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Example sentences for "marginalia"

Lexicographically close words:
margarine; marge; margent; margin; marginal; marginally; marginata; margine; margined; margins
  1. Suppose the men who deny the good faith of your marginalia are the small-souled creatures you would have us believe they are, they do not make this denial upon their personal responsibility merely; they produce facts.

  2. Some manuscript marginalia found in three different books, used by Columbus and preserved in the Biblioteca Colombina at Seville, are also remnants of the autographs of Columbus.

  3. Then I turned to the pages still left in my hand, and read these words of my father's: 'These marginalia are written for the eyes of my dear son, into whose hands this copy of my book will come.

  4. Coleridge's marginalia on borrowed works, according to Lamb, were an ornament of value to his friends, if they were lucky enough to get the books back again.

  5. We may be sure that Montaigne's marginalia are of a very different value.

  6. Poe's marginalia were of exquisite neatness, though in their printed form they were not very interesting.

  7. A clean margin is worth all the marginalia of Poe, though he, to do him justice, seems chiefly to have written on volumes that were his own property.

  8. Mr. Jowett in his marginalia suggested that she might have made more of the opposite alternative: "If there is no future state, then what of God, what of human nature?

  9. As her biographer, I content myself with recording that the plea for moderation, for conciliation, for suavity which Mr. Jowett urged in scores of marginalia and in dozens of letters seems to have prevailed.

  10. With these changes the statements in the text agree with Columbus's marginalia to the Imago Mundi, where he notes that the Cape of Good Hope is Agesinba and that Bartholomew Diaz found it to be 45 degrees south of the equator.

  11. It is noted several times in Columbus's marginalia to Marco Polo.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marginalia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affix; annotation; appendix; coda; codicil; commentary; docket; entry; infix; interpolation; item; jotting; marginalia; memo; memoir; memorandum; memorial; minutes; notation; note; postscript; prefix; register; registry; reminder; rider; scholium; suffix; tail