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Example sentences for "annotation"

Lexicographically close words:
annorum; annos; annotated; annotates; annotating; annotations; annotator; announce; announced; announcement
  1. Motherwell, in a manuscript annotation to Kinloch's Ancient Scottish Ballads, mentions that he had obtained from recitation a copy in which the name was Sweet Willie of Salisbury.

  2. So runs an annotation of Alfieri on the margin of one of his lyrics.

  3. Annotation upon the one and twentieth Experiment.

  4. For you may call to mind, that in the Annotation upon the 39th.

  5. It was in collections of documents, and in critical dissertations, that the artifice of annotation was first employed; thence it penetrated, slowly, into historical works of other classes.

  6. It would be to their advantage to spare themselves this labour, and to dispense with all annotation which does not belong to the "apparatus criticus" proper.

  7. For completer annotation as well as for portraits and accessory illustrations the old edition must be consulted.

  8. The whole work is reproduced in my large edition, where such annotation as seems desirable may be found.

  9. Annotation on Mascou's History of the Germans; and Aleman ad c.

  10. The law of Theodosius against ennuchs was obsolete or abolished, Annotation xx.

  11. Annotation of Mascou's History), who has contrived to sprinkle the subject with ostentatious, though agreeable, learning.

  12. She fancied his hand shook a trifle as he made an annotation on the pad he carried.

  13. The humpback made another annotation on the pad, after which he put it in his pocket.

  14. The strong and weak beat (or positive and negative beat) govern the accent always, unless there is an annotation to the contrary, and such an annotation must be carried out with great judiciousness, seldom literally.

  15. The whole annotation says that the average speed of the piece should admit of seventy-two quarter notes being played in a minute.

  16. The shapelessness, the incoherence, the necessity for endless annotation and patching together, which mar so many even of the finest Elizabethan plays, have no place in Beaumont and Fletcher.

  17. Steevens' contributions to the text and annotation of Shakespeare's plays concern students of the dramatist; That Johnson had to say about the plays concerns Johnsonians as veil as Shakespeareans.

  18. If it were desired to direct attention to this, it could be done by means of a note or annotation to the entry, after this manner The first author is Prof.

  19. It is when they fail to do this, or do it indefinitely, or when the book has some especial feature not noticed in the title to which it is worth while directing attention, that the annotation is required and proves of value.

  20. For Humayun's annotation of the Babur-nama, see General Index s.

  21. For precise limits of the original annotation see p.

  22. One copy of the book contains a written annotation dated 1461.

  23. But two names are given on which further annotation is necessary, because the sitters did not understand them; in other words, they were such as, if confirmed, would furnish excellent and indeed exceptional evidence.

  24. The other is the name 'Mitchell,' which at present we have had no opportunity for verifying; hence annotation on that must be postponed.

  25. Some of these forms we here venture to describe, with such annotation as may show something of present knowledge.

  26. Fries by his annotation relieves somewhat the reader's uncertainty.

  27. The value of the reprint is thus enhanced by annotation embodying the results of the latest researches in this field of American history.

  28. Annotation by Professor Hodder An introduction, notes, and index have been supplied by Professor Frank Heywood Hodder, who has made a special study of American historical geography.

  29. Hodder, of the University of Kansas, has supplied complete annotation explaining matters of topography, natural science, and historical and personal allusions.

  30. For an enlargement of this theme, see the annotation to paragraph 65.

  31. It must be the purpose of the annotation to point out the social implications.

  32. An admirable conspectus of the art of annotation is available in E.

  33. Savage’s Manual of Annotation in Library Catalogues, and the student is referred to that work.

  34. First Steps in Annotation in Catalogues, 1918.

  35. It is intended (like an asterisk in a modern book) to refer the reader to the self-same annotation which is spoken of in the text as occurring in Cod.

  36. A mass of laborious annotation which comes surging in at the close of verse 8, and fills two of Tischendorf’s pages, has the effect of entirely divorcing the twelve verses in question from the inspired text of the Evangelist.

  37. Cramer: noting that he has one and the same annotation before him; but diversely exhibited.

  38. As favourable and as interesting a specimen of this work as could be found, is supplied by his annotation on S.

  39. The author of the foregoing marginal Annotation was of course aware that the same "singular codex" (as Bp.

  40. Church of England on the solvere-ambulando principle,--may I presume be lawfully inferred from the following annotation in your "Critical and Grammatical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles.

  41. Would not a marginal annotation concerning the original word, as at S.

  42. The precious saying omitted is above suspicion, and the first half of the present Annotation might have been spared.

  43. Nay, sometimes entire Epistles are dismissed with a single weak annotation (e.

  44. Revisionists as "the son of John:" with an officious marginal annotation that in Greek the name is written "Ioanes.

  45. The annotation of books was not a common practice then, nor has it been since.

  46. The annotation of these books possessed the same qualification.

  47. I took out my annotation book and with lead pencil placed it on Mrs. G.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "annotation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    annotation; comment; commentary; docket; entry; exegesis; gloss; item; jotting; marginalia; memo; memoir; memorandum; memorial; minutes; notation; note; register; registry; remark; reminder; scholium