It may be urged, and with great plausibility, that there may be Intromission without fraud; which, however true, will by no means justify an occasional and arbitrary relaxation of the law.
Although the pair was under observation at the time intromission occurred, the actual eversion of the hemipenis was not seen because the snakes were partly concealed by dense vegetation.
Courtship is consummated when the female raises her tail in acceptance of the male and intromission is effected.
His penis is indeed furnished with thorns, with homy papilla toward the tip, and the intromission as well as the separation is only accomplished with groans.
Pedicatio (or pædicatio) is the most generally accepted technical term for the sodomitical intromission of the penis into the anus.
Sadger thinks that it is even the rule for a passive invert to have experienced anal eroticism in childhood and been frequently subjected to enemas, which have led to the desire for the anal intromission of the penis.
The said John, by letter, gave a discharge to the said Earl of all further intromission or care with his affairs.
Now came the intromissionof Yuan Shih Kai, who had been Imperial Resident in Corea.
In some, though not all, of these cases there has been conception without intromission of the penis.
In women also, as in men, the motor discharge is directed to a specific end--the intromission of the semen in the one sex, its reception in the other.