In literary chronology it is the earliest of them, inasmuch as its books are the oldest sacred literature of Aryan faith; but in point of development it is not an early but an advanced product.
There can be no chronology nor any exact knowledge of these early men who lived by hunting, with stone weapons, animals which are now extinct.
It may be said, without presumption, that such a general view as this leaves ample room for all reasonable theories as to the chronology and sequence, where these remain more or less unsettled, of Chaucer's indisputably genuine works.
The Civil and Literary Chronologyof Rome and Constantinople.
The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II.
Not so; he accepted at once the chronology of the Old Testament unhesitatingly, blindly, and worked out a chronology of the Fall much as did Archbishop Usher.
The chronology of Archbishop Usher was, of course, in error.
They now found no difficulty in getting access to the capital, where they rendered themselves particularly useful in adjusting the chronology of the nation, and making the necessary calculations for the yearly calendar.
Chronology may be naturally divided into three parts, the Ancient--the Middle--and the Modern.
On the whole the chronology of Beowulf is self-consistent, but there are one or two discrepancies which do not admit of solution.
Modern scientific archaeology is surely based onchronology as well as geography.
Chronology was then in its early maturity, and the Christian era was not yet a familiar method of reckoning.
His fullest and most detailed work on chronology is entitled "De Temporum Ratione," and to this is added a chronicle of the world.
The chronology of the varieties of interment is not, however, so completely ascertained.
These epochs form so many fixed points, answering as rules for directing our inquiries respecting this ancient chronology of the earth.
For the chronology before the time of the XXVIth Dynasty Herodotus's history is quite worthless.
Manetho alone of all authorities offers a complete chronology from the 1st Dynasty to the XXXth.
Tethmosis, to judge by the evidence of his mummy and the chronology of his reign, was already a grown man, yet no sign of the immense powers which he displayed later has come down to us from the joint reign.
We are indebted to Elder George Reynolds for the carefully prepared Chronology of the Book of Mormon.
Had we a correct chronology we might, perhaps, approximate very closely to the year, for according to Sec.
It is now known that the vast epochs demanded by scientific observation are incompatible both with the six thousand years of the Mosaic chronology and the six days of the Mosaic Creation.
The Bible gives no definite chronology for those early times.
The chronology given in the margins of the Bible is a mere invention, and has worked much mischief.
The usually accepted chronology would not allow sufficient time for the diversity in the Semitic family, to say nothing of the time required for the development of the three general classes.
Rollin felt the difficulties of the chronology which hampered him.
Berosus have been struck out as fabulous, and the Median dynasty regarded as spurious, and this without any show of reason, save that it does not agree with the chronology which the mutilators of history accept.
He had nochronology of their time, but subjected it to a cyclical calculation.
Litse, an eminent Chinese historian, relates that there were long periods of time when the Chinese kingdom flourished, the chronology of which is not preserved, although there is recorded some knowledge of the rulers.
Palæolithic implements are confined to the lower strata, which in some of the caves are separated from the upper by a continuous bed of stalagmite, to which reference will be made when discussing the chronology of the Glacial period.
Morlot in Switzerland to obtain the chronology of the Glacial period by studying the deltas of the streams descending the glaciated valleys.
The chronology of those early years has but very few fixed points.
Naturally the Epistle merits our preference, at least, as to its chronology and the material circumstances.
Ouranos espoused Ge, and their offspring was Kronos; which is but an ancient mode of saying that chronology is the measurement on earth of heavenly motion.
Such, in the chronology of our Continent, was the first decisive emigration of our parent people to the New World, for the sake of opinion.
In royal chronology he stands between two axes,--the one that cleft the ivory neck of his beautiful mother--the other that severed the irresolute but refined head of his son and heir.