fancy fixings in camp.
Now, an old minister is a great joy to us, especially if life has put sugar rather than vinegar in his disposition.
All the tittle-tattle of the world pours into those ears like vinegar through a funnel.
Set the chopped onion on the fire with one gill of vinegar, and boil gently till the vinegar is entirely absorbed, or boiled away.
A little vinegar may be used as a substitute for wine, but it is very inferior, and in many dishes it cannot be used at all.
It may be made without vinegar at all, using lemon-juice instead of vinegar to mix at first.
The salad should be made by an experienced person, who can judge at a glance what quantity of salt, pepper, oil, and vinegar is necessary.
As soon as the parsley is taken off, pour the butter over the fish, quickly put two tablespoonfuls of vinegar in the frying-pan and over the fire, give one boil, and pour also over the fish.
Put the brain in a bowl of cold water and a tablespoonful of vinegar and leave it in from one to two or three hours, that is, till you are ready to use it, but do not leave it more than five or six hours and not less than one hour.
Let every one bear in mind that water is no substitute for broth; that vinegar or water is no substitute for wine, etc.
You are already acquainted with the one just now coming out of the shack door with your vinegar bottle in her hand.
When the Captain saw Miss Porter with the vinegar bottle in her hand, he knew that the visitors were preparing an oyster roast, which, of course, accounted for the fire of twigs and seaweed.
If paint or varnish is on a window, wet it with hotvinegar and rub it off with a cent.
To make pie-crust flaky try adding one-half a spoonful ofvinegar to the cold water before mixing.
Add vinegar to the water in which you soak wilted vegetables and they will revive quickly and any little bugs in them will come out.
Add vinegar to the water when washing windows or paint or cleaning floors.
They found Slim lying on the floor of the fruit cellar, nearly drowned in a pool of vinegar which was gushing over him from the wreck of a two-hundred-gallon barrel lying beside him.
The stream of vinegar was diverted into a nearby drain, and Slim told his tale of woe.
But the sight of Slim, dripping with vinegar and covered with canned peaches, drove all thoughts of tragedy out of their minds, and the cellar resounded with peals of helpless laughter for the next twenty minutes.
Vinegar for washing the head, the breast, the belly, and for injections.
On the 20th, our butter and cheese being all expended, we began to serve the ship's company with oil, and I gave orders that they should also be served with mustard and vinegar once a fortnight during the rest of the voyage.
They had vinegar and mustard without limitation, wine instead of spirits, sweet wort and salop.
If any unpleasant sensations are experienced after the use of soap, they may be immediately removed by rinsing the surface with water to which a little lemon juice or vinegar has been added.
Take a piece of raw beef steeped in vinegar for twenty-four hours, tie it on the part affected.
If they are roughened by soap, rinse them in a little vinegar or lemon-juice, and they will become soft and smooth at once.
Vinegar of cantharides half an ounce, eau-de-cologne one ounce, rose-water one ounce.
When indications of the chilblains first present themselves, take vinegar three ounces and camphorated spirits of wine one ounce; mix and rub on the parts affected.
Washing the teeth with vinegar when the brush is used has been recommended as a means of removing tartar.
Vinegar and water form a good wash for the roots of the hair.
Salt, pepper, and vinegarcan be used with it to one's liking.
The food was roast pig and roast duck, cut into bits the size of one's thumb nail, and each piece was to be dipped in the vinegar before going into the mouth.
For the latter purpose, the peppers should be plucked while still green, put into a common jar or wide-mouthed bottle, and vinegar added to fill the vessel.
Both the green and ripe pods are used as pickles, and also for making Chili vinegar or pepper-sauce; which is done by simply putting a handful of the pods in a bottle, afterwards filled with the best vinegar, and stopping it closely.
The roots are the parts generally used, and are boiled, stewed, and also eaten cold, sliced in vinegar and oil.
Shallot vinegar is made by putting six cloves, or bulbs, into a quart bottle of that liquid; and, when sealed down, it will keep for years.
Most esteemed in its crude state; eaten as a salad in vinegar and oil.
In France, it is considered excellent in its crude state, served with vinegar and oil; but not so good cooked.
The French also cut them into thin slices; leaving one of the scales, or calyx leaves, attached, by which the slice is lifted, and dipped in oil and vinegar before using.
It is also eaten by many with sugar and vinegar; and some prefer it with vinegar alone.
Good whitevinegar and water (see Acetic Acid) is perhaps best of all.
To give this, and at the same time to neutralise and remove waste material from the membrane, a little vinegar and warm water may be frequently given, in teaspoonfuls.
Sponging all over with warm vinegar is also a most invigorating thing.
When all this is taken off, we should rub again with vinegar and oil, as at first.
She was instructed to use the vinegar very much diluted, but fancied it would heal faster if much stronger.
It is best done by wrapping a cloth dipped in vinegar round the knee, and placing the foot in a bath, then pouring hot water on the bandaged knee, lifting it from the bath in a jug.
At the same time, an enema of warm water and vinegar should be given twice a day.
The mixture of vinegar and water must be weak enough not to be painful on the skin.
The disease called Polypus, affecting the mouth or nostril with growths which are usually removed by force, is one of those troubles curable by proper use of vinegar or weak acetic acid.
Pure water, with just as much acetic acid or vinegar dropped into it as will make it taste the least sour, should be given in tablespoonfuls (and hot) as frequently as the patient can take it without discomfort.
Have the feet and legs up to the knees rubbed with vinegar and olive oil, and wrapped in a large blanket fomentation.
If too painful, even bathing the parts with the vinegar and cold water has great healing power.
After this, each night for a fortnight the back should be well washed with SOAP (see) and hot water, and rubbed with vinegar and hot olive oil.
Did you ever pour off the vinegar from a jug and find a mass of jelly-like substance stopping the mouth of the jug?
There is nothing very difficult about the physical part of vinegar making.
A bulletin of the New York State Experiment Station at Geneva gives the following directions, somewhat abbreviated here, for making good cider vinegar at home: "Use sound ripe apples, picked before they have become dirty or crushed.
Every one knows how vinegar has been adulterated, and now the law-makers have put their veto on the practice and a penalty to match the crime.
Boil the vinegar and spices together ten minutes, and pour the liquid over the walnuts.
The making of cider vinegar is almost all profit for there is very little outlay for materials and very little work is required.
To each barrel should now be added from two to four quarts of good vinegar containing some 'mother.
If you use green, dirty, decayed, or over-ripe apples, your vinegar will probably not meet the lawful tests and your time and work will be wasted.
Some cooks soak them first in cold water into which they put a littlevinegar or lemon juice.
Add one-half cup of vinegar and mix again, and use for oyster cocktail, allowing five oysters for each person.
Use thisvinegar for seasoning gravies and use the garlic, cut into tiny bits the size of a pinhead, for flavoring.
Add one-half cupful of white wine vinegar and remove from the fire.
But at times he seemed to act so queerly, and I noticed that one night when by accident I left a bottle of raspberry vinegar on the sideboard overnight, it was all gone in the morning.
Thornton paused to take a sip of raspberry vinegar and went on: "Well, then.
If a larger quantity of glair is required for coating over, it may be thinned with water or vinegar; but size made with vinegar must not be applied to fancy coloured cloths.
To make the gold adhere, the material to be tooled is sized or "glaired" with one part vinegar to three parts white of egg well whisked or beaten and filtered, as is done in blocking.
Diamond and vinegar would not have mixed so prettily.
She did another thing, which the minister had not inculcated at her betrothal,--she condemned his failings, and gave him daily of her own vinegar to drink and of her sorrel to eat.
So he pulled out the cock from the vinegar barrel.
I cannot, the oil and the vinegar will run out, and I don't mean you, I mean Suessmann.
Kurz, and he stuck his left fore-finger into thevinegar barrel.
The wine and the sun will make vinegar without any shouting to help them, as your Florentine sages would say.
Piero, keep thatvinegar of thine as sauce to thine own eggs!
Rub gently, slowly and carefully, letting the vinegar and water do most of the work.