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Example sentences for "pickling"

Lexicographically close words:
picking; pickings; pickle; pickled; pickles; picklock; pickpocket; pickpockets; picks; pickt
  1. I expect he's got his enemies pickling in those tanks.

  2. In a high sal; in the pickling tub, or under a salivation.

  3. In pickle, or in the pickling tub; in a salivation.

  4. Hans still continued unmoved, and seemed to think that pickling was the best that could be done under the circumstances.

  5. She thought it a pity that so many things were canned, nowadays, and so well canned that the old arts of pickling and preserving were almost entirely lost.

  6. If the cook were incapacitated at the time when the pickling was due, another woman was sent for out of the village rather than risk what was considered a certainty.

  7. Salt to which anything has been added to prevent caking is not recommended for pickling and brining.

  8. A sugar hydrometer is very useful in all canning and pickling work.

  9. Among the best of the pickling varieties are the Chicago Pickling, Boston Pickling, and Snow's Perfection.

  10. Mixed whole spices, specially prepared for pickling purposes, sold in the stores, are, as a rule, satisfactory.

  11. Yes; as you wrote you wanted some English pickling and curing recipes, I brought my little book; but I advise you to remember the difference in climate.

  12. A method of pickling fish by immersing them in vinegar after being boiled.

  13. Among these the subject of pickling and barreling is thoroughly treated, renewing pork brine; care of barrels, etc.

  14. The hams are pressed in the pickling vat and entirely covered with cold brine, remaining in salt three to five weeks.

  15. In pickling the hams they are first vigorously rubbed with saltpeter and then with salt.

  16. Another method of pickling hams and shoulders, preparatory to smoking, includes the use of molasses.

  17. These are the very smallest tomatos, and are excellent for pickling and preserving.

  18. It will then be easy to thrust them out of free-stone peaches, and none others should be used, either for pickling or preserving.

  19. The arts of both preserving and pickling are of late years much simplified.

  20. Meat for pickling must be very fresh, and of excellent quality.

  21. Before preserving and pickling time, buy at a druggist's, two ounces of the clearest and whitest gum tragacanth.

  22. Three weeks will be sufficient for pickling beef.

  23. I am always pleased with that particular time of the year which is proper for the pickling of dill and cucumbers; but alas!

  24. This stall is green and white with bunches of turnips--that red with apples, the next yellow with onions, and another purple with pickling cabbages.

  25. Heinz White Pickling and Table Vinegar= a distilled vinegar of great strength.

  26. And the season ends with a pickling tournament.

  27. One might go down to this floor and see the pickling rooms, where the hams were put into vats, and the great smoke rooms, with their airtight iron doors.

  28. Martina's may be pickled in the same way, or in the old way of pickling cucumbers.

  29. For Pickling Mangoes with Oil and Vinegar.

  30. Formerly the cauliflower crop was all cut and sent to market, with the exception of a small portion saved for seed; but of late, extensive fields are purchased entire by Crosse and Blackwell for pickling purposes.

  31. In fact, the supply of home grown cauliflowers is always insufficient for pickling purposes, and large amounts have to be annually imported, notwithstanding the tariff, which, formerly ten per cent.

  32. This rule may be applied to all recipes for salting and pickling meat.

  33. Pickling onions; to each quart of vinegar, 2 teaspoonfuls of allspice, 2 teaspoonfuls of whole black pepper.

  34. This may be used for pickling any kind of meat, and may be kept for some time, if boiled up occasionally with an addition of the ingredients.

  35. Make this from the beginning to the middle of July, when walnuts are in perfection for pickling purposes.

  36. The best time for pickling meat is late in the autumn.

  37. Pint pickling salt to the gallon of cold water, teaspoon sugar, and pinch of whole cloves.

  38. I am sure I do," said Jack Bunce; "for our Captain here was marooned for his gallantry, and I narrowly escaped flogging and pickling for having taken his part.

  39. The following Receipt is sent me by a curious Person for pickling of Codlins, in imitation of Mango.

  40. As this Month produces great numbers of Mushrooms in the Fields, it is now chiefly that we ought to provide ourselves with them for making of Ketchup, and Mushroom Gravey: And it is also a proper Season for pickling them.

  41. For pickling of Oysters, the following is an excellent Receipt.

  42. This Month is the principal Season for pickling of Cucumbers, for that Fruit is now in the greatest Perfection, as well for pickling them in imitation of Mango's, or as Girkins.

  43. The following is an extraordinary Receipt for pickling of Cucumbers to imitate Mango's.

  44. The Flowers of the Nasturtium Indicum make an excellent Sallad in this Month, and the Seeds of the Plant, while they are green, may be pickled to our satisfaction: the Receipt for pickling them is as follows.

  45. The Manner of Pickling and Drying of Sheeps Tongues, or Hogs Tongues, which they call Stags Tongues; from a celebrated Practitioner of forty Years standing in London.

  46. The second method of pickling is that of heating vinegar and spice, and pouring them hot over the vegetables to be pickled, which are previously prepared by sprinkling with salt, or immersing in brine.

  47. Such vegetables as are ready may be put in; when cayenne, nasturtiums, or any other vegetables mentioned in the first method of pickling (par.

  48. Vinegar for pickling should be sharp, though not the sharpest kind, as it injures the pickles.

  49. The third method of pickling is when the vegetables are in a greater or less degree done over the fire.

  50. The strongest pickling vinegar of white wine should always be used for pickles; and for white pickles, use distilled vinegar.

  51. To restore the colour of gold or silver after soldering, dip the articles while hot into pickling acid (1 part of sulphuric acid to 10 parts of water); or put them in a little acid in a pan and boil them in it.

  52. The rims are usually tinned before being fixed by first pickling them in dilute hydrochloric acid, washing, and then dipping in a bath of molten tin.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pickling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.