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Example sentences for "scholium"

Lexicographically close words:
scholers; scholia; scholiast; scholiasts; scholis; schollars; scholler; schollers; schon; schone
  1. The hypothesis that the Eudemian Ethics, and by consequence the Magna Moralia, are later than Aristotle has arisen from a simple misconception, continued in a Scholium attributed to Aspasius, who lived in the 2nd century A.

  2. Footnote 302: Scholium Generale at the end of the Principia.

  3. The scholium by Villoisson much countenances this solution.

  4. The reason given in the Scholium is, that the surface being hardened by the wind, the moisture remains unexhaled from beneath, and has time to saturate the roots.

  5. Ira talanta}--Voluntatem Jovis cui cedendum--So it is interpreted is the Scholium MSS.

  6. This, Newton, in a scholium included in his "Principia," admitted to be a method hardly differing from his own except in the form of words and symbols.

  7. To the eighteenth proposition, "No one can hate God," there is a scholium which shows that the problem of pain which Spinoza has left unsolved must have occurred to him.

  8. So also reads the author of the scholium in Cramer's Cat.

  9. At foot the learned reader will be gratified by the sight of the original Greek of the scholium referred to(439), which Cordier so infelicitously exhibits in Latin.

  10. A scholium to one of the epigrams[24] of Alcaeus of Messene speaks of a discussion on it by Cephalas which took place in the School of the New Church at Constantinople.

  11. Another was, according to a scholium in the Palatine MS.

  12. The Greek of the Scholium in question being lost, we depend for our knowledge of its contents on the Latin translation of Marius Mercator, Cyril's contemporary.

  13. The original scholium (of which the extant Greek proves to be only a garbled fragment, [see Pusey's ed.

  14. Rightly understood, the Scholium in question renders no testimony at all;--as I proceed to explain.

  15. In fragment 102 we read: "It is related that he undertook a voyage far out into the ocean," and Maurenbrecher adds that a scholium to Horace [Epod.

  16. Mention may also be made of a puzzling scholium to Adam of Bremen's work [cf.

  17. May I be permitted to declare that I am distrustful of the proposed inference, and shall continue to feel so, until I know something more about the scholium in question?

  18. To examine & accurately discuss the scholium of the 8th definition of Mr. Newton's(245) Principia.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scholium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    annotation; comment; commentary; docket; entry; exegesis; gloss; item; jotting; marginalia; memo; memoir; memorandum; memorial; minutes; notation; note; register; registry; remark; reminder; scholium