What a change had been wrought in his mind by his initiation into Journalism!
Then he went to Very's and ordered dinner by way of an initiationinto the pleasures of Paris, and a solace for his discouragement.
Major Webber's description of his initiation into prison usages is very graphic, and as many of my readers know him, it will be highly amusing to them, although any thing but amusing to the Major.
And with the initiation fee and monthly dues, why should it not pay as it grew?
He made a confidant of this fellow and asked him about the initiation tricks of bankclerks.
Initiation was considered as freeing the soul from the darkness of error; as preventing misfortunes; and as securing happiness on earth.
The Pagans believed that initiationmade them holy; so the Romish church holds that baptism remits the original and all other sins, and makes holy.
Those initiated to the mysteries of Orpheus believed that they were no longer under the rule of the evil principle; that initiation made them holy, and secured to them future happiness.
Pleased with the welcome extended to her by the inhabitants, she presented them with two signaled blessings, agriculture, and initiation to a sacred doctrine.
The initiation to the great mysteries had been appointed for the night following.
The rituals of initiation were loudly read, and hymns in the honor of Ceres were sung.
Whatever it may be of the supposition I have related, the initiation is now but a vain ceremony.
The priests of Samothrace credited theirinitiation by promising favorable winds, a speedy and safe navigation to travelers who were candidates to their mysteries.
This interdiction was considered as a great deprivation, for it was generally believed among the people that initiation was the greatest blessing.
Socrates portrayed the unjust man in saying, that initiation to mysteries caused them to despise the Tartarus with all its torments.
After the ceremonies of the initiation the candidate thus answered to the priest: "I have rejected the evil and found the good.
Now Gus had applied for membership in the Gee Eyes and had said that he would stand for any initiation they offered.
The club was organized largely for fun, and this fun consisted mainly in the initiation of new members.
For the initiation of Gus Plum one of the club members had composed a new chant, which was sung slowly and impressively as the former bully of Oak Hall was led in by Buster Beggs and Sam Day.
Only whereas then, during that initial moment, they took the form of a single act, an initiation of a new condition, now they assume the shape of a continuous state.
Likewise the constitution of Oregon provides for the initiation and adoption of ordinary laws by the people.
In the initiation ceremonies of the Australians, the youths must approach very close to the fire or, at times, leap over it.
Moreover, theinitiation of youths into manhood is also celebrated during these great festivals.
Among the Zuni and Navajos, the most important ceremony thus incorporated into these festivals is the initiation of youths into manhood and their subsequent reception into the community of men.
Here again, as in the Australian initiation ceremonies, lustration by fire signifies a magic act having reference to the future.
Though the festival of initiation into manhood was once associated with magical acts of cult, as the above ceremony seems to show, the meaning of this magic has for the most part been lost to the memory of the natives.
This consists in the celebration of the adolescence of youths in the so-called initiation ceremonies.
In Australia, the stronghold of original tribal totemism, a youth is frequently given a personal totem, in addition to the tribal totem, upon the occasion of his initiation into manhood.
The guardians of certain temples of initiation who keep watch over mysteries of this order have therefore no cause for alarm.
His aid was invoked when pestilence (feu sacré) wasted France, and the initiationof the Order of St. Anthony spread his fame.
Their initiationwas due to the influence of Ridley, Bishop of London, who took counsel with the Lord Mayor as to the condition of the poor, and reported it to the young king.
The rigors and rituals of initiation ceremonies at adolescence impressed the duties of sociality at that impressionable period.
South Australian boys during initiation are forbidden to eat with the women, lest they "grow ugly or become grey.
Though neither roads nor rails have to be laid and aircraft possess the great advantages of mobility and point to point transit, the initiation and maintenance of an air service is a very complex and costly matter.
There are, however, certain considerations which will have to be weighed before the immense amount of work necessary to its initiation as a commercial air route is begun.
In the case of some instincts, originating by the natural selection of unintelligent activities, the perceptual element may never have emerged, and the initiation may have been a mere sense-stimulus.
For instance, the man of the present day who wishes to find his way into supersensible worlds, cannot start from the same point as the Egyptian candidate for initiation of old.
The methods of initiation lead man away from the state of ordinary day-consciousness into such a soul activity as enables him to use his spiritual organs of perception.
This is why it is impossible for modern humanity to apply, without modification, the exercises given to the candidate for initiation in ancient Egypt.
From these sanctuaries of Initiation the Mysteries flowed forth to those who cultivated Spiritual Mysteries in Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy.
The separate stages of higher knowledge, according to the methods of initiation that have been here described, may be enumerated as follows: 1.
There were everywhere Mysteries, but in them that Mystery of Initiation was most cultivated, which leads to the unveiling of that part of the spirit-world which Ahriman keeps hidden.
There are instances of such self-initiation; but they should not give rise to the idea that the only right course is to wait for the coming of such self-initiation, and to do nothing toward bringing about initiation through regular training.
For there are but few cases in which personal initiation does not have to travel along tortuous and devious ways, and training spares them the traversing of such by-paths, leading them forward in a straight line.
The influences of Initiation had entered so deeply into his soul that in certain states of consciousness the being who had undertaken in the regular course of the earth evolution to shape human consciousness from the Moon, was revealed to him.
Important centres of Initiation were formed in the Greek world in the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries.
Now Zarathustra, through the guardian of the Sun oracle, had received an Initiation that enabled him to receive the revelations of the great Sun-spirits.
In cases where such self-initiation comes to a soul, the reason is that the required degree of ripeness had already been attained in the course of previous incarnations.
Through them a transition was effected from the old method of Initiation to the new.
Her half-sister, who had not yet passed through the initiation at maturity, sprawled upon her belly in the dwindling rays of the sun, scratching her woolly head.
Birnier hinted at the expected initiation into the “mysteries” of the craft, particularly of the Festival of the Banana and the other ceremonies connected with his rôle as King-God.
Ruth did not remain at the window for more than a moment after seeing the girls engaged in the initiation disperse, and hearing their screams.
Each girl was presented with at least half a big sour pickle from Heavy's store; but really, the pickles had nothing to do with the initiation of the neophytes.
The origin of the mystery of the Rosy Gross may have been in the savage rite of initiation by baptism with arms outstretched in a cruciform pool of blood.
The fourth chapter of Exodus gives the initiation of Moses into the magician's art by Jahveh, the great adept, who changes the rod of Moses into a serpent and back again into a rod; suddenly makes his hand leprous, and as suddenly restores it.
In the preparation of the Chinese people for the initiation of an active program of nationalism, the first elements of the nationalist ideology had to be inculcated.
Conscious of the peril of the foreign economic oppression, the Chinese had to exert economic nationalism to clear the way for the positive initiation of a program of min sheng.
The truth would appear to be that Sun regarded the initiationand the guidance of the Nationalist revolution as his particular mission in life.
During this ceremony, and apparently as an initiation of novices, little boys were thrown by the ash-devils back and forth a number of times through the blaze of a large fire.
Some of the ceremonial performances possessed certain esoteric features, such as initiation rites and special restrictions on the part of the uninitiated.
Another feature of the initiation in the Gū´ksū ceremony is described by a Central Pomo informant, who says that young men were initiated by being ceremonially shot with the bow and arrow.
A fairly high pole similar to the one employed in the initiation rite of the Gū´ksū ceremony was erected in the area directly in front of the dance-house.
Afterward our heroes learned that the initiation had been made unusually severe, especially the pummeling to which they were subjected by Frank, Bart and Bill.