The introit (so called from being the psalm sung when the priest goes within the altar-rails) has been in modern usage replaced by a metrical hymn.
Any attempt to make the use of the introit obligatory in our times would meet with deserved failure; the metrical hymn has gained too firm a hold upon the affections of the Church at large ever to be willingly surrendered.
A sufficient reason for not printing the introit for each day in full, just before the collect, as was the mode in Edward's Book, is that to do so would involve a costly sacrifice of room.
Stephen, flourishing the ashplant in his left hand, chants with joy the introit for paschal time.
Then, turning her eyes in another direction, she placed her finger on the capital S at the beginning of the introit aforesaid, of which facts reports were drawn up.
Introit for Second Mass on Easter Day, in 1549 Prayer Book] Christ's victory in His Resurrection over all His enemies; the blessedness of His Church.
Introit for Easter Day, Prayer Book of 1549] Christ's devotion to the Father; His preservation through death and the grave; His Resurrection and eternal joy at the right hand of the Father.
To our modern ears the Introitis new; but it is in reality an old thing, in this and some other instances revived.
Formerly the Introit was appointed for every celebration of the Holy Communion as well as Collect, Epistle and Gospel.